Fluffy Panda’s Mega Mall

7 days to die fluffy pandas mega mall

Welcome to Fluffy’s Mega Mall, Spanning over 500 meters, my Mega Mall features over 42 unique quests and a sprawling, immersive layout. Each shop has a creative pun-inspired name and offers a mix of challenges ranging from Tier 1 to Tier 5.
What’s Inside?

  • Diverse POIs – From small shops and commercial strips to massive department stores, with the commercial strips designed in a style similar to the vanilla game (adjoined stores).
  • Varied Quests – Take on Clear, Fetch, Infested, and Restore Power missions.
  • Immersive Design – All POIs follow traditional 7 Days to Die standards, with guided paths, lit routes, shanty walls, and switches—so you’ll never need to break down walls or doors!
  • Familiar Favorites – Includes select POIs from my previous pack, like Red Rocket Servo and Panda Petting Zoo, and plenty of hidden Easter eggs and Tier 0 encounters scattered throughout.
  • 200+ New Additions – Primarily custom artwork for each store, along with new scattered food and drink items. Use a salvage tool 🪓 (stone axe) on bottles and food to uncover surprises!
  • Map Options – Available in 6K and 10K versions.
  • If you’re not using the trader to start quests, most POI strips are named after their entry points to make locating the entrance easier e.g Hot Pockets.

This has been a passion project of mine for the past three months, and if you enjoy it, consider supporting me with a coffee—links below!

Map Choices:

6k Mega Mall, 10k Mega Mall (as seen in images)
other maps:
Mega Mall 10k Mega Metropolis 2 Map
Mega Mall 10k with PEP POI Pack (Requires PEP Pack 1.05 or later)

How to Find the Mega Mall
1. Complete the starter quest to be guided directly to Trader Rekt.
2. After completing your Opening Buried Supplies quest, the Mega Mall quests will become available.
3. The mall is conveniently located just 50–100 meters from Trader Rekt.

Installation Instructions
The download includes both the mod and the world file.
To install:

  1. Extract the mod into your Mods folder:
    Example: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\Fluffy’s Mega Mall 6K
  2. Start a new game and select the Fluffy’s Mega Mall 6K map.
    The zip also contains the group files, below is a tutorial video on how to place the mall with Teragon, you can generate the mall in your map using teragon

Changelog V2.3 Updates

  • Added the new Mobility Scooter vehicle made for shopping! (available at the Hot Wheels Shop)
  • Introduced a new Easter Egg to discover!
  • Expanded decorations, including bicycle racks and animated décor
  • Added new Points of Interest (POIs): 5G Cell Tower and Speedy Flowers
  • Introduced carpark bandits/settlements and various extras
  • Hidden safes can now be found in my custom pictures
  • Changed from using a wrench to 🪓 (stone axe) for scavenging scattered food and drink items like Bambooze Bottles and Moonshine Bottles
  • Fixed all known bugs and issues
  • Added a Vanilla-Only Download Option (does not contain custom pictures, vehicles, etc.)

Changelog V2.2 Updates
Added my new “A1A Car Wash POI”, featuring custom Unity and Blender assets

To avoid any issues, just keep one version of Mega Mall in your mod folder at a time—either 6K or 10K. 😊

Connect & Support By FluffyPanda4144

Discord: Old Farks 7D2D | Teragon | Grimmstone Media
Support My Work: If you enjoy my content, consider buying me a coffee! ☕
PayPal: PayPal.Me/Fl00fyPanda
Buy Me a Coffee: buymeacoffee.com

7 days to die fluffy pandas mega mall additional screenshot 1

7 days to die fluffy pandas mega mall additional screenshot 2

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Credits: Fluffy Panda

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November 24, 2024 1:29 am

Hi, when hosting an online game, friends can’t activate the switches located in the mall. Switches work in vanilla POIs. Is there any way to enable this or fix it? One fix suggests adding them in as “admins” (outside of game) so they can access dm tools and force the switch to activiate. I want to ensure it’s not a mod conflict. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
November 24, 2024 2:29 pm
Reply to  Joelony

Could you first confirm that all client players have the mod properly installed on their end? That’s typically the main reason triggers don’t work. I know of a few players who play online without any trigger issues. If you could check that first 🙂

November 4, 2024 1:44 pm

Is It possible to use just the POI? I would really like to have this in my Darkness Falls playtrough.

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
November 4, 2024 5:58 pm
Reply to  pApA^LeGBa

Using teragon this whole mall can be placed using group poi, I believe taco further down has already made a vanilla map..

