Wandering Horde Frequency

7 days to die wandering horde frequency, 7 days to die zombies

Folks may know this from JaWoodle’s “Anywhere, Anytime” series. It creates random wandering hordes, of a random amount of zombies, a random amount of times per day. How often (in terms of in-game hours) and how many zombies are configurable in the blocks.xml included in the mod.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The wandering horde mod is only for vanilla! It is not for DF. Also please note this version seems to spawn 3-5 zombies more than the maximum you set, for some reason. KhaineGB does not know why.

C# Mod (cannot be server only, EAC must be off!).


Rebuilt and pushed the Wandering Horde DLL to his repo for folks who had the config block bug.

Which he couldn’t reproduce ANYWAY.

But tested this, force spawned a wandering horde and it worked fine.

1.0 Version
DOWNLOAD for 1.0 (10 KB)
Alpha 21 Version
DOWNLOAD for A21 (51 KB)

If you appreciate KhaineGB’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.

The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: KhaineGB

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18 thoughts on “Wandering Horde Frequency

  1. This doesn’t overwrite the normal vanilla hordes that spawn every or so often, does it? I was thinking of setting this to just 3-5 zombies so I would have more of a constant threat while playing. But i don’t want the large vanilla hordes to replaced by just 3-5 zombies.

  2. Mod did not seem to work for 1.0. Everytime the wandering horde tried to spawn in we were riddles with so many errors that the only viable way to close out of the game was to alt F4.

    1. I’m also getting errors every time a wandering horde tries to spawn into the world. I can play fine otherwise. I can even just close the console errors and continue playing but it pops back up when the next instance tries to happen. This issue is above my pay grade. lol

  3. Fantastic addition to our server. I did tweak the number and frequency of the hordes, but its really made exploring the map so much more dynamic. We often have to retreat or hastily prepare defenses when doing a poi as we hear the many footsteps of a horde approaching.

  4. Please update this sir, I miss my hordes of 15-55 zombos every 5-18 hours. A20 does not work for A21 (obviously.)

  5. Turned off EAC and received “NullExceptions” for miles. Removed the mod, STILL receiving “NullExceptions”. So I guess i’m stuck deleting and reinstalling? Argh.

    It worked when I first tried it, but all I got were A Horde of One feral zombies. How do I fix it to just a pack of 7 – 10 regular wandering zombies?

  6. This mod doesn’t work. I installed it in the mods folder, EAC is turned off. No zombies. Just a bunch of “NullExceptions” ‘Objects not set to the reference of an object’ errors whenever they are suposed to appear.

    1. If you haven’t already got this working “When you start up the game, and it shows 2 options to either play the game or show the game launcher. Open the launcher, there will be a setting in there that lets you disable EAC, and you may want to save that to default.” Hope that helps. 🙂

  7. I’m curious as to how this would apply to multiple people playing, specifically would each person need to install it as this won’t run on the server side.

  8. Hi, I don’t really understand, do I have to change the property name=”Logging” value=”false” to true for it to work ?

    I’m on day 5 and I haven’t seen any horde or anything like that, and I spend all that time in a small town on a random map.

    1. Did it work changing the Logging value to true? Apparently I cannot get this mod to work. It’s over 12 days ingame (1 hour each day), and I haven’t seen a single horde =/

    2. Did you turned off Easy anti cheat (EAC)? If not then it won’t work even if you pasted this mod to mods folder as it should be.

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