[1.0] Tuk – Throw Stuff Mod v1.1

7 days to die tuk throw stuff mod

This mod adds 12 new weapons and a new agility combat skill called Thrower.

All weapons are unlocked by the perk tree (no magazines requirement) and have unique capabilities like:

Armor Penetration, Ragdoll chance, Extra Bleeding, or better distraction.

Some weapons can also be used in melee.

Is short range and more power more important or less damage but greater range and accuracy? Do you want to be able to ragdoll zeds that are chasing you or maybe distract them and not enter combat at all? Play the way you want!

All weapons are original works by myself and I haven’t gone through an entire playthrough yet so your feedback on anything is welcomed ~

This is my first mod and has some known issues:

  • Stacked items, once thrown, do not reappear in hand in first person view (they still work but are invisible) until you change to another weapon and then back. This is a 7d2d bug and can be solved via C# programming which, for now, I know nothing about. So far it hasn’t detracted much from my personal gameplay. I will likely revisit in a future version. –fixed
  • Crafting is done in batches but you can’t que the number of batches for some reason.
  • Dye can not be applied to stacked items unfortunately (7DTD limitation). All weapons, except shurikens, have dye masks though so if you want to change the color you can via editting the xml line <property name=”TintColor” value=”200, 200, 200″/> in the items.xml. Turn those fletchings bright pink if you want…weirdo.

By default, there is a nav object to help find your yeeted death devices. I designed it to be less intrusive looking and offset so as not to obscure the target’s head. However, if you’d prefer no nav icon at all, simply edit the item.xml and change all instances of “TUK_ThrowStuff_nav_visible” to “TUK_ThrowStuff_nav”.

Special thanks to Redbeard for solving the invisible weapon problem, Mumpfy and MauriceOCB for custom shaders, everybody that contributes on Guppy’s Unofficial 7DtD Modding discord, and all the wonderful tutorial creators on youtube. This would not have been possible without all the generous free help.


If you appreciate my work and would like to buy me a drink. Thank you!

Credits: Tuk

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September 5, 2024 11:41 am

thank! ! its so good!

Michael Scarn
Michael Scarn
August 22, 2024 8:03 pm

Nice mod! Thanks man!

August 23, 2024 9:44 am
Reply to  Michael Scarn

Thanks, glad you like it

August 22, 2024 6:27 pm

Let me clarify first. This module is excellent, and I appreciate your work. However, there are a few areas where improvements could be made:

1. Items dropped by defeated enemies should be changed to regular item bags. The current items are too small and difficult to pick up.
2. Dropped items should have a time limit before they disappear, such as around one minute. If someone doesn’t want to pick up an item, they probably won’t want to pick it up later.
3. There are many unique items, but the sheer number has led to insufficient average effectiveness. Perhaps you could reduce the number to about 5-6 items.
4. The damage is insufficient. Whether due to low skill multipliers or low item damage values, the overall damage is very low. Even early on, I’m not very inclined to use them, and in the mid to late game, their low damage may make them undesirable. I suggest increasing the damage overall and possibly introducing a tier system (Tier 0-4).
5. This type of weapon could be modified to have a stealth bonus effect similar to bows and have zero noise when used, though with reduced range (since it’s manually operated). This would enhance the weapon’s unique features and allow for early use. For example, simple stone-throwing with damage (the recipe could be set to craft a hard stone from 5 stones). By the way, there was an early design for a slingshot, but the module was not updated later.

August 23, 2024 10:07 am
Reply to  Winsky

Thanks for the kind words and suggestions. I’ll reference your points in order:

1. Design choice. I enjoy more immersion and nothing breaks it like a giant pilum turning into a brown paper bag. The nav icon is there to help you find it since they’re small. Most of the items actually are sized up in scale when dropped though and you can see this in the items.xml if you look for “DropScale”.

2. They do: 5 min.

3. They are broken up into crafting tiers already and each clearly states what they are good for and in relation to the other options…and really there’s only 2 choices per tier.

4. You may be right on this one…It’s difficult to balance. However, I’m finding them extremely effective at all stages of the game. For example the power to ragdoll enemies at will is basically OP. Think of it like another type of archery type skill…great supplement but won’t be getting you through horde night all by itself. That said I just did day 28 with only a Pilum and Tomohawk. You HAVE to get headshots though…thats kinda the point of the mod and probably not well explained tbh. Also, get the appropriate perks…not going to do well without them.

5. They do have a stealth bonus like all other weapons. Get those headshots.

Thanks again, and of course feel free to adjust all these values in the code to your liking.

August 20, 2024 12:10 am

I’d love to use this in an overhaul project I’m working on called Grim Wastes, with your permission. Drop by my #magejosh_stuff channel in Guppy’s Unofficial Modding Discord if you want to chat about it.

August 22, 2024 7:20 am
Reply to  magejosh

Absolutely! Replied on Disco, sorry I don’t check messages very often lol.

August 22, 2024 8:56 am
Reply to  Tuk

You are awesome and much appreciated Tuk!

August 18, 2024 8:31 pm

playing it, pretty fun. can you make like an end game weapon though? seems these more temporary use. (least the ones ive tried as i’m playing strictly swords rn)

August 20, 2024 1:33 am
Reply to  kyphius

(ignore the swords part) but i do wonder if theres a more “crossbow/archery” type of play. i rarely use those and would love to use this mod as the replacer.

August 22, 2024 7:22 am
Reply to  kyphius

I’ve played through till demo’s start showing up and I find them to be pretty decent, but if you want to change the damage numbers in the item xml feel free! For reference, I’ve been playing on Warrior difficulty.

August 10, 2024 4:19 am

Im surprised devs didnt add weapons like these. Will try it!
Question, are there any spear like weapons in here? Like javelins, for example.

August 11, 2024 3:29 am
Reply to  BF

Yes, at perk level 5 (max) you can craft the Pilum which can be used in melee and thrown. It is also tied into the spears perk for melee attack speed. It’s fun.

August 13, 2024 3:48 am
Reply to  Tuk

Thats actually awesome!!

August 7, 2024 5:26 am

hello, You must change the “items” file in the “”DropMeshfile”” sections, it must be placed “@:Other/Items/, otherwise the console shows red messages.

screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/4gBjC6l

August 9, 2024 6:11 am
Reply to  larry

Hi Larry, my mod doesn’t utilize that path at all. I think that might be another mod or maybe a corrupted 7d2d problem. Please let me know if you figure it out. Thanks ~

August 7, 2024 4:03 am

Thanks This is Great! I know it’s not possible, but it would be cool to find these laying around the world.

August 9, 2024 6:13 am
Reply to  dave

Hi Dave, thanks! I’ll consider putting them in the loot tables if/when I update.