This pack is only for 7 Days to Die 1.1+
V4.0 Update
- added 11 new guns 1 melee
- bugs fixed
- improved animation for Pipe SMG, MP5k
- new sounds MP5k, KOLT9 smg, PSG1
- some balance changes
- Extract file (with winrar or window’s compression software) then go inside the folder (you will also see the installation.txt there)
- Put all folders in to the “Mods” folder
- Turn off EAC (Easy anti Cheat) before you start the game
- All gun have customized hands animation (First person view only)
- All handgun type have the “holdstyle” mod 1-2 (maybe more in the future) to put in the cosmetic slot (dye slot)
- Supported dye mods
- Guns and Ammo are Craftable, Lootable, can be found in traders
- No red Errors
Search keywords: IZY, Gun, Ammo
Leave balance suggestions / bugs / problems in the comment sections
Special Thanks: Donors
- RaveGameon for the De lisle .45 ACP Carbine (8.4$)
- Nemesis for the .44 automag Pistol Model (8.4$)
Special Thanks: Technical Support
Alter – sound_override script
closer_ex – customparticle_loader script
Chonky (helping with progression.xml)
Black_Wolf – Mod tester
Swope25 – 3D modeling
and many community members
Sketchfab free-assets: models credit in the mod folder
Please don’t spam in her PM about release date. Report bugs, suggestion is ok.
DOWNLOAD v.4.0 from Google Drive (1,3 GB)
DOWNLOAD v.4.0 from Mega (1,3 GB)
The forum topic of the mod is here.
Credits: Izayo
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
Begging from making a compat patch with Escape From Tarkov Overhaul Weapon Pack. The author from that mod is a little… It’s a little testy to deal with. I’d really want to test that mod but I’m using IZY weapon pack from years and I don’t want to stop now.
it’s an overhaul mod . if it’s not work I can’t help with it. not all overhaul working with my mod because they have their own progression , crafting system that’s different from vanilla game.
also EFT mod have a lot of guns why would you need more?.
I’m getting a red error when loading the game, when the Zombies server doesn’t move.
is it possible to make a compatibility patch between this mod and the escape from tarkov overhaul? the ammo crafting overhaul is conflicting between this mods
it’s an overhaul mod . if it’s not work I can’t help with it. not all overhaul working with my mod because they have their own progression , crafting system that’s different from vanilla game.
example : Darknessfall would need some progression , crafting recipe changes to make my mod playable in this overhual.
On break untill next month. 4.1 will be mostly improving old stuffs. and bugs fix.
The T3 USP is unlocked at 71 Handgun crafting level, the T4 Eagle is also unlocked at 71, all the other T3 pistols/SMGs are unlocked at 46, isn’t this a mistake?
yes tier 4 use the same unlock points as T3 , its just require more resource to craft.
I installed the mod (yes i still have harmony) and nothing in game loads. I’ve had this problem with other mods as well and for some reason i cant get anything to load. I’ve verified my game files and also fresh download of the mod with no help. I saw a thing about there being a new location for the mod folder?? Any help pls?
make sure you mod folder’sname is “Mods” not mods, MODS, or mOdZS.
Any chance we could get the HK 416 back in action? That was by far my fav of the previous weapons.
Love your mod, and thank you!
yes as tier 4 Carbine , I can’t find a good enough model yet.
Maybe that one should work?
Seems like it has unity support, can help with purchasing one, if I may)
Thank you!!!!
I’m having an issue where the 2x scope reticle stays in physical space when I look around instead of staying in the scope itself. This causes me to not have any kind of reticle at all when it comes to aiming with the 2x, instead I’m just looking through a glass lens. I don’t know why this is happening but any input is appreciated.
Read the comments… it is said by mod author that this is TFP bug, devs need to fix this, author of the mod can’t do anything about it.
hello, I have a small problem, namely, an explosive weapon releases only a projectile that causes direct damage, but there is no explosion like that. (and yes, I use a translator)
Use not blue-tip “practical”/”training” shells, use yellow or grey tips, that frag and explosive shells.
I think they meant no explosion while using non-training ammo. mine does the same thing, because I removed the custom particle loader script, but my game won’t work if its installed (infinite loading screen).
Popping in to say this is my favorite 7dtd mod by far and every gun in it is 150% awesomer than every vanilla gun
The mag is invisible during the reloading animation for the new T4 5.56 bullpup rifle when using the drum mag or ammo extender mod.
One of the weapons of the picture is not showing up but the weapons working just the image of the picture is not showing up. t1musketm1777rifle
I don’t have any of the new weapons, The 45 or the usp, no dual wields or shotguns, PSG1 none of it. All I got was the M4, CAR15, The M16 and the SAW
where is the dual 1911?????? the mod thumbnail is misleading….
or is it a later addon? like dual 9mm and dual .45, dual uzi and shotgun would be great too
i am using this mod in a multiplayer server that i am hosting. I can craft all the guns, but they dont spawn in as loot that i can find.
Hey what’s up with these magazine sizes? Some of these are pretty absurd.
I dont know if you already answered or told this somewhere but theres a way that i can remove the blackscreen when using 4x or 8x ? like the 2x scope ?
Very awesome mod, best gun mod out there!
I have a issue, when I equip x2 scope on the weapons the reticle stays where I started aiming down and doesnt move.
Might just be me, anyone know a solution?
