Welcome to DanyEr12LX’s mod project!
Back in 2022 he started this project with the the purpose to Fix all the Iron Sights of vanilla weapons! One day he just got tired of those nonsensical misaligned sights on the top of the Pistol, Hunting Rifle, SMG, Ak47, etc… and he started looking for a way to align them and improve the Model of the poor looking ones.
And when he finally succeeded, he certainly didn’t stop there!
As time went by, he studied and found a way to improve the weapons in their various aspects, from their Model and Textures to the Shooting System itself.
He even managed to add New Components to the weapons and give shape to those Mods (such as Retracting Stock, Magazine Extender, etc.) that you don’t normally see!
At some point he decided to completely overhaul the concept of the Scope Aiming System, allowing the Player to use the Real Scope installed on all Vanilla Weapons rather than a small reticle drawn on a black background.
Once he got the hang of it, he was able to add more complexity on the Movement System, making it much more Interesting and dynamic.
And everything is customizable through the configuration file “DLX-ConfigFile.xml“!
In the future he plan to add more features to the mod, he certainly won’t stop there!
Being one of those people who had the chance to play and fell in love with this game from the very first Alpha 1 back in 2013 (yes the one that crashed every five minutes), he wanted to develop this mod as a tribute to the good old days!
The Mod currently works for Version 1.0 and Version 1.1.
Keep in mind, because it uses libraries in order to work, it may not be EAC friendly! So he suggest you to disable it, at least when you go MP!
➡️ Stay Tuned for more additions! ✔️
While developing this Mod is a really exciting hobby for him, this process also takes a lot of time and considerable effort. And often between work and study he confess that sometimes it is not easy to find free time to devote himself to this. Generally he never ask for donations and the like, but if by any chance you like what he’s trying to build, Please consider maybe buying him a nice coffee! (Yes, he’s a caffeine addict 👀)
You shouldn’t in any chance to feel obligated to do so, but if you do decide to do it he want you to know that is comes greatly appreciated. Donation or not, he would like to thank all the people from the heart ❤️ to all that download and use the DLX – Weapons Fix Mod! He is very grateful for you following him and the development of this mod! He hope you enjoy it! His intentions are to keep developing and supporting his mod indefinitely! Because he love this game and he want to try to improve it as much as possible!
- The Iron Sights have been shortened to the correct height.
- Scopes, Reflex and Iron Sights are perfectly aligned.
- Iron Sights that did not match the aesthetics of the weapon have been replaced with a new model.
- Front and Rear Sights have been added to weapons that lacked them.
- Meshes and Textures on the back of the weapon have been improved to maintain quality when aiming.
- The zoom on the iron sight is now set correctly.
- The Scope Aiming concept has been completely overhauled, removing the old zoom method based on a reticle on a black background.
- You can now use the scope installed on the weapon directly (In a COD-BF style).
- It works on all Vanilla Weapons, and could theoretically work on all weapons (with a proper configuration of the XML “DLX-ConfigFile.xml” file)
- A system has been created to make the scope system dynamic and interesting in terms of movement and light/shadow on the lens.
- Reticles are customisable in Shape, Size and Colour. Weapon scopes are customisable separately!
- Textures and Mesh have been improved so you can aim with the scope without losing texture quality.
- An external lens reflects the environment in a dynamic way.
- Scratches have been added to the right side of the scope to differentiate between 2X, 4X and 8X scopes.
- The Background is visible and slightly blurred when aiming with the scope.
- Zoom-when-crouch feature: When crouched, the scope zooms smoothly to full 2X, 4X or 8X, producing a sound.
A New System has been created that makes the Movement much more dynamic and interesting when the Player looks around, runs, aims and shoots.
Models have been added for those mods that are normally not visible, such as the Magazine Extender, Muzzle Brake, Fore Grip etc…
- Improved Weapon Fire and Weapon Reload Animations to make them smoother.
- New weapon components have been animated, such as the Pistol Hammer, the Ak 47 Charging Handle, Lever Action Rifle Bolt etc…
- Bullet shells have been added that emerge from the chamber and are visible both when firing from the hip and when aiming.
- They interact dynamically with the environment.
- Muzzle Smoke coming out of the chamber after firing has been added.
