Taco Anti Cheat

7 days to die taco anti cheat

This mod randomizes command names to prevent cheaters from abusing the in game mechanics like debug menu, creative menu, admin items, and kill commands.

Dedicated server AND non-Dedicated supported.
You heard that right, this works for dedicated servers as well as private games with your friends. The only requirements is that host has it installed.

The names are randomized in memory each boot, this means no one will be able to ever guess your command names.

The settings.xml file contains the settings for the mod, you can choose new command names instead of randomizing them in memory. This if for those servers who use teleport or other commands that are removed with this mod. More information inside the settings.xml

Admin items are removed from the Creative menu for even further protection.

This mod is server side only. You don’t need to tell your clients about it. and They don’t need to download it.

7 days to die taco anti cheat additional screenshot 1

7 days to die taco anti cheat additional screenshot 2


Credits: McTaco

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January 16, 2025 6:31 pm

Excellent !!!!