I have said many times it’s a vanilla game’s bug, We have to wait for TFP to fix this.
Sorry I did not see that comment. You’re doing amazing work. Thank you for your effort!
after update on 4.0 thousands red errors in console in world loading 🙁 i tried delete old mod and install fresh 4.0 and replace files both ways causes errors
your problem ,friend. I have said many times that people should backup their saves before install or update a big mod.
try create a new world and see if you still have the red erros , if not it’s mean your game save is broken.
I just deleted the: 0_TFP_Harmony file and it works like a charm + it solved my problems with too high sensitivity which could not be changed wia in game settings – now it can be 😀
This mode makes my zombies dont move, i dont delete or changed anything and i just use this mod and nothing else, any ideas ?
You need to have tfp harmony included in the folder. Do a file verification and it should download it.
When i try to use this it breaks the zombies so they wont move, and i get the “there are no graphs in the scene” error, along with a few others relating to the sound override and particle files. I tried removing all mods except this one and had the same issues.
I didn’t delete that folder, and i did have to verify game files cause something was corrupted when i tried to play, as it had been a while. So they were verified and i didnt delete anything. Is there somewhere i can download that file specifically?
Try to remove the harmony folder and then verify the files, so you force the game to download the freshest version. Then put izy’s folders in.
im a bit sad i was looking for a twin .45 1911 is it possible in the future?
It’s literally on the thumbnail
this weapon mod is the best <3
Finally! I’ve been waiting for this!!
Can we get the HCAR in this pack? Thanks.
I have a dedicated server, but it always prints out red errors there. Is pack mode not good for servers?
I have no idea friend
So I’ve just figured out the 0 custom particle script was causing issues. Took that out, and installed everything else and it worked fine
Life saver, been struggling with getting my game to load then I did what you did and removed the C.P.S. and it works like a charm. My only problem is that there are no explosions from the launchers now, and if I reinstall the C.P.S my game doesn’t work.
I have used your mods in the past and everything worked fine. However after downloading the last update. I think there is some files missing or something.
While running a fresh install of the game I get Red Text as follows!
Loading and parsing items.xml failed
void .AssetbundleManager.loadassetbundle(sting.tool)
Loading and parsing recipes.xml
no item with ammo762mmExplosivefragmentaions ‘ exsisting
Loading and parsing loot.xml
IZYgunT1SNIPERRIFLKE762Mosinnagant’ not found
Loading and parsing traders.xml
IZYMeleeT4SledgehammerSpikeMace” not found
I did this on a fresh single player game as well. Not sure if something is corrupt or what. FYI the files were pulled from your google drive link.
some items got location changed. so better try clean install. work everytime.
(clean install mean you gotta remove my mods inside you mod folder and put the new one in)
very odd cause I did it with a 100% clean install using Revo uninstaller to clear everything
i had zero issues. you need to double check what you dropped into your mods folder and make sure all the files that download in the bundle end up in your mods folder.
New guns and animations, look awesome!!!!
Hi IZY….. Love the mod and Cannot play with out it. I was wondering if you can make an option Mod to go with this where you can “upgrade” the ammo you find in loot. so to make HP 556 just use a recipe of 556 + gunpowder… thanks in advanced and yes really love this MOD!!!
maybe we will see a ammo upgrader workbench in future.
I have an issue where after installing the gun pack, I can’t open any containers, and I have no crafting in my menu, each category is completely empty. Anyone know what might cause this?
I would like to see weapons for .44 magnum cartridges, I hope they will appear in the future.
yo so i tried downloading it but its not a file its a rar file i dont know why.
Same – no answers yet
ty. im not very good at these kinda of things sorry
Gonna have to have someone who can download it send it to you file by file. That’s what we are trying right now. Hope it helps
Are you guys serious? Haven’t you ever heard of Winrar? .rar files are just like .zip files. You can extract them using the WinRAR.
Small issue with the new 1.2 update: when using a 2x scope mod on the pipe submachine gun the red dot seems to escape the scope and get stuck in a specific spot on the screen.
game’s bug not the mod. wait for TFP to fix it.
Hi, i just crafted some 7,62 explosive ammo, but i can’t use it. i have tried to load it into AK-47, Sniper rifle, PSG-1 and Prototype SVU, but i don’t get the option to load it, how can i use it?
it’s only for “sniper” type only , currently there are Mosinnagant and Enfield Rifle
Why is it nowhere stated? 🙁
Oh the M1014 moved for Tier 4, what a shock! 😉
hey was wondering….does your mod is compatible with war of the walkers? or maybe its already in it? sorry im new and was thinking about modding my game
They Work Together
good news guys , this mod are working in game v.1.2
The Tier 4 9mm smg have an issue with the muzzle brake: the mod is neon purple when is attached to the weapon. I think there some error in the corresponding xml configuration file, since because it has all the appearance of a missing texture.
Very good mod. I think 45.acp revolver reload animation is too long!
Пролистал много комментов, но так и не увидел своей проблемы.
У “M1 Garand” нету прицела на х4 и х8 когда его устанавливаешь. Планка на оружии пустая.
х2 работает – прицел на месте.
привет у меня зомби не двигаються
I can no longer craft these guns after installing War of the Walkers mod. Has anyone run into this issue or found a work-around? I really love these guns and want to continue using them alongside WotW!
same problem i didnt manage to solve but u can still find them in loot or at trader and in the soldier vending machine … is not a big issue…. but i understand what u mean its frustrating…
Red errors in console, also zombies and animals don’t move. Please help!