- Muzzle smoke remains for several seconds after the gun is fired.
- Muzzle Fire and Light that illuminates the environment have been added.
- Remember that each scope (2X, 4X and 8X) of each weapon can be customised separately!
- Here are the nine possible Reticle Shapes you can choose from.
- Just open the file “DLX-ConfigFile.xml“, search for the term “Reticle_Shape” of the desired weapon and write the chosen Shape in the “value” parameter! (eg. <parameter name=”4X_Reticle_Shape” value=”Reticle_05“/>)
- Reticle_00 Triangle
- Reticle_01 Simple Cross
- Reticle_02 Cross and Circle
- Reticle_03 Open Cross
- Reticle_04 German Reticle
- Reticle_05 Open Circle
- Reticle_06 RangeFinding
- Reticle_07 Three Marks
- Reticle_08 Three Marks and Circle
- Same thing with the Reticle Color, which is written in RGB form (0-255, 0-255, 0-255).
- Just open the file “DLX-ConfigFile.xml“, search for the term “Reticle_Color” of the desired weapon and write the chosen Color in RGB form in the “value” parameter! (eg. <parameter name=”4X_Reticle_Color” value=”255, 255, 255“/>)
- Same thing with the Reticle Size.
- Just open the file “DLX-ConfigFile.xml“, search for the term “Reticle_Size” of the desired weapon and write the chosen Size form in the “value” parameter! (eg. <parameter name=”4X_Reticle_Size” value=”2.22“/>)

- Follow the link and Download the Latest Version.
- Unzip “DLX – Weapons Fix [V1.0] 3.5.0.rar” into the Mods Folder (“\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\“).
- For safety purpose, Disable EAC
- Play da game. 🔥
- The Mod Author and Developer of this Mod, DLX Weapons Fix, is DanyEr12LX.
- The Mod Author allows to use DLX Weapons Fix with or without any kind of modifications. Remember that all these are restricted to private use only unless otherwise indicated with the written consent of the Mod Author.
- The Mod Author is not responsible for any damage and/or corruption of game files (including save files), that may be inflicted during and after the installation of DLX Weapons Fix.
- The use, reuse, share, modification, copying, duplication and/or distribution of DLX Weapons Fix, all the files included DLX Weapons Fix and in the asset file, in any format and in any form, is prohibited outside of private use only unless otherwise indicated with the written consent of the Mod Author.
- After having a written consent in any form from the Mod Author to do one of the aforementioned actions outside of private use, you are obligated to give appropriate credit to the Mod Author and provide a link to the original source of DLX Weapons Fix.
VERSION 1.1.96
VERSION 1.2.94
VERSION 1.3.36
VERSION 4.21.0
In this new version, 4.21.0, DanyEr12LX has updated the mod’s ability to work with weapons from other mods and made it fully compatible with IZY-All in One Gun Pack v.3.1!
He has also written a quick guide on how to use all the different parameters in the XML configuration file!
You’ll find everything in the RAR archive.
For those who want to, he has also included the steps to remove compatibility with a specific weapon from the mod.
Compatibility with the IZY mod is already preset, but it can be removed with a patch that you’ll find inside the RAR archive (you’ll find a ReadMe text that guides you on how to install this patch).
At the moment he has only found these two small bugs:
With the Mosin Nagant and Lee Enfield rifles, at the beginning of the game, the aiming with the scopes is misaligned for some reason. To fix this, simply reinstall the scope on the weapon (just go to “Modify” in the inventory, then close).
If you remove the IZY compatibility with the patch, when you aim with the 4X and 8X scopes, you will see the weapon for a moment. He has yet to understand the reason for this.
He wanted to release the new version anyway because, he will be out of town for several weeks.
VERSION 4.20.0
In this version, he has made lots of improvements from the previous one and added some great new dynamics and customizations!
Here’s the Changelog!
- The mod has been rewritten ex novo to optimize its functions and make it perform better.
➡️Aiming System
- Replaced the Aiming System with an ad hoc one.
- In the original game, aiming was done through the use of “static” animations, which could cause problems in the animation itself if the weapon was modified.
- Now the mod has its own algorithm to “calculate” the aiming animation, making it fluid, dynamic and adaptable to different situations.
➡️Zoom System
- More Precise and Accurate Zoom.