November 5, 2024 3:11 pm
Reply to  Fluffy Panda

Well looks like i have to learn how to use teragon then. Thanks.

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
November 5, 2024 4:02 pm
Reply to  pApA^LeGBa

If you click jump on Teragons Discord, click on the prefabs tab and download the Mall from there, it includes a Preset with screenshot instruction to make it easy

November 2, 2024 10:13 pm

What’s new in this version? Installed this mod 3 days ago and can‘t see what changed in this new download. You may want to introduce a version code and specify what changed, if a new save is required or simply replace existing kod and continue.

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
November 3, 2024 2:12 am
Reply to  Alluses

Ok, only fixed a missing infested crate and added the 10k map , thank I’ll add that to changelogs

October 31, 2024 3:28 am

This is easily the most enjoyable map I’ve played. Fun, unique POI- exploring it with my husband was so fun! Excited to play the update. 🙂

October 30, 2024 4:02 pm

Tried the mod locally on PC and it worked fine. Now trying to setup on the server but didn’t work the same way. I’ve copied the mod and adapted serverconfig.xml to use the map but startup failed on some allocation errors (no shortage). Are there additional steps to perform on the server?

October 30, 2024 5:38 pm
Reply to  AllUses

Ok, issue was related to some bad character in comment field of serverconfig.xml….strange but do not use Ä.Ö or Ü in serverconfig.xml

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
October 31, 2024 5:30 am
Reply to  AllUses

Glad you got it sorted 🙂 I only have limited experience with configuring servers

Chris Bricky
Chris Bricky
October 30, 2024 3:13 am

Great mod, just started checking it out today. My advice would have been to have a rural/suburban setup on the opposite side of Rekt’s. So missions could be half Mall, half normal. Finding the loot in the mall missions very limited to type. Which isn’t bad, but the missions keep repeating. How many times can you do Hot Wheels, etc.

Thanks for the hard work, I love it, but that is my only quibble.


Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
October 30, 2024 3:58 am
Reply to  Chris Bricky

I appreciate the feedback 🙂
For the end loot I put random loot boxes and did it similarly to what TFP have done their loot stashes for vanilla depending on which tier it is , I’ll have another look later I can always tweak it .
I did the intro quest just now and he offers me Cash Cow Credit Union, Ottoman Empire, Los Pollos, Lord of the Rinse and a buried supplies quest. Maybe you have the similar but where you get only buried treasure quests. I planned each tier out and created at least 13 T1 quests throughout the mall

Chris Bricky
Chris Bricky
October 30, 2024 6:09 pm
Reply to  Fluffy Panda

Thanks for the response. After two full 2 hour days, doing missions even thru the night I get only either missions to those at the mall which are all within 250 meters or so or a buried mission about 500 meters usually near or in the desert or a single mission offered at 1.25 km on the far side of the mall. So for variety I took a few of the longer missions just to do a normal house or two.

I have played since the early alphas so feel very comfortable just wandering around in the mall and looting 3 and 4 skull poi’s once my daily mission is done.

I also normally only play on the 10k x 10k maps but thought I would love to see an homage of the mega mall like the original ‘Dawn of the Dead’ so I of course set the zombies to Romero style to make it more like the movie.

Thanks again for all the hard work. I am only on day 3 and now I am just exploring the mall for fun. ‘Blood Bath and Beyond’ made my wife bust up laughing. I bought her the high end xbox for Christmas last year and of course as soon as it came out I got her 7 Days, I just hope the pimps somehow make amazing mods like yours available for her to play or at lease let me host a crossover game on my pc rig with server side mods she can join and experience.


Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
October 31, 2024 5:34 am
Reply to  Chris Bricky

Glad you liked that one 🙂 I hope you like all the pun names and keep an eye out for hidden stashes , don’t forget there are 2 traders next to the mall so you can use either one

Chris Bricky
Chris Bricky
November 3, 2024 4:31 am
Reply to  Fluffy Panda

Finally went and did the Blood, Bath and Beyond store just for giggles. Was going into final room and as always I am an odd duck so pickaxed thru the wall left of the barricaded door, found another metal wall just inside. Pickaxed that metal wall and got flooded by a pool draining out. Nicely done and a great surprise too. 🙂

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
November 3, 2024 5:29 am
Reply to  Chris Bricky

Lol You found the loot room but you were meant to follow the path and go through the airvent:)

Chris Bricky
Chris Bricky
November 4, 2024 7:16 am
Reply to  Fluffy Panda

First rule of all combat, never go from point A to point B the way your opponent wants you to. A good pickaxe is the best lockpick in the game. Walls are usually not as tough as metal doors and barricades. If the poi wants me to enter from the bottom, I enter at the top. If it wants me to enter at the top, I enter at the bottom. Why use a door when the wall works better. 🙂

October 29, 2024 1:12 am

Would it be possible to make this for an 8k world?