Отсутствует файл: blankXD4.tga
Little confusion. The header shows 7D2D 1.1, but right below it states for 1.0 only. Which is correct?
It says “1.0+”, not “1.0 only”.
Good catch. Thank you
how do you use this mod without the crosshair?
Question. Will the SVU eventually have the same scope system as the other guns or are you keeping it with the old system of a reticle and a black background?
With further playing I should rephrase my question. Will the 4X and 8X scope stay with the old system of a black background and reticle, or will it eventually be like the 2X scope?
Great work! There is a compatibility issue with Ramos XUI and the Tier 4 weapons. Lots of red string in F1 when you click on the weapons, idk why.
Если просто нажал на оружие в инвентаре, значит не верный параметр прогрессии или отсутствует строчка о блокировке оружия данной группой (пистолеты, автоматы…) Отсутствие параметра блокировки в рецепте.
Big changes , Backup your save before continue.
Unable to use the mod as of right now, running into errors with the mace upon loading. When loaded in, all items disappear.
BUGGED! I`ve Red Yellow white Errors in Console while i loading a game! I dont have more mods then Izys.
If you allow me to make a suggestion.
add an LMG in 5.56mm or allow the use of the drum magazine for the m4 carbine. just 45 shots is not enough for blood moons.
Taking the Thompson as an example, it has a perfect capacity of 200 shots.
your mod is top
Parabéns, esse mod é incrivel! <3
the autoshotgun is bug?
seen all the weapons he had in the a21??
Kudos for making T4 craftable, now that TFP nerfed drops, loot and traders in favor of crafting.
I’ll change the 45ACP and 9mmVal xmls for personal use because smgs needs to go under Agility and the right perks/magazines, period.
Other than that, great work as always.
The mace/hammer is meh… not good at all.
The Thompson still isn’t craftable.
I made my own recepie. Hope you don’t mind. If you do mind, it’s only for my personal use and I will not share my custom made files, ever.
On T1 and T2 Sniper Rifles x2 and x4 scopes are bugged. They will not shown untill you reload.
Missing icon for 7,62 hp bulk craft.
On T3 Sniper Rifle (Enfield) laser sight and underbarrel light mods are not visible on and they do not work.
After downloading this mod, the zombies stopped moving and started attacking. What could be the problem?
I am aware how busy Izayo may be with real life and other creative projects but i do hope this message is seen eventually. I wish to convey my deepest respect and regard, even if Izayo needs a helper to read all the messages and help filter out comments from requests.
My wife and I first saw your creations in a GNS youtube video series and have enjoyed them now for awhile.
It is VERY CLEAR that you have made MORE improvements and optimized MORE data in the version 3 update.
Each weapon you have created feels more responsive to me and looks to fit in my characters hands better.
The profile on several pieces seems to be lowered more ever so slightly and feels “tighter”.
We appreciate your continued passion and dedication to your art.
We are happy to wait for more of your creations.
Respect and Regards to you.
Will there be machine guns eventually?
yes. but later . this type of gun will take longer than the others because I have to animated the ammo belt (bullet by bullet / frame)
Ah, yeah that makes sense. Can’t wait. Keep up the amazing work 🙂
Great update!
2 confusing moments:
The Lee-Enfield seems to be buggy. I didn’t install the burst-fire mod, but when firing, the Lee-Enfield plays the triple-fire animation and the sound is also like it fired 3 times. Although only 1 bullet is spent.
The Tommy-gun cannot be crafted.
it’s normal for me. make sure it’s not caused by the other mods
for the thompson , I forgot to add the recipe . I’ll add later in 3.1
LOVE this mod, just an idea for you since you have mastered the new animations for the characters arms I was hoping for a mod that adds in a wrist watch (like the pipboy from the wastelands mod) so instead of the time at the top of screen its now set to a wrist watch that you look at by pressing a button.
Your mod never fails to amaze me. Thank you for creating this amazing mod.
However, is it not possible to use this mod alongside the Darkness Falls mod? Errors keep appearing; while I can start the game, all the recipe menus disappear in-game.
I don’t know how these kind of mods work. sorry.
After uploading, the mod does not work properly, it only displays some of the equipment, maybe there is a solution, I have already uploaded it a few times and it’s the same every time.
try clean install. remove all of my related mod then install with a lastest version of my mod.
Izayo your mods are amazing, thank you for making them. If you are taking requests I would love to see an M14 EBR. Keep up the great work.
no more room for Rifle. also I can’t find a free model for it.
Well thank you anyway. I saw on your notes that all T4 weapons were supposed to be craftable now. However, I tried to craft the M1928 Thompson but there was no option to do it. Is that still loot only?
I forgot to add recipe, will do later
The motherofallshotgun is missing the icon.
it’s not supposed to be in this version. because Its not get animted yet. please pretend like it’s not existed for now.
Will do and many thanks for an awesome mod 🙂
Hey, how can i remove the crosshair when ADSing in this new version?
wait for version 3.1
I just have 1 question really… are the SMGs still tied to Machine Gunner? Not a problem just… want to know where my points should go if I wanted to use them.
yes. for a balance reason.
I really love this mod, the new spike mace melee weapon feels pretty good, might get me back into using sledgehammers.