- He found a good algorithm to calculate the zoom value needed for Scopes to zoom in correctly at 2X, 4X and 8X.
➡️Sensitivity Adjustment System
- Now the mod accurately adjusts the mouse sensitivity based on the magnification of the Scope, Reflex and IronSight used.
➡️Swing System
- Improved the camera rotation system, by making it smoother.
➡️Running System
- Improved the Animation System for running.
- It has also been made more dynamic based on where the player is looking.
➡️Shooting From the Hip System
- Removed the raising of the weapon when the Player shoots from the hip.
- He noticed that not many people liked this system, so he thought he would remove it to make the mod lighter as well. Don’t worry, it was just an experiment!
➡️Animation Transitions
- Transitions between animations have been made smoother.
➡️Muzzle Fire
- Improved the texture and emission of the fire that comes out of the barrel of the Weapon after each shot.
- It has been redone from scratch.
- It will now also take different shapes if a Muzzle Brake or Silencer is installed.
- It changes its position according to the type of mod installed on the barrel of the weapon (silencer, muzzle brake, barrel extender).
➡️Projectile Trail
- Added a bullet trail!
- When the Player shoots, the bullet trail will now be visible!
- This is all customizable in the “DLX-ConfigFile.xml” configuration file.
➡️Muzzle Smoke
- Improved the smoke system that comes out of the barrel of the Weapon after each shot.
- This is all customizable in the “DLX-ConfigFile.xml” configuration file.
- Now it should no longer annoy, but adapt to the external environment.
- It changes its position according to the type of mod installed on the barrel of the weapon (silencer, muzzle brake, barrel extender).
➡️Smoke Trail
- Added a smoke system that continues to emit a couple of seconds even after shooting.
- This is all customizable in the “DLX-ConfigFile.xml” configuration file.
➡️Bullet Shell Ejection
- Improved the bullet shell ejection system after each shot.
- Now there should be no strange phenomena such as delayed bullet shell output or ejection of an altered number of bullet shells.
- Improved the shadow ring surrounding the Scope lenses, making it more dynamic when aiming.
- Now the view form the Scope is clear and sharp.
- No more strange plays of light and shadow.
- The reticle is always clearly visible.
- Removed the dirt in the Scope.
- Improved the appearance of the Scope’s lenses.
- Improved the texture and mesh.
- Added the Texture for the glass of the Reflexes
- They will also be subject to change in the future, as was the case with the Scopes
➡️Weapon Editing
- Improved the Pipe Machine Gun and added an Iron Sight to the weapon.
- Improved the Sniper Rifle and added an Iron Sight to the weapon.
- Added mod components (ForeGrip, barrel extender, etc…).
- The mod uses fewer variables in the XML file “DLX-ConfigFile.xml”.
- This will make it even easier to install his mod on other weapons, such as from other mods.
- A tutorial on this will be done in the future.
➡️Console Command
- By writing “scope rc” or “scope reloaconfig” into the console (press F1) the mod will reload the “DLX-ConfigFile.xml” configuration file without the need of rebooting the game.
➡️Customizable recoil
- If you don’t like the stock recoil animation, you can disable it and/or change its parameters.
- An ad hoc recoil system will be written in the future to replace the current one in the game.
➡️Customizable FOV
- Customizing the FOV for the weapon when the Player is not aiming.
- This is all customizable in the “DLX-ConfigFile.xml” configuration file.
➡️New Customizations
- New customizations in the XML configuration file “DLX-ConfigFile.xml”
- Now of the Weapon you can customize other things, including:
- the FOV when not aiming
- the FOV when aiming
- the Distance of the Scope lens from the Player when the Player aims
- The Running system
- The Aiming system
- The Swing system
- The Recoil System
- The Shadow Ring around the Scope
- The Fire of the Muzzle
- The smoke of the Muzzle
- The trail of bullets
DanyEr12LX is sorry for the inconvenience regarding the Reflexes… He has released a quick hotfix with Reflexes having now a transparent glass with the red dot in the center and adjusted their position (ScopeCameraOffset) for the Pipe Rifle, Hunting Rifle, Lever Action Rifle and Tactical Assault Rifle.
This new version is the 3.5.1
He just wanted to give you a quick update on the development of the mod!