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
October 29, 2024 9:53 am

I generally don’t do 8k maps, but I could do a 10k for you if you like?

October 30, 2024 4:17 am
Reply to  Fluffy Panda

oh that would be sick i usually do 8 or 10k 😀

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
November 2, 2024 9:23 am

10k is now uploaded and page should be updated shortly 🙂

October 24, 2024 11:37 pm

Can we add this to POI world generation?

October 25, 2024 2:43 am
Reply to  McTaco

I was able to craft it into a POI Group, now Teragon can place your entire Mega mall into my RWG maps as a POI group. Lovely build, mad props

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
October 25, 2024 4:14 am
Reply to  McTaco

thank you I’ve just learnt a bit of a unity and blender another update coming soon 😉

September 29, 2024 5:36 pm

Love your work Fluffy, this is my first time using a custom map. My friend and I just started and we got in the mall. We noticed that none of the valves, switches, key racks, etc work. Are they just for show, or is there something wrong? For example, we went through the bank/vent and the room we dropped it with all the hazmat zombies had a key rack to open the next door, but it didn’t work for us.

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
September 30, 2024 4:59 am
Reply to  Iball

First, if you’re playing on a server, make sure the files are correctly placed in both the server and client folders (as I’ve heard that triggers might not work if they’re only installed server-side). I haven’t had any reports of this issue until now. All my switches, key racks, etc., are functional.
There are about four banks in this mall, and I tested the one I believe you’re referring to, and it’s working for me. If you’d like, feel free to message me on Discord with a screenshot 🙂

Michael Scarn
Michael Scarn
September 29, 2024 4:33 am

Thanks for the new links and all your mods 🙂

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
September 29, 2024 4:57 am
Reply to  Michael Scarn

Your welcome 🙂 Thank you so much for your support 🐼

Michael Scarn
Michael Scarn
September 30, 2024 5:44 am
Reply to  Fluffy Panda

You’re welcome. 🙂

September 28, 2024 2:50 pm

If I might make a suggestion. You should add a note to the description that the quests inside the mall themselves are obtained from Rekt after you do the buried treasure quest. You did say complete the main quest but I just thought you meant travel to the trader then you could go right to the mall and you might have reworked the quest system so the quests were obtained inside the mall. Not a big deal but I spent a bit of time looking around for the quests then it dawned on me to zip back outside and check with Rekt. Makes sense now but I just assumed otherwise.

In regards to that, one really big suggestion would be to make this like the aircraft carrier or dishong challenge map and make the ground poison and put the trader inside the mall so that you are truly trapped in the mall. Then you could build in the escape quest similar to dishong. How that works I have no idea, just thought about mentioning.

So far I am liking it.

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
September 29, 2024 4:56 am
Reply to  Biophazer242

I’ve added a note, and it should be updated soon. My POIs function just like the vanilla ones. I wouldn’t consider myself a modder, I usually focus on creating maps and POIs and enjoy getting creative

September 27, 2024 4:33 am

Seems to be working just fine for me thus far. Really looking forward to digging into this mod.

Mr S
Mr S
September 24, 2024 3:34 pm

Not working…. cant find the mall anywhere….. Very misleading and poor instruktions. Plus the link gets u to a lot of different maps, not to thisone specifically.

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
September 25, 2024 7:37 am
Reply to  Mr S

Hi Mr S,

The mall is definitely in the map, so if you’re not finding it, it’s possible you missed it. I’ve included instructions in the description, but just to clarify, the Mega Mall is located about 50m from both Trader Rekts, and if you had done the opening starter challenge/quest you would be taken directly there. It’s over 500m in size and is very hard to miss.
Regarding the download link, if you scroll one page down you will see ‘Fluffy Panda’s Mega Mall 6k.zip’
I’d appreciate it if we could keep the tone respectful. I’m happy to help clarify anything that’s unclear or assist with any issues you’re having.
Please make sure to follow the instructions carefully next time.

Michael Scarn
Michael Scarn
September 25, 2024 11:38 am
Reply to  Fluffy Panda

I understand that you don’t want to change the link of many mods every update. But you don’t need it anyway.

