No Respawn Near Backpack

7 days to die no respawn near backpack

Once upon a time, players used to be able to disable the option to respawn near the backpack upon dying, but in A21, The Fun Pimps decided it was time for that setting to go…

7 days to die no respawn near backpack additional screenshot

This mod hides the button to respawn near the backpack and adds a button to respawn in one of the world’s starting spawn points on death. It does not add a menu option to toggle this feature on and off because I did not have time for that, and the mod would still be client-side either way, so when you don’t want to use it, just remove it.

EAC Must be OFF!

If you need help, you can reach me over at the topic in the official forum.

The source code of the Harmony plugin is here.


Credits: Byteblazar

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Nick Davidson
Nick Davidson
February 1, 2025 7:06 am

Bro, THANK YOU. I have been running a PvP server for my friends and I and once they made it so everybody could spawn near their backpack,there was little to no punishment for death. Thanks again.