He has managed to get the view from the scopes completely clean and clear. He finally found a way to do this.
P.S. To do this quick hotfix, he had to go back to the current released version, and oh my god, what a difference! The experimental version now has perfect visibility, even at night!
He had to start from scratch and rebuild ex novo the entire aiming mechanism.
Now the player can aim by following a clean, linear path.
The aiming animations are now calculated by the game itself, so they’re no longer static and ugly ones.
You can also set the aiming speed in the XML file.
The same mechanism will need to be applied to Reflexes.
In the meantime, he’s just finishing up putting a suitable Iron Sight on the Sniper Rifle.
Next up is the Pipe Machine Gun.
To do all this, he had to do a lot of refactoring to his mod, which basically meant modifying all those intrinsic mechanisms by which it works.
As a result, the parameters for the position of the weapon when the player aims (currently written in SightsCameraOffset in items.xml and ‘ScopeCameraOffset’ in items_modifiers.xml) won’t be needed anymore.
Instead, all this data will be written directly into the mod’s configuration file, DLX-ConfigFile.xml.
Regarding the weapon modifications (barrel extender, retracting stock, etc.),
He’s planning to implement them this way in the future:
(He’s not sure why the developers didn’t think of it themselves, but whatever).
He would like to create a model with a different appearance depending on the tier of the weapon.
So, if the weapon is a ‘faulty’ (grey) type, then mods (like the barrel extender, foregrip, retracting stock etc.) will have a ‘rusty’ and a more ‘hand-crafted’ look.
As the tier goes up (from grey, orange, yellow, etc. to purple), the gun mods will take on a more professional and polished look.
Mods for pistols will look different from mods for machine guns, rifles, etc.
He just wanted to say a big, heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported him along the way.
DOWNLOAD Version 4.21.0 (577,2 MB)
The forum topic of the mod is here.
Credits: DanyEr12LX
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
Any chance of an update for 1.2? Still getting various blocking console errors and NREs:
Field not found: UnityEngine.Camera .EntityPlayerLocal.weaponCamera Due to: Could not find field in class
This is criminally insane!! its soooo good im impressed it wasnt added into the game as a main feature, u should be hired for real ur doing god’s work here, my only question is, I like to alternate in between first and third person and for some reason the weapons when adsing on third person no longer show an animation, is there a possible fix for this?
DLX ERROR: Field not found: UnityEngine.Transform .EntityPlayerLocal.weaponCameraTransform Due to: Could not find field in class
– Stack Trace: at xsszminjkqidpagqxknknecvqwvigdfzukqcveqcgvysuclaxj.xsszminjkqidpgqxknknecvqwvigjdfzukqcveqcgvysuclaxj.Prefix (PlayerMoveController __instance) [0x0005b] in :0
– File: xsszminjkqidpagqxknknecvqwvigdfzukqcveqcgvysuclaxj.xsszminjkqidpgqxknknecvqwvigjdfzukqcveqcgvysuclaxj
– Method: Prefix
– Other: Update
Same error, I think it might be an issue with the latest version of the Izy gun pack (4.x)? I couldn’t get this mod to play nice, unfortunately, and I’d rather have the Izy gun pack for now.
Been using this mod since it’s first release and it worked great. Since the 7 Days to Die update, though—V1.2—this mod has not been functioning at all; instead, a ton of null reference errors are being thrown by this mod. I’ve tried everything from verifying game file integrity and cleaning game data to checking for conflicts with other mods, but none of these seem to be the issue. I’ve even gone through various XML files and couldn’t pinpoint the problem. It seems like the mod itself might not be compatible with the new update. I absolutely loved this mod—it’s incredible—but the V1.2 update appears to have broken it. Could you look into this?
Por donde empieso,,desde alfa 19,los desarroradores desgraciaron este juego con modelos de miras extañas,este mod soluciona esto,y es en mi opinion lo mejor que e visto,,solo hay un problema,pequeño pero grave,,,cuando usas miras 2x,4x,8x,,los FPS,,vajan de mi estadar 50,55,,a 30,,,muchos diran que a 30 se puede jugar pero un juego com 7dtd de corre corre me es imposible,,esto afecta a muchos como yo que poseemos makinas de mas de 15 años de explotacion,,mi configuracion es un i7 2600 12 de ram a 1333 y una gtx 760 de 4 gb vram,,si pudiran solucionar este problemilla ayudarian a muchos como yo,,,saludos desde cuba.
base installation works great. However, when I try to modify the XML to increase aim speed, the scopes stop working and the mod loses functionality, any help would be greatly appreciated. I love the mod, but if I can’t get the XML modified correctly, the aim speed makes it unusable.
