A21 Stainless Blocks

7 days to die a21 stainless blocks, 7 days to die building materials

This mod from A20 when author Buggi created for non serverside. For A21 i created only for serverside with vanilla icon on polish resurce. That block upgradable after steel blocks and haves 50khp.

Note: That mod not friendly with h7sb admin blocks he crashing with em… so you need remove if you have hes admin blocks mod to not crashing! No problems with my other bedrock blocks.


Credits: piranhas, Buggi

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3 thoughts on “A21 Stainless Blocks

  1. as i sayd that mod from A20 version i remaked for A21 but glithching every shape upgrades transformed to cubes if any other mod can remakes it just do it you have my rights you use that mod with your rights! if website mods want can remove it for me not support it ty!

  2. Great mod, thank you! Is there a way for us to add in extra shapes, like the scaffolding ladder, ourselves, or do you need to do that yourself as the creator? Right now the scaffolding ladder and corner railing upgrade to square blocks – it would be great to have these and other shapes available. Cheers.

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