Missionary Mod

7 days to die missionary mod

To all survivors, have you heard the call of God? Invoking you on starting a pilgrimage throughout the wasteland and cleansing the evil within?
If that is you, then get your cross and start your journey as a missionary by following instructions from His Holiness.

Lore aside, the reason Giuigi made this mod was for the fact that he always enjoyed the start of a new save while having nothing and scavenging anything he could find.
With this mod everytime you complete a quest given by God, you will restart with nothing and also with a change of scenery.
But here is the kicker, while completing these quests you will receive tokens of gratitude and offer them for blessings (weapons) that will carry over when you restart the journey. While the blessings are great to have, there is a chance you won’t get the blessings you need/want so if you want a guarantee, there’s always shamway up the road you can try looting.

He would recommend just reading the warnings below and start without reading the things this mod adds (further below) and try to figure it out through the items descriptions.


  • Languages: English, Italian
  • Mode: Only Singleplayer (Multiplayer is something he would like to try, but there will be a lot of changes/removed features)
  • Map Limit: Everything from 2048 and above should work (Follow instructions because every size has a folder for it)
  • Game Version: 1.2
  • Old Saves: He wouldn’t recommend adding to old saves/playthrough
  • Integration with other mods: He wouldn’t recommend, because this mod has not been tested with other mods or overhauls as of yet


  • Unzip the zip file
  • Open the folder and you will see different folders each one with a number
  • The number represents the size of the map you
  • Example: If you are using Navezgane as the map, you will need to add the Missionary6144 folder in the Mods folder cause Navezgane is a 6144 x 6144 map
  • There is a folder for each map size you can random generate in the game (If you are using a bigger map, then use the Missionary10240 folder)

Terms of use: https://github.com/GiuigiMods/missionary/blob/main/README.md
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/jGhBvsnZ (his new discord for bug report or suggestions)

Craftable Items

Holy Relic: You need this item for receiving quests and for restarting your journey after you finish said quests
Holy Cache: When you complete quests you will get coins as a reward, the cache is for converting them into items
Holy Planter: Using this you can convert unwanted items you received from the cache into plants that can be converted back to coins using this very planter


Exorcism: When you start a quest you will have a time, complete it in time or you will get “permadeath” (This activates only when the timer ends)


All high tier melee weapons/ranged weapons have a blessed variant (with some back in the day weapons)
Nailgun, Chainsaw, Auger have a blessed variant which makes them a viable weapon
Only the preacher armor set has a blessed variant
Every vehicle have a blessed variant
All the blessed weapons will use their respective blessed ammo
There are also some rare items that you can get from the cache, but they don’t really impact your gameplay (Only for some nice surprises and laughs)
Silver Blocks that have more health than steel blocks, cannot be crafted

Going forward he will add more things that he already has in mind (more quest variations, a missionary skill, npc etc.)

Good luck out there survivors and give this profession a try, because who doesn’t mind some missionary am he right 😉


If you appreciate Giuigi’s work and you want to show support, use the Paypal/Patreon link.

The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Giuigi

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