BEDROCK-admin Blocks Upgraded Version

7 days to die bedrock-admin blocks, 7 days to die doors, 7 days to die building materials

2 items created from bedrock undestroyable is good to build a lobbys or market material used bedrock that not takes damage like a claim protections just didnt takes damage from players zombies and all. Just take care no remove tool so the can removes only if fall down!

Items: 1 all shapes of blocks 2. vault steel door 01 bedrock

Tested on my dedicated worked good!


Added: Admin tool remover you can remove bedrock blocks with new remover hammer expect doors! This mod serverside no errors i use on my server!


Credits: piranhas

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14 thoughts on “BEDROCK-admin Blocks Upgraded Version

  1. Hello,
    I have the problem when I try to upgrade the things described so that I can then destroy it… (it works with normal blocks or railings) but I keep getting this error message.

    – EXC NullReference: Object reference not set to an instance of an object –
    – Building – Window Store One Sided Empty –
    – Building – Window Store Corner Empty –
    – and all other window blocks –

    1. you need from cm remover resurce after that click right click may upgrade to rock cobblestone block after that hit with left click to destroy it

  2. Could we get a Bulletproof Glass and/or a Glass version aswell? You know for the zombie aquarium.

  3. Works Great! Can you add the single door and some hatches maybe? The 3×3 roll up door would be great too.

    1. What is the difference between Server side and Client side? I only know how to download mods by injecting the folders into the mod folder. Am I missing something?

      1. Server side means the mod only needs to be on/uploaded to the server, Client side means the player must have the mod, so if a mod states “Must have server side and client installed” that means both the server and the player (Client) must have the mod installed for it to work, I hope this explains things a bit more.

    2. good idea but i prepare new version with block remover but i think if i add haches can remove it but i would test it first thnx for warn it

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