It would be good to add a model to the new spike mace when dropped, otherwise people who accidentally drop theirs aren’t gonna see it.
maybe I forgot to make “drop” model . Will do later, thanks for the report
Your welcome. Also another thing I noticed about it, whenever I hit a zombie with the mace, some yellow text pops up in the debug menu “Loadaudio failed to load audio clip”
Could this have something to do with conflicting with the override sounds file?
And every update, the hope for the G36 🙂
I sure will bring it back.
Fix errors in game V1.1 by update the customparticleloader. here (credit : closer_ex)
To easily download:
It’s not working for me, it throws me lots of errors when loading
Good morning, I had installed the mod before, but when I installed it for the second time, the explosive and incendiary ammunition from the RPG and grenade launchers do not work, it is as if it were blue ammunition, I do not know what to do, what is the error? What did I do wrong, can you help me please?
The folder “7D1.0_Izayo_WeaponpackRemastered_DemolitionPack” causes an error in the UI.
I installed the mod. The zombies cannot move, but the weapons work fine. Is there anyone who can solve the problem?
Will the “Carbine 44 Revolver” and the “Lock 17” from the A20 Vanilla-Expansion Weapons Pack be back sometime? I was a big fan of those
I have a modpack with 30 other mods, including this mod, but this mod is the only one not working. it doesnt interfere with any other mods, but when i try to start up a game, its stuck on “loading game data”. but when i remove this mod from the modpack, it works fine. any reason/solution? ive tried both the normal version and the updated version, and same thing happens
Look below for the comment from IZAYO, you need to download one updated mod and everything will work
is this mod server side? prolly missed it in desc.
harmony file does not show in the list
that file is from the game not the mod
No work in 1.1
Look below for the comment from IZAYO, you need to download one updated mod and everything will work
There were a ton of weapons for alpha 21, and very few left for 1.0. But even so, it plays great! Although I miss the trench gun. Best shotgun
let’s me finished 2 more guns and I’ll update to 3.0 mostly will be SMGs Marksman Rifles and Sniper Rifles.
LMG will be delayed because it’s hard to animated this type of weapon.
I’m having a status effect with light bulb icon and when I open my backpack I cannot craft anything
the mod work..but the zombie are statics…they dont move..
I know you’re cooking bro take your time
Hello, I’m having problems being able to use the mod because when I join 7 days to die I get a bug that doesn’t let me craft and izybeltammocheck appears, I hope someone can help me
Hi Izy, grand job on the mod. Really enjoyable addition to the world building. Do have a quick question/bug on the M1: noticed in item description it mentions it takes the magazine extender mod, but when trying to add it it is greyed out? Thanks again for your efforts.
hello izy question. why does the 0-gustomparticleloader have exe and bat files. most mods tdo not use these positionally attacking files so why does this mod do?
Any plans to create a kar98k? Also the M60 sound is vanilla unless that’s an older version. Maybe deagle sounds more like a glock, needs more powerful sound and some AR sounds are a bit too boomy like hollywoody sounds like a machine gun, maybe a little more treble sound and they cut off too abruptly. Thank youuu
Fix errors in game V1.1 by update the customparticleloader. here (credit : closer_ex)
I’m still working on mod ver. 3.0 (I would say 50% is completed)
Hey, sorry if its a bit stupid to ask, but i’m new to mods in 7d2d, and i dont understand what i need to do with your link to apply the correction you done on your mod
Instead of using the 0-CustomParticleLoader in Izayo’s mod, you will use this updated one. In short, delete the old 0-CustomParticleLoader in your Mods folder and add this updated one.
how do i download this folder?
You can’t… he didn’t publish it for public download so unless you have a GITHUB account you can just look at the pretty pictures 🙂 I’m sure he’ll fix it soon.
You don’t need an account or anything, you can download the latest 0-CustomParticleLoader version from the link I shared.
Thank you! 🙂
For me, this mod works fine (in that I haven’t experienced any show stopping issues) in V1.1 if I exclude the CustomParticleLoader folder. All the weapons, visible mods and visible fpv gloves mods work fine. For me.
Not working with newest 7 days update??????
delete this folder 7D1.0_Izayo_WeaponpackRemastered_DemolitionPack the mod will work on 1.1(b14)
This worked perfectly!
Without this beauty everything is tasteless. I hope the update comes out soon. Keep up the great work.
any idea when 1.1 version will be out mate? mod is broken with 1.0!! also is there anywhere i can help support the mod
You can also check the forum page. Yes, 1.1 broke this mod, we all know that!! We just have to be patient and wait for Izayo to finish the update.
Yeah… This mod is broken after v1.1 releasing. Hopefully when you fix this, you will release a new mod with the new guns listed above in the picture.
1.0 server throwing “Warnings” in loadup and also disconnecting players on servers when ranged explosives are fired with the following error:
2024-10-03T21:30:48 643.242 INF Time: 9.31m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 1782.4MB Max: 1798.9MB Chunks: 327 CGO: 29 Ply: 1 Zom: 2 Ent: 5 (6) Items: 1 CO: 1 RSS: 8426.0MB
2024-10-03T21:30:48 643.846 ERR NCSimple_Deserializer (cl=EOS_0002a2285a85410fb65ceb2cbbed8649, ch=0) Message: Attempted to read past the end of the stream.
