This Undead Water-Mod comes with an exclusive Water-Map “Atlantica Undead UW” and some new Vehicles.
– The Size of the Map is 14k
– Player can explore a really big Water-Map with many Isles
– 3 exclusive Vehicles: Sail Boat, Hovercraft & Flying Boat
– Many new and exclusive POIs added, f.e. Oil Rigs, Ship Wrecks, Sea Traders, Caves etc.
– All Vehicles are craftable from the Beginning – no Perks or Books necessary!
– New Title Screen and Music
– More Slots for your Loot
Update 1.2 is out with this new Content:
– Pink Sail Boat Variant
– New Machine Gun (MG42 Bonesaw)
– New Mellee Weapon (Trident)
– 5 Animal Trophies (Zombie Bear, Dire Wolf, Grace, Stag & Mountain Lion)
– Wall Deco Stuff (Pirate Sword & Pistol)
Unzip the File “” and put the “Mods”-Folder into your Game-Folder:
If you still have a Mod-Folder i recommend to erase, remove or deactivate it first (you can just rename it in f.e. “Mods off”). And i recommend to disable EAC too.
Then open the Game in Steam, select the Map “Atlantica Undead UW” and start your Adventure with a new Savegame-Name.
Enjoy & have Fun
If you appreciate DirkillerGaming’s work and you want to show support, use the Buy Me a Coffee/Paypal link.
Credits: Made by DirkillerGaming
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
As always, another great mod 🙂
Version 1.2 is out with new Content (see description)!
You don’t need to start a new Game – just reinstall and load your old Savegame! 🙂
The wife and I tried this out and its a cool idea, it just doesn’t really do much other then add the vehicles and more water. The gameplay is still stock so in the end it gets kinda boring. Would be great for some more under water (and deeper water) stuff and maybe some water threats.
Yeah, i’m still working on it. More Content is coming the next days (f.e. new Weapons, Trophies & Deco Stuff). And for the 2.x im gonna add a bunch of new POIs – that’s the Roadmap. But i’m really proud of the first Version & the Map – it’s a Gem imo.
Yeah we are keeping an eye on this. You got potential for something special. Just need more to do in the open seas.
Great work man! Thanks!
Thank your very much 🙂
Btw: At the Moment i’m working on new content for this Mod, f.e. Animal-Trophies, Deco-Stuff, a Pink Sailboat-Variant for the female 7D-Gamers, one or more Weapons etc.
But you all don’t need to start a new Game – it’s just a Cosmetic Update.
It’s good to hear that, because this mod has incredible potential. Glock9’s suggestions: I hope you’ll add them as well. These features would turn the mod into a masterpiece 🙂
Cool – thank you very much. I’m def. gonna check his videos 🙂🙂🙂
If you created a water world like in the 1995 movie. Waterworld. It would be awesome.
Lol, yeah i agree. At least I would like to make a Waterworld-POI (maybe the big Fort full of Zombies) – we will see.
Sounds great. There are no water mods like this. There is very little in the game that is related to water… Only your mod exists.. The very idea of the water world is to dive underwater in search of loot in flooded cities. Scuba gear. Just imagine. Underwater bases and mutant sharks.
Thank you for your work and mod.
Struggling with upload. Newbie here. It doesn’t show up in the usual “internet list “ on the launcher so I haven’t placed the download correctly. Can someone explain this in REALLY simple terms please ? Lol
If you still have a Mod-Folder i recommend to erase, remove or deactivate it first (you can just rename it in f.e. “Mods off”)
You don’t need any 3rd party things to install mods. DirkillerGaming has also explained how to install it in the description above.
Thanks Toby. I’ve done lots of other mods through steam ( 7d2d launcher ) but I can’t find this download from my files ? I am confused by him saying to rename ? Am I renaming my mods folder or the undead water file ? Sorry I am of an older generation !? Lol
I misunderstood. Now everything is clear. 🙂 Instead of deleting all your old mods, you can simply deactivate them by renaming your existing “Mods” folder. Then you can install this mod (by moving DirkillerGaming’s “Mods” folder).
Thank you so much Toby. Really appreciate your help
You’re welcome
Yeah exacly. Sorry, maybe i described it a little bit more complicated as it is. 🙂
Yeah 🙂 I picked up many Isles from the Atlantic Ocean and combined them to one Map.
You will also find the Canary Island, Azores and many more. Newfoundland was perfect for the big Center Island imo.
Ive been looking for a map like this to make use of the boating mod for some time. Any chance of adding one more large city to each biome? Not enough room I guess.
This first Version has three big Cities: One in the Burnt-, one in the Snow- and one in the Wasteland-Biome. But i keep your wish in my Mind for the 2.x-Update. Thanks!
Another great work! Thanks man!
Thanks too for your compliment 🙂
is it possible to get this in 16384 x 16384 and selectable in Random Gen with randomly generated options and customizations?
I think no. I made the Map by Hand and let Teragon and KingGen put the POIs on it. And a 16k-Map crashes very often on my system.