Terrain Treasures (Alpha 21)

7 days to die terrain treasures, 7 days to die loot, 7 days to die mining

When you dig, there is a chance to find random loot, such as bullet casings, land mines, mushrooms, potatoes, raw ores, junk, etc… Depending on where you dig the loot may be different. For example, digging in snow gives you a small chance to find preserved meat. This mod has been fixed and tested in Alpha 21, and should work in 1.0 as long as they don’t get rid of any of the items in the list. The original version that I posted will not work with Alpha 21 and up, because they removed glass jars and empty cans from the game.


Credits: Josh Brightwell a.k.a. Psychotoke

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9 thoughts on “Terrain Treasures (Alpha 21)

  1. Mod doesnt load in 1.0

    output from log:

    2024-06-30T16:43:05 3.315 ERR [MODS] Trying to load from folder: ‘Terrain_Treasures’
    2024-06-30T16:43:05 3.315 ERR [MODS] Terrain_Treasures/ModInfo.xml in legacy format. V2 required to load mod
    2024-06-30T16:43:05 3.315 ERR [MODS] Could not parse Terrain_Treasures/ModInfo.xml, ignoring

    1. That’s my bad I assumed I tested it on 1.0 but checking now it shows I was on Alpha 21. I’m guessing 1.0 is still in Beta because my game never updated to it. I’m not sure how to remove the 1.0 tag from this site, but that was a mistake on my part.

      1. There is already a note for this on the mod submit page. You can remove the category the same way you submit the mod. Or you can use the contact form.

  2. Hey modder, I tested this mod to see if it works on Alpha 21, and sadly, it just resorts to errors and does not boot up the game when the mod is placed in the “Mods” folder in the appdata roaming 7daystodie folder. So I’m wondering if you would be kind to update this mod for Alpha 21 please? That would be nice.


    1. I’m not exactly sure how that works, so I might be wrong. All it is, is some appended xml files. Please note that the drops are set to very rarely happen. To make sure it is working, start digging with an empty inventory and dig out a large area (about the width of a small house). The drops are different for the top 2 blocks and what is deeper below. There are actually more things to find higher up, as I was going for immersion. For example, you are more likely to find jars and cans and such closer to the surface, and will not find those things in the rock layer. However, the rock layer is where you will most likely find diamonds or gold. Rocks are extremely common to find while digging in the dirt. So, if you find that you are getting some rocks while digging the top few layers, then the mod is working.

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