2024-10-03T21:30:48 643.846 EXC Attempted to read past the end of the stream.
at PooledBinaryReader.FillBuffer (System.Int32 _numBytes) [0x00030] in :0
at PooledBinaryReader.ReadString () [0x00049] in :0
at DamageMultiplier.Read (System.IO.BinaryReader _br) [0x00016] in :0
at ExplosionData.Read (System.IO.BinaryReader _br) [0x00091] in :0
at ExplosionData..ctor (System.Byte[] _explosionDataAsArr) [0x00081] in :0
at (PooledBinaryReader _br) [0x0003f] in :0
at NetPackageManager.ParsePackage (PooledBinaryReader _reader, ClientInfo _sender) [0x00017] in :0
at NetConnectionSimple.taskDeserialize (ThreadManager+ThreadInfo _threadInfo) [0x00287] in :0
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object)
not work in last patch
Getting DCs from the server when using any of the explosives from the mod along with anyone nearby.
Turns out it was a corrupted upload
Hello. Iv read the comments and the description on the pack and i haven’t been able to figure out if the thompson machine gun falls under any of the perks / skills like machine gunner or gunslinger
Machinegunner. Idk why. Even the pipe smg and the uzi. Izy is a great modder but I think he/she is mistaking here: the Thompson and the uzi are smgs not machineguns. So the way she/he want this pack to work is wrong, in terms of gameplay. You can easily change that and also making the Thompson craftable by mod the xml files (item, progression and recipe). Isn’t hard at all.
Love the mods, been using them since A20 but I noticed something(and I can’t find an answer online for this) but none of the .45 acp guns are able to use the Enhanced Bullets for them.
The Shotguns can use their Enhanced ammo just fine.
Thanks for any replies and hope Izayo gets better soon!
You can fix this yourself by opening the items.xml for the .45 acp mod and simply adding the ID of the enhanced ammo to the ‘magazine items’ (or something like that) section under each gun. I did it earlier and it was quite easy.
I have never opened or changed XML files or anything for a game before, I tried looking it up but the sites I found aren’t noob friendly. If you happen to have a link or something to reccomend(since I don’t want to make you spell it out for me) would be appreciated.
All I get is red lines now with b 14 …will this be updated??
With V1.1 b14 the mod no longer works just a giant wall of red works great with V1.0 b336 guess it needs a update now that TFP changed some things
After the todays Update, i have red and yellow writes… cant play..
Bro, it’s been a month now. Please update quickly, I can’t wait any longer
This is not a simple XML mod, man. It probably takes time. And also Izayo has had a health problem lately. Just be patient.
Well lemme apply that first aid bandage to her then. All jokes aside… best of wishes and get well soon
Izayos Mods are quite the best, when it comes to balance and design and stability!
If you look for Help with the Mods or if ur looking for a server to play online with this mods just join us:
We run Izayos Weapon Mods and some other popular ones and we have a great community. New Players welcome!
SERVER NAME = [#1] ARASAKA GER/EN PVE (Raid Bosses) and PVP Events
SERVER IP = PORT = 28600
Any plans to port your older guns to 1.0? I saw that you have a ton of guns in the Afterlife mod, but when I tried to port them into my own game they have the Afterlife perks tied to them so they kinda screw with the game.
So does the tommy still count under assault rifle skills?
can you add molotov ammo for grenade launcher
The iron sights on the M4 Carbine gen in the way of the M4’s red dot sight.
there a audio glitch not sure if it a conflict of 1.0 being in it early stages or the mod but sometime when you shoot sounds like you have a silencer on your gun when you don’t i can link a example if need be
and the only mods besides this was use was return of the Behemoth and Double G Zombies
.44 Automag would be awesome
So the update says the Uzi WAS using machinegun… is that a minor typo or has it been changed to something else… or I suppose did they use something else before and now use machinegun perk?
Izy wants their smgs to be under the machinegunner perk, no typos
The mod isn’t working for me, I followed the instructions and all but when I start playing the zombies and animals stand freeze.
you’re missing the TFP harmony folder.
hello this happens to me also but when i download the files there is no harmony folder
The Pipe SMG as well…. Laser is not working…
So, I have gotten my hands on the M1A Rifle and 1911, the Laser sight does not function on either of those guns. I love the alternate hold styles for the 1911. Those are awesome.
Whats the optional files? Should I install them?
No, they’re optional for a reason, read the name of their folder to understand what they do.
it doesnt indicate… the folders is named the same as the main files. and readme is empty.
First of all : I Love the Mod! I used the “older” Mods from ya in the Past already…And here comes my Question:
Are Weapons such as the Barrett Kal.50 or the L96 gonna return? 🙂
Have been trying to figure out how to make the mod work when i install the zombies will not move. So then when i install the harmony folder the game will no longer load. Any suggestions
Disability EAC
Disable EAC*
I love your mod, but I have a question? I wanted to know if the benefits of the enforcer suit, which would be that the .44 bullets and both the magnum and the vulture reload faster, do these benefits affect your pistols? The last thing It is if the benefit of book #4 of the enforcer, which says that if you point at the seller with a weapon (magnum – vulture) it will make you a 5% benefit in favor when trading, as I said before I love your mod , but these benefits interest me and since I am not at least in the pistol branch, it would be important to have them.
all non magnum pistol will base on 9mmhandgun. so it will not recieve the enforcer or ranger bonus.
hey great mod! just wanna ask something if you dont mind, are you going to add marksman sniper soon? there only few selection for those category at the moment
I want Samraiedge to be added…
thank you 🙂 Are you plan to add this epic gun mod to Aflerlife overhaul? It would be perfect
Are the .30-06 weapons also coming back in the future? Loved those, and would also love a Kar98K.
