Jakmeister999’s Mining Fury (V1.2)

7 days to die jakmeister999s mining fury

Harvesting tools can now swing faster with the Miner 69er Perks

About This Mod

It feels strange that every melee weapon categories have a perk that increase the attack speed of the weapon, except for the Harvesting Tools. Well, it will not be a problem anymore!!!


The Miner 69er Perk now includes an attack speed increase on each level, making mining more time efficient.
The main description of the perk and descriptions at each level have been updated

*Warning* With quicker swings, your stamina will also likely to be drained quicker. So be prepared!!!

7 days to die jakmeister999s mining fury additional screenshot 1

7 days to die jakmeister999s mining fury additional screenshot 2

7 days to die jakmeister999s mining fury additional screenshot 3


Credits: Jakmeister999

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