Little Buddy

7 days to die little buddy

Little Buddy is an armor mod, and consists of a stuffed animal who can help ease your character’s loneliness. You may find yourself talking to them as you try to fall asleep, or hear their words of encouragement as you face the undead.

The Little Buddy is warm, but also has a strong effect on your morale, and provides the following benefits:
+5% cold resistance
+5% loot stage
+10% resistance buff vs. fatigue, disease, and stun (these passive buffs are not visible in the UI)

Creating this armor mod does not need a work station, but does require the following ingredients:
8 cloth fragments
20 cotton
2 sewing kits

Every bit of help counts. Maybe your Little Buddy will save you some day.

7 days to die little buddy additional screenshot


Credits: Hellgeist

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