A man can dream
Great Mod as always. Would love some more 9mm pistols though. The CZ75 and Glock were amazing in earlier mods!
I hope you have all the guns added before they drop the big q4 patch. Would love to add them in that run through.
Love the guns as always. u guys do a great job on em. do you plan on eventually doing the packs like before? 7.62 guns 5.56 guns n such
Really cool – good work! But: I now have “izybeltammocheck” in the game at the bottom left…
Nothing to be worried about, it’s just a buff that Izy forgot to hide, don’t worry about it.
🙂 Okay Dokay 🙂
Love the mod, but combining it with Preppocalypse V1.0 breaks the progression for the 7.62 rifles. The rest of the weapons work perfectly.
Is there a way to fix this?
The makers of the Preppo thing are the ones who need to take care of this. This is not Izayo’s problem.
Thank you for that useless comment.
You’re welcome, my dear. I’ll always be here to teach you guys the unwritten rules of the modding community.
Or you can actually be helpful and tell someone he can change the loading order of the mods to get rid of the problem.
Heyo! Loving the mod. Thank you for updating it! I was wondering if you, or anyone really, could make an “unleveled” version where all guns are as good as T3? I absolutely love some of the weaker guns and its just a shame to have to leave them behind.
with the gun’s perk maxed and with weapon attachmetns, a tier 1 STG-44 can still perform incredibly well even in late game.
Absolutely love your weapon mods. I hope in future updates that you will be able to add in the sniper rifles L96 and the PSG-1. I always worked hard trying to find those back in A21! The M4 shotgun was the other gun from your mods I looked for as well.
Hey, great weapon pack, i love it all. Few things tho.
1. I can always craft m25 geenades for launchers and rockets for RPG, i dont need magazines for it
2. Suggestion – can you “spread magazine” req between each grenade launcher? 45 books for Chine Lake and 50 for XM makes China unnecessary + XM is better.
Just for me it would be nice to be able to acquire China Lake maybe a little earlier, maybe 35 books? I like that i can use explosions in other way than grenades or rocket launcher (which is basically late game weapon) but with weaker damage.
Thanks and keep up great work
looking at the screenshots of this mod I got a good idea on how to make a working bayonet in this game
My favorite weapon of all time its a m240B we will get one on your weapon pack ? Please <3
So… I noticed a light bulb status effect that reads “IZYammobeltcheck”?? in game… what could that be……
Just a buff Izy forgot to hide, it’s nothing significant.
Yer please very annoying if I can’t get rid of it
If you want to hide that “buff” you must go to the “izayo_visible_FPV_Gloves_MOD” folder and modify the “buffs” file, you must look for the “IZYBeltAmmoCheck” section and change the “hidden” value from False to True.
checking out the update, not sure what i’m missing, cant use the enhanced .45 acp ammo, doesnt show when i bring up the radial to swap ammo types. Am i missing something?
Are you planning on adding LMGs eventually? Hopefully the Ameli or some sort of MG42 machine gun makes a return!
thompson is missing
Tier 4 weapons cannot be crafted. Only found in loot.
Loot or traders*
Thanks for this. I went into creative mode to make sure I had installed the mod properly.
Is there anyway to get a garantee spawn chance for the Thompson? Or maybe odds for finding it?
Might be a conflict with another mod, but my pipe SMG only does 1 dmg/rnd. Uzi seems to do proper damage. This is with the no crosshairs option.
seems to files in the partical loader file that are .exe will be refused by my server provider to upload from this pack. that being said pack creates a ton of red errors upon opening the game itself. trying to load in to server will give me running incompatible game version error. not sure what the issue is.
turn off EAC
Hi, I have had a similar issue and couldn’t figure out what was causing it. The custom particle loader mod was preventing me from loading up a singleplayer game, and I was stuck on “building environment”. The last red error I was given by the debug console was referring to an entity being created but the entity was not found. The game had to be restarted without EAC for the mods to be loaded so I don’t think it could be as a result of EAC.
eac is disabled on the server. but thats the xml. server provider isnt allowing upload of .exe.
ok so some clarification. im trying to use this on a server. so eac being enabled or disabled has nothing to do with uploading the file to the server itself. that being said my server host is not allowing just the particle loader exe files to be uploaded. will you be doing a server friendly version with no exe files?
Having the same issue here, except no red errors in single/MP. Two files refuse to uploaded to the server: the particle loader files. Looks like an amazing addition to our game, so fingers crossed this gets sorted!
After updating to version 2.2 the console shows 2 yellow messages, is it related to your mod? Is this a problem?
missing script . make sure you install everything inside the Mods folder . even you’re already have them.
USP45 crosshair won’t turn off
there is an optional folder to hide crosshair when aim. but if you have the gun in your hand before you install the crosshair hiding mod, the crosshair mod will not do effect to the old gun. you have to get a new one
Is it possible to create box of your “ammo”??
not for now.
hola izayo, la Thompson ni la encuentro ni la vende el vendedor, no se si tiene algun tipo de problema?
Thompson is a tier4 weapon which will appear in loot or trader shop very late game
After installing the 8-27 version. I not have a light bulb icon stating izybeltammocheck
What is this???