I love the iron sights and the scopes. they are super clean and look great. One problem I have is the “smooth” rotation and fov. It makes my game have terrible motion blur even though in the base game I have it off. It makes me feel dizzy and sick with the game smearing everything to look smooth when I turn. Please have an option to turn it off or just turn it off in the future. Because I would love to use this mod but I cannot without feeling sick
can u make a patch to be compatible with izy all in one gun pack?
Any chance to have compatibility with Little Red Sonja T2toT3 weapons pack?
Mod is super buggy in MP. Guns constantly shooting when no one is and it emits a giant light from the guns as if youre shooting 1000 rounds a second.
i have tried this mod and i am loving it! however, i found after i installed this mod the object texture goes blurry, tested many time once i have uninstalled it the texture back to normal again…. since i really want to play with this mod see is there any solution?
I thought i’d try the mod again right the moment i posted my previous comment, it needs a rework
This mod need some changes
Aiming in with a scope drop your FPS and also the environment, zombies and everything appears farther than they are when you’re not aiming in
Theres a way that i can change the weapon scope sensibility ? its too slow for me on the default, changing on the game does not work
When shooting while aiming, the barrel of the hand moves upward. How to fix this?
Pipe pistol – silenser has wrong parent model. it fly while reloading
there rapiers to be a dug that degrades the quality of items and interactable objects
Mod is really great, tho can i somehow revert sensitivity changes? With this mod my sensitivity while aiming becomes really high and its very uncomfortable
Yo, generally when I load this mod on server and in game, console tells me it has missing EXC root file
Got any ideas?
Thanks from above
Mod is pretty good besides the fact that in dark areas or at night it becomes impossible to see through the scopes. Also when you shoot the gun it makes the hand and gun lift for a few seconds before it settles back down.
Is there going to be a version of the mod without the extensive animation changes? Every time I fire my gun the PC puts his gun up in the air and angles it down. Kind of cool in theory but I don’t know if that’s a bug or just a choice
when i use this mod my scopes dont work
I support, there is a similar problem. On some vanilla weapons like a crossbow and a lever-action rifle. At first, the mod worked great, but over time, when I added a couple of mods, I noticed it.
Godly mod. Using it since v1, and literally i was at standby with 7DTD v1.0, until DLX update will hit the road. TFP should just integrate it into their mess.
Massive kudos to DanyEr12LX.
Amazing work!
Only issue I have is 8X scope is not showing at all on the Sniper Rifle (though it is fine on the hunting rifle). The DOF effect or blur is showing but without the scope model.
I seem to be having an Issue with the mod for 1.0 (b333). Whenever I fire the weapon, the gun adjusts itself to the top right, almost like a high-ready stance, where the stock is set on your shoulders and after a while it resets to the hip. Is there any way to fix that that way is doesn’t do that? Much appreciated.
im also having this same issue and it kinda makes it unplayable as it is, hopefully the mod gets an update to fix this.
I don’t think this is a bug. It seems like it was done intentionally. It looks like the way it works when someone is holding the gun to suppress fire or recoiling and firing under pressure.
Its not only this, my guns are permanently frozen mid reload animation which could be clashing with another mod that adjusts perks? The “high ready” is kind of cool sometimes but its very inconsistent leading to the conclusion of it being a bug.
Its unfortunate because I love this mod but it seems unplayable from my end, I didn’t want to make conclusions at this point because I’m aware I have other mods installed they are minor though shouldn’t be a problem like it is.
