Jakmeister999’s Reinforced Chainlink Fences (V1.2)

7 days to die jakmeister999s reinforced chainlink fences

Reinforced Chainlink Fences for extra defense options. Also added reinforced razor wire defense

About This Mod

I like the look of chainlink fences as defensive barriers for my base. But at 1000 HP, the default fences will not hold up against later game hordes. The solution:

Unlocked at Workstation Level 30, you can now craft the reinforced chainlink fences (with 5000 HP, same as concrete) to protect your base, or anything of value. Reinforced chainlink doors and gates are also available for proper entrance

You can also craft reinforced razor wire defenses (with only 3000 HP, as it also does damage). They can be walked through, but deal a lot more damage than the normal barbed wire or barbed wire fence, so be aware!!!

There are 4 versions:

  • Razor wire spindles that is offset to fit on top of the fences
  • Razor wire spindles in normal position to place on top of normal blocks or on the floor
  • Straight razor wires that can also be laid flat on surfaces
  • Razor wire fences for road blocks and barricades.

7 days to die jakmeister999s reinforced chainlink fences additional screenshot 1

7 days to die jakmeister999s reinforced chainlink fences additional screenshot 2

7 days to die jakmeister999s reinforced chainlink fences additional screenshot 3


Credits: Jakmeister999

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January 14, 2025 12:41 am

A lot of generation in world problems. Does this modify assets in creation of new worlds?

January 2, 2025 4:41 pm

I can’t make them, they aren’t shown in workstation skill list part mixer shown only. But in workbench have them in list making but can’t make because of locked.