Barricaded House (1.0)

7 days to die barricaded house, 7 days to die quests, 7 days to die prefab

Residential POI. Tier 4 and i wont spoil why it is a tier 4. After you play im sure you’ll agree. I included infested quest too.

1.0 Ready!

Copy the download files out of folder into: C:\Users\”yourusername”\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\LocalPrefabs

If you don’t have a “LocalPrefabs” folder you can create one.

7 days to die barricaded house additional screenshot 1

7 days to die barricaded house additional screenshot 2

7 days to die barricaded house additional screenshot 3

7 days to die barricaded house additional screenshot 4


Credits: Officecats5

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