Have this too. What is it Izy?
If you want to hide that “buff” you must go to the “izayo_visible_FPV_Gloves_MOD” folder and modify the “buffs” file, you must look for the “IZYBeltAmmoCheck” section and change the “hidden” value from False to True.
Just a heads up, but using the reflex sight mod with the uzi, causes it to seem in hard into the gun, making it take the whole screen.
The same happens with the USP-45
Is there a posibility to add Browning-Auto 5 ? Maybe for T1 Tactical Shotgun ?
already planned to the Traditional shotgun tree as Tier 4
Anyone know any servers who run this mod?
if they create a server friendly version of it i will be. i have a sever advert in 7d2d discord. infernal anarchy.
explosive round are not explode
need customparticle script (already included in the pack) also disable EAC before you run the game
explosive round are now explode
XM-25 and RPG-7 seem to be stuck at tier 2 for crafting?
It seems that with certain glove and certain weapon combinations, the arm models swap back in forth between the proper gloves and another pair, I don’t know if thats on me or not, I believe it was doing it with the Nerd Gloves
me pasa lo mismo
I am also having this issue!
Does this leave in vanilla weapons?
its add-on not replace or remove anything.
Hello. I have a comment/inquiry about the pipe smg and the uzi
It seems like these guns are modified versions of an assault rifle and are scaled off of the machine gunner perk as well as fortitude. Both of these guns I would have assumed would be handguns since they are handheld weapons irl not to mention the smg-5 ingame is considered handgun. Every other weapon in the mod is very well done and fits in perfectly with the base game but just these two seem off. Both have higher base magazine than the m60 and the tier 2 uzi has better stats than the tier 3 smg and both have rifle accuracy/handling
its my intentional to make SMG to use machinegun perk. to avoid the gunslinger damage bonus.
meanwhile Im gonna make pistols perform better to equal to the other gun type. like no reload penalty by default , damage resist bonus when reload , headshot damage apply to body too
the UZI was supposed to have 30 round. I forgot the change the ammo in mag number. wait for the next update / fix.
First I wanna say that you are my go to when it comes to weapons mod, I rly love your work. But two things about the the SMG’s in V2.1
1. The pipe smg still do 1hp damage for me, I dont rly know if I do something wrong
2. Is it meant that all SMG is gonna have a 80 rounds mag as a default
1 damage was it’s fixed in 2.1. but if you use the optional hiding crosshair it will revert 2.0 stats.
wait for my separated hiding crosshair replacer. I’m doing it right now
Is it intended for the UZI to have 80 rounds?
I forgot to change (was copy from m1928) . it will be fixed in the next update. enjoy the big mag for now
Just install the mod. Thank you so much Izayo! For some reason can’t craft the M1928 Thompson Drum.
loot / trader only for T4
Appreciate what your doing !! you are HIM
This game seriously needs more amazing & talented modders like you bro
here is the fix for M1N not able to craft :
GOAT! Loved your weapons for previous version!
The best mod weapon to 7 days to die is back! i love it!
Suggestion: you could bring back this lovely sniper weapon on 7.62 (seem’s like awp from cs) i remember this gun from your previously weapon pack to alpha 22 or 21 i think. (this pack have name 7.62 Gun Pack (2/3) i think).
Maybe I am doing something wrong, but while reloading the revolver you are stuck in that animation till it ends, all the vanilla weapons let you switch to an other belt slot during the animation.
it’s happen to any guns in the 2nd time (switching 1 , 2 , 1). I also got this problem.
I like your work and i would like donate you some ¨thanks¨ for your work. Its posible ?
watching my youtube videos is enough to help me.
Getting red errors when starting and enemies wont aggro in game. maybe something with the new update?
you should have “0_TFP_Harmony” in your Mods folder and you need to disable EAC before start the game.
Oi Izayo, would love to see the Hellriegel 1915 from BF, just an idea though I love your mod no matter what. TFP should pay you and implement ur mod in vanilla, there aren`t enough weapons considering all you do in this game is killing zeds
too fancy I don’t know how this gun operate. LOL. but you will see some WW2 guns rechamber in modern cartridge. like Sturmgewehr or Bren gun
Hey Izayo can you add the custom 44 ammo icon to this mod or update the old Alternative Ammo Icons mod?
yes, but when we have a .44 gun.
Could make additional 44 Magnum firearms.
Single Action Army in 44 Magnum
A separate Lever Action Rifle that takes 44 Magnum
Or even a Single Shot rifle that takes 44 Magnum
The PING sound on the M1 Garand is slightly too loud needs a tiny bit of a tone down.
Weapons suggestions:
Maybe a Lee Enfield as a Tier 2 Bolt Action and move the M1 Garand up another Tier?
Highest Rifle Tier could be something like an M14 for Rifle Or Something like an SR25 Rifle for 7.62 Caliber High Tier Rifle.
good Idea.
add 45. acp submachine guns please (thompson, ump45, krisss vector)
You can subscribe to izy’s YouTube channel, a Thompson is in the works!
the mod isnt working i have the harmony file but it still doesnt work
Probably because you didn’t extract it correctly. If you read the description you’ll notice that there’s 9 folders that need to be in your Mods folder. You also need to disable EAC.
