Black Wolf’s better explosives

7 days to die black wolfs better explosives

It feels like explosives are lacking a bit especially when you start to add enemies with healthbars ranging from 5000 to 10000 HP, this mod improves all explosives for harder playthroughs, it also significantly improves explosives designed to destroy blocks, please read the stats carefully if you want to avoid unnecessary and unexpected deaths! This mod was NOT balanced with PvP in mind, it is only designed for PvE. Should be balanced enough for vanilla too.

Looking for an improvement to molotovs and fire bolts/arrows? Check out my better fire mod.

Detailed changes:
Note: the stats mentioned are the only stats that have been modified

Frag rockets:
Explosion damage to entities: 1500
Direct impact damage to entities: 3000
Block damage: 1
Block damage radius: 1
Explosion radius: 10
Velocity: 60
Gravity effect: -1
Flight time before gravity has effect: 1s
Black Wolf’s note: massively increased direct hit damage for when you are focusing priority targets, explosion damage doubled for taking care of large groups of radiated enemies. Projectile speed has been doubled and gravity effect is now minimal to greatly improve the versatility of this ammunition.

High explosive rockets:
Explosion damage to entities: 500
Direct impact damage: 1000
Block damage: 2500 x2
Explosion radius: 10
Velocity: 60
Gravity effect: -1
Flight time before gravity has effect: 1s
Black Wolf’s note: best of both worlds of dynamite + timed charges with a mix of generously big radius and high block damage but trading a bit of entity damage. Projectile speed has been doubled and gravity effect is now minimal to greatly improve the versatility of this ammunition.

Pipe Bombs:
Explosion damage to entities: 300
Block damage: 1
Block damage radius: 1
Black Wolf’s note: damage has been slightly increased since the other frag grenades also got this buff.

Explosion damage to entities: 700
Block damage: 3000 x2
Explosion radius: 7
Fuse time: 6s
Black Wolf’s note: dynamite is now designed to deal massive block damage and medium entity damage in a much smaller area compared to timed charges, designed to dig out more healthy blocks more quickly. Fuse time and throwing force have been increased to allow the player more flexibility when using this explosive type.

Timed charge:
Explosion damage to entities: 700
Block damage: 1500 x2
Explosion radius: 20
Fuse time: 6s
Enabled: further throw
Black Wolf’s note: timed charges are now designed to deal good block damage and medium entity damage in a MASSIVE AREA around the explosion, the fuse time has been increased to give enough time to the player to get away from the explosion safely. You can now throw the timed charge further by holding your throw key.

Explosion damage to entities: 400
Block damage: 1
Block damage radius: 1
Explosion radius: 5
Fuse time: 2s
Black Wolf’s note: fuse time has been reduced to a much quicker 2 seconds for improved flexibility of this explosive, damage has been increased.

Contact grenade:
Explosion damage to entities: 500
Block damage: 1
Block damage radius: 1
Explosion radius: 5
Black Wolf’s note: damage has been significantly increased as this is the main explosive used ingame and rockets are incredibly expensive to craft.

Explosive arrows:
Explosion damage to entities: 250
Block damage: 1
Block damage radius: 1
Explosion radius: 5
Gravity effect: -3
Black Wolf’s note: gravity effect has been significantly reduced to give the player more forgiveness when aiming on a distance, damage has been increased.

Explosive bolts:
Explosion damage to entities: 250
Block damage: 1
Block damage radius: 1
Explosion radius: 5
Gravity effect: -3
Black Wolf’s note: gravity effect has been significantly reduced to give the player more forgiveness when aiming on a distance, damage has been increased.

Server side only
safe to install on existing save


Version 1.3
Massively increased kinetic damage of rockets when directly hitting an enemy.

Version 1.2
Timed charges can now be thrown further by giving more strength to your throw like any other explosive.

Version 1.1
Increased pipebomb’s damage. Increased explosion radius and damage of explosive arrows/bolts.

Previous Updates

Version 1.0
Released mod.


If you appreciate Black Wolf’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.

Credits: Black Wolf

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