Is the scope sensitivity supposed to be REALLY low? Zoom sensitivity doesn’t seem to affect it at all and going from a reflex to a 2x is jarring, I can’t really use a 2x for medium or closer range
This sensitivity is UNPLAYABLY low at 100% scope sens, literally have to remove the mod because i cant play this until i edit the XML files to fix this….
for real. I love the mod and it works great besides the sensitivity issue when aiming down sights. I went through the mod config and unfortunately I couldnt find a setting to lower/raise ADS sensitivity with the modded scopes. Looks like we will have to wait for a patch/update sadly
Nice Work <3
doesn’t work with izayo weapons v1.0
Update 1.0 please
Please make this compatible with 1.0
Looks greeeat
it doesn’t compatible with picture in picture scope
The zoom sensitivity only works on weapons with a scope. When I dont have a scope and I aim (or zoom with a bow) , I have the normal look sensitivity. Is this a bug ?
Love your Mod. One of the “musthave” mod 😀
is no compatible with izayo mods and tactical weapons
Im playing with the alpha 21.1 version of the mod and the Pistols hand grip is wood?
any idea on how to change this to the default metal texture?
Anyone know if this is compatible with darkness falls?
Please make all weapons out of the A21 I think your mod is really cool
mod didnt work why ?
Sorry I am stupid, I reread the page and found out that it does not update everything. Sorry it is working as expected.
Hello, I am trying this with Izayo weapons pack, and it does not seem to work. Is this a mod where I should just choose which one I want? either Izayo or this one?
Excellent mod! Thanks!
essential mod
Can’t wait for the magnum
Thank you for your mod
the 2X scope on the pistol is all white cant see out of it
the 2X scope on the pistol is all wight cant see out of it
i never knew that changing something a simple as an iron sight on a pistol would make this game that much beter lol i hope you fix the combat rifle next, the only way i can see it is to raise the rear sight with wither a sight raiser or more satisfying the attachable carry handle seen on the M16a4.
Plz made this for alpha 21. That would be blast.
the mod is very nice works well, but the laser is not correctly for me
How to make the crosshairs the same as in the video? (no black borders on sniper)
I installed the mod and my scope still has black borders
Will this also adversely affect my friend(s)’s game when they attempt to join and don’t have the mod installed?
Will this work with the Vanilla Expansion Weapons pack? I want to add just the weapons, this, and a map mod. I’m not well-versed in this kind of thing.
No it will not, only the specific weapons listed will be changed.
I can’t seem to enable this to show the scopes properly. Is there something I need to change in the xml to make it work, or is it just maybe other mods conflicting?
Nevermind. xP I’m stupid and didn’t pay attention that it’s only for a very few guns so far. I’ll keep my eye out for when more are released. I’m definitely looking forward to them, from what I’m seeing though.
Amazing work! Its a essential upgrade for 7dtd. Cant wait for crossbow. Thanks!
Seems to conflict with Plaebad Lever Action 44 turning the scope attached to it opaque red. Really love this mod, but also like the lever action to use .44 ammo. Thanks!
I changed the reticle color of the 2x mirror from white to red.
But he didn’t work, and he changed back to the original in the game…
Why is password protected????
Kind modder, you are doing this community a great service. The unaligned sights have been triggering me.
I look forward to the day when I can once again use the magnum without the fear of the front sights catching enough lift to achieve unrequited flight.
I wish you great fortune on your endeavor.
so i tested it and it works pretty good. one complain is the dusty lense effect and the red tone of the glass is really obscuring the vision, especially at night, but aside that the scopes are working extremely well and i’d wish other games would handle scoping like that, if screen-in-screen tech is too performance heavy to use.. because just zooming in close on a physical existing, well done scope is already working perfect like seen in this mod 🙂
also – is there anything that can be done to prevent the animation shoving the scope/rear of the AK into the characters face / camera, when aiming down sights? this problem is also the reason i only play the ak with iron sights in vanilla… with this mod fairly more enjoyable too but i’d really like using reflexsights for some change. anyway.. i’m really hyped for the further developent of this mod and what it will have to offer, because the current changes are already a real quality-blessing to the game.. it’s amazing! thank you 🙂
marry me…
you fixed the game. seriously. I’ll download this and start it with my game and if this works like in the video, i’ll share the shit out of this mod. this needs to be the first entry when you google for ‘7 days to die mods’…
How has this mod not got more attention?
Looks great.
Only thing I would critique is the Chevron. It would be delightful if you added a normal + scope option.
This is just absolutely brilliant!!!! +10
how to fix only mod laze??