PLEASE create a minigun. Like in the movie Terminator
Awesome mod, i love how simple it is. I wish you could add a glock pistol though, It’s my favorite gun 😀
Thanks for the mod!
the zombies dont move
you are missing the harmony folder on your mods folder use the steam tool to check archives of the game to get it
Came back after V. 1.0 and was happy to see your Weapons Mods already there.
We used all the previous mods on our Server too, so:
Thanks for all your work, we had a lot of fun with it. Chapeau!
Is it possible to get a classic G3 A1 for the mod?
Would be great to use the old lady in Zombieland.
Either way, thanks for all the fun!
can i add mod in mid game save?
Yes you can
Is it possible to reduce the metallic sound of the M1 Garand?
very impressive!
I hope you will implement FA-MAS as well!
may i ask which mod do you use to remove the crosshair while aiming?
I have not make a patch yet.
Aw, sucks to know that some guns won’t be returning. At least we get grenade launchers and unique animations this time. Keep up the good work
oops replied to wrong comment
Wow, wasn’t expecting an all-in-one pack for 1.0, awesome. Do you plan to add all guns from your previous weapon packs?
not all guns.
Aw, sucks to know that some guns won’t be returning. At least we get grenade launchers and unique animations this time. Keep up the good work
These weapons are amazing and I love all of them!
But a quick question; is there a way to edit the XML files to adjust the range on the Over-Under shotgun?
7 days to die is one of those video games that treats shotgun projectiles like they’re made of pixy dust after they travel like 4 feet lol. Would be real nice if I could make it effective at like, realistic range, or just way longer and didnt need to jam the barrel in the zombies chest to make it effective.
I think the effective range is coded into the ammo itself, and not the gun.
you could try the mod named Authentic Shotguns that seems to do what you are asking and since it doesn’t specify changing each vanilla shotgun individually then it should be changing how the ammo itself works wich means that it should also affect the shotguns added by mods although i still haven’t tried it myself yet so i can’t confirm
Izayo makes the best weaponpacks. Always detailed and balanced guns with cool looks when attatchments are on.
Was so hyped when i saw the 1.0 mod update and as expected all the guns are phenomenal. The 1911 animation options further makes your gun packs far superior to base game guns along with other mod creators (not saying they are bad but these guns are just that good)
Looking forward for the next drop
I love your gun mods fyi however I’ve noticed that one of the files in this download removes the death XP protection to level 6. Had multiple people on my MP server get reaper debuffs immediately after dying pre-level 6. Not 100% sure which file is causing this but thought I’d bring it to your attention.
I have borrow that “newbiecoat” and change it to hand refresh buff. because I can’t find the way to make a buff that will stick with player forever from start. and now remove when player die.
Is this server + client side or server side only? Looks awesome!
server + client
Is there a way to increase the amount of mod slots for the weapon?
After installing a 4x scope or higher level scope on the M1N, the position of the scope display seems to be wrong? I am not sure if this is a bug?
Check out M1D or M1C , they put the scope of sideway
hey izayo, i installed your 1.0 mod and im getting some confliction that i think is causing the zombies to not move
don’t remove “0_TFP_Harmony” folder inside the “Mods” folder . easy fix
Hey just wanted to say that it wasn’t the mod at all, which I didn’t figure at first because I haven’t ever had an issue with any of your mods, it was infact the fact that my TFP harmony folder was missing 😅, great work, keep it up, loving it all
Hi, I’m having an issue where after installing this mod, the scope is not visible on the lever action rifle
replace with this , I forgot to add weapon tags
Check out M1D or M1C , they put the scope of sideway
I translated this mods to russian. If you need localization files i can send them to you. English part saved without changes.
that would be nice to have one.
Verify your game files if you don’t have it!
Do we know when the next release/version will come out with more guns?
Please can u you keep the HK slap in the mod? Or perhaps make it less goofy than vanilla? Not slapping an Heckler & Koch rifle is like going to pub and not drinking. Btw i love your work, keep it up. <3
Love this mod for me it makes the game top tier I have total faith whatever gets put into it will be solid. Suggestions for the top tier 9mm subs IMO would be the MPX or Scorpion EVO, as for .45 pistols probably an FN tactical .45!
I removed the custom particles folder for my server, the ignore file was messing with me uploading it properly. Will that screw things up down the line?
I have an issue where when I use this mod, it literally causes zombies to just stand still. They don’t move or anything. They can still attack if you get too close, though. Does anyone know a fix to this?
Not happening to me, remember that you need the TFP harmony folder for this mod to work.
Thanks my man, I didn’t think to check for the TFP harmony folder 😅😅😅
when i download the mod i dont have a TFP harmony folder
You may have got it to work already but check your mods folder, if you don’t see “tfp harmony” go to steam, go to the games properties, under files I think it’ll say verify integrity of game files, click that, reinstall the mod and it’ll work, just got mine back up and running thanks to the wolf fella in the comments
graet job. regarding the M1014 the reflex sight zoom is not correct, i changed the zoom value and i think i fixet it .. im not a code expert; but you are probably on it al ready
update* the problem with the reflex sight was cozed bi an othre mod
you’re an absolute legend, good work!
“I wonder if Izayo has updated for 1.0 on any of the packs.”
“Oh my lord.”
Will the G36 included too? I love this weapon
The best weapon mod among all mods from other developers. Thank you. Also make a minigun, is this possible?
Thank you so much! <3
you are a champion, thank you for your great work