Skills for HP and Stamina

7 days to die skills for hp and stamina, 7 days to die stamina, 7 days to die perks

This mod will add two leveling branches to Fortitude. One to increase maximum health, the second to increase maximum stamina. Each branch has a maximum level of 10. In total, you get 50 units of characteristics per branch. Так же есть русский язык )


  • (new) Updated translation, add German translation, THX Gereon.
  • Fixed translate
  • Fixed request for skills
  • Add new tree skill, recovery stamina.
  • Accelerates the recovery rate stamina by 1%, 2% and 3%


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Kenshut

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2 thoughts on “Skills for HP and Stamina

  1. Спасибо) а случаем не подскажете какие капитальные моды есть с переводом на русский? раньше Undead Legacy был, а сейчас не могу найти сборник с RUS ((

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