For example, if you update the “Fluffy Panda’s Mega Mall 6k.zip” file without changing its name, you don’t need to change the link. In other words, you add the link once and then when you update it, the same link will always download the latest file. The whole point is not to change the name of the .zip file. Google Drive has this feature. Just like Black Wolf’s mods.

This would be really useful for us players. Because it’s really annoying to search for what you want to download among a bunch of different files. We hope you take this feedback seriously and make the change.

And of course thanks for your mods.

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
September 25, 2024 12:52 pm
Reply to  Michael Scarn

That’s right that’s why I originally changed it to the folder, if it makes things easier I’ll gladly change it to direct download 🙂

Michael Scarn
Michael Scarn
September 25, 2024 5:01 pm
Reply to  Fluffy Panda

Yes, this change would definitely make things easier. Thanks in advance. 🙂

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
September 26, 2024 12:30 pm
Reply to  Michael Scarn

Hi Michael, every time I upload a new file to google drive it gives it a different number for the file name, this is why I switched to folders in the first place. Would you be able to point me in the right direction on how to do this, or send me a discord pm? thanks 🙂

Michael Scarn
Michael Scarn
September 26, 2024 1:15 pm
Reply to  Fluffy Panda

Hi Fluffy Panda,

No, google drive should not add new numbers. You’re probably doing something wrong. Just go to your google drive homepage and upload the file you’re updating as if you were adding a new file. When you upload the file, you will select replace existing file. That’s it. Then the same download link will continuously download the new version. 🙂

Mr S
Mr S
September 25, 2024 2:20 pm
Reply to  Fluffy Panda

Hej Panda
Im not trying to be disrespectful, and sorry if I was.
But I still cant find the mall and i am utterly and even more confused how to place the mod and even find it in those files. In the description u wrote to place it in the Mods folder. Map is not coming up if i do it. I had to search on the web “how to play 7 dtd custom map” turns out u have to put it in the WORLD map not the mods then i found the fluffy mega mall, But when i fly aorund i cant see any mall. Not even on the 10 k. Then i put the file in bothc the mods and world map and still nothing. At this point i dont even know where or wht the f do i do with the info u gave. So as a new player i dont have a clue what u are saying… ALL i know is that i tried and cant find it, and that google drive is hella confusing. So still for me, this doesnt seem working, and instructions are useless.

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
September 26, 2024 2:05 am
Reply to  Mr S

No Problem I’m always happy to help. After extracting the zip file, you’ll find a folder called “Fluffy’s Mega Mall 6k.” Open it and ensure you see the folder containing the modinfo.xml file (sometimes an extra empty folder gets created when extracting).
Locate the folder with modinfo.xml, along with the config, prefab, and worlds folders. Transfer this entire folder into your MODS directory.
For reference, here’s an example: https://imgur.com/G3aIg2B
After transferring, it should look like this: https://imgur.com/ryMD3xd
feel free to add me on discord if this doesn’t solve it for you, I can screen share visually , sometimes it’s a bit easier
Once you have the mod folder in , all you have to do is start a new game and it will come up with Fluffy’s Mega Mall 6k in 7dtd

September 14, 2024 7:52 pm

Does not seem to be working for me. Mall does not spawn in, I can’t locate it anywhere.

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
September 15, 2024 9:58 am
Reply to  ryan

In the preview file, you can see where it is located. When you unzip the file, make sure there are no extra empty folders before it. Place the folder named ‘Fluffy’s Mega Mall 6k,’ which contains the modinfo.xml file, into your mod folder. It also has 2 trader Rekts on either side, so if you complete your opening route mission, you will find it easily.

September 11, 2024 7:54 am

Who’s looking forward to the Glock9 trapped inside video of this mod?

GrimmStone Media
GrimmStone Media
September 11, 2024 4:51 pm
Reply to  Daniel

I’ve already msgd him lmao

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
September 11, 2024 5:09 pm
Reply to  Daniel

maybe 😉

Cai Olson
Cai Olson
September 16, 2024 11:08 am
Reply to  Daniel

SAME HERE, can’t wait to see Glock9 play this mega mall mod

September 10, 2024 6:26 pm

Wow looks and sounds like so much fun! Can’t wait to try it…

September 10, 2024 9:08 am

Were you inspired by Dawn of the Dead?

Fluffy Panda
Fluffy Panda
September 11, 2024 7:41 am
Reply to  bsjb

I’ve watched a few zombie movies, I wanted to make something different. I have some movie references in there such as the food house for one of supermarkets