Vanilla Plus
TL;DR Description: MASSIVELY Enhanced Vanilla Friendly Gameplay. Build/Upgrade “ALL” Blocks. Simplification of building through MISC System. Bundle MANY things. MURDER AXE. Many Fixes. Vehicle Seating+. …
Top Community Mods
Riles’ 7 Days to Die Mods
TL;DR Description: MASSIVELY Enhanced Vanilla Friendly Gameplay. Build/Upgrade “ALL” Blocks. Simplification of building through MISC System. Bundle MANY things. MURDER AXE. Many Fixes. Vehicle Seating+. …
From a single variant block, you may choose to build many in-game models as replicas! Many of the replicas also can serve as a container. …
Yet another larger backpack mod. Many of them are made to be compatible with specific mods. This one is simple and standalone… except the 90 …
This mod changes the dynamic of books and schematics! When you read them… they still exist! You can share, sell, trade, or scrap your old …
Extra seating! 2 people on motorcycle, 5 on a truck! Simple and can work server side. Download If you need help, you can use this …