Bigger Backpack Mod (60/96 Slot)
Bigger backpack mod for 7 Days to Die. XML Only Mod (can be installed on servers with no client download). Changelog V1DOWNLOAD 60 slot backpack …
Top Community Mods
KhaineGB’s 7 Days to Die Mods
Bigger backpack mod for 7 Days to Die. XML Only Mod (can be installed on servers with no client download). Changelog V1DOWNLOAD 60 slot backpack …
Changes screamers drastically. They ALWAYS spawn at 100% heat. The cooldown on generating more heat has been lowered from 15 minutes to 5 minutes, and …
Folks may know this from JaWoodle’s “Anywhere, Anytime” series. It creates random wandering hordes, of a random amount of zombies, a random amount of times …
Adds the lockable slots feature that the backpack has to vehicle storage. Warning, this may not save or may over-write the inventory saved slots. You …
Increases the toolbelt to 15 slots. C# Mod (cannot be server only, EAC must be off!). Changelog Updated for V1.0. V1DOWNLOAD for V1 (5 KB)Alpha …
This is more for modders to add in custom music for their overhauls. However, it does include the ORIGINAL music from around Alpha 9 for …
Increases the max FOV to 150, though anything above 90 is a bit distorted. Might be good for folks with motion sickness. C# Mod (cannot …
Increases the amount of damage a zombie takes when you run it over. Amount of damage depends on how heavy the vehicle is and how …
This is more for modders. It fixes that horrible noise when driving custom vehicles. C# Mod (cannot be server only, EAC must be off!). Changelog …
Removes the cap on the amount of damage zombies take when falling from heights, so drop pits from older alphas are now a semi-valid form …