It is a revision mod where the game is modified by 80% and created by DJ TRIPLE XMR, we are increasingly changing the style of play adding ease and difficulty at the same time, with each patch improving the appearance and differentiating the way of playing with the previous patch.
- Chest slots can be locked by pressing SHIFT + LEFT CLICK.
- Damage and health of Destroyer Mutants have been reduced.
- I changed the music background of the menu thanks to Cats Music.
- The optimized code, for better fluidity.
Previous Updates
- Increased durability to steel blocks (max damage 14000).
- Increased durability to reinforced concrete blocks (max damage 9000).
- Increased durability to cobblestone blocks (max damage 2000).
- The Slow grenade and Poison grenade, have returned.
- The damage of the strong zombies has been stabilized, since they did not give you a chance to get out alive.
- The improved night vision was removed, since it was useless.
- The name of the biome was added to the works.
- Probability incremented to the bold box.
- The vehicle repair kit can now have the sellers.
- The difficulty of the game has changed, now default is difficult.
- You can pick up the spike blocks.
- Fixed, the armor books were not found after 100.
- All demons no longer have the metal body.
- The damage and the radius to the Demon Bird were reduced.
- More patch notes in the mod menu, and discord.
PATCH NOTES Experimental
- Change in the skills window.
- Modified Challenge Window.
- Adamantium rock is only generated in Wasteland.
PATCH NOTES Experimental
- Super Medical Kit can be used with drone.
- A torch was added at the start of the game, (now the nights are very dark.)
- He added Zombie Nurse with purple spores (He can cure a very fast zombie, but he is a very weak.).
- Enhancements for Prefab Preview is now visible when requesting a job.
- The code has been optinized for faster charge.
- His own loot was added to Demon Lord Immortal.
PATCH NOTES Experimental
- Increased slots and improvements to Compound Bow.
- Fixed, the Weapon Station showed an empty panel.
- All Crafting skills were reduced to less than 260.
- Fixed, more than 20 items could not be manufactured, because they were blocked.
- A button has been added to copy comments from the chat.
- Added, bone knife at the start of the game.
- Fixed, the nulls when a beast appears.
- Fixed, the zombie textures no longer disappear by destroying the zombie.
- Fixed, the levels for the preacher’s boots.
PATCH NOTES Experimental
- Fixed bug in game menu window.
- Panda bear not generated (fixed).
- Probability increased by bolt box.
- Entities are generated until the end of Game Stage.
- Added new items (Bricks and reinforced concrete mix).
- Added icon to entities.
- The probability of obtaining a box of bolts was increased.
- Added new items (Brick Shapes and Reinforced Concrete Shapes).
- I added the ([00DEFF]Demon Lord Immortal[-]), It is generated in burned ground.
- The (Radiated Wolf) was added.
- The (Demon Wolf) was added.
- The (Electric Wolf) was added.
- Added (Help Window).
- The (Forged Titanium) recipe was added.
- More patch notes in the mod menu, and discord.
- Oxygen duration can be improved by up to 80% with skill points.
- Added the (materialistic) Oxygen Duration attribute, which will be located in the final part.
- All the music was removed, so as not to worry about copyright.
Fixed (upgradable to adamantium block)
YOUR END 2.3.6 PATCH NOTES (solved)
Level 6 infestation missions have been enabled.
- Added which tool you need when hovering over a work area (visible when using the area).
- The tools used by the selected work area were added to descriptions (it will be automatically translated if it is in localization).
- Added onion seed (now you can grow it) (coming from YOUR END 2.4.0)
- Added lemon plants (for it to be generated with the world it is necessary to start a new game)(which comes from YOUR END 2.4.0)
- Added the weapons icon in the lower right corner (coming from YOUR END 2.4.0)
- Fixed (null), console jump for those who use the mod (QuestPoiPreview)(Only for one player)
- Images were added to the diary window and thus explain the help even more. (what comes from YOUR END 2.4.0)
- Added fuel duration to burning items (it will be visible in their description)
- Added which kit is repaired with to the items in the recipe list (it will be visible when clicking on a recipe).
- It was added to the description of the article (it is located in) this will be translated automatically if it is in localization).
- Texts were added when passing the cursor over the list of recipes (depends on the action being performed)
- Added more information to unlock options (visible in the center of the screen when clicking on an unlocked recipe)
- The recipe tracker was modified and more information was added when hovering.
- Fixed the update window (pressing ESC made the window disappear)
- Increased the possibility of obtaining resin with sharp items.
- Added mod icon to the seller window (the game did not have it)
- Added mod icon to the seller reward window (the game did not have it)
- Added mod icon to the recipe list window (the game did not have it)
- Added the amount of visible oxygen when pressing (B)”
- Added the percentage of contaminated air, visible when pressing (B)”
- It was corrected (the fat cook zombie) now has his correct costume”
- Added days of the week to game time. (is being tested)”
- Improved the player window and reward window”
- Fixed status effects window when pressing (B)”
Remember to have EAC disabled and the mod has to have the server and the client.
The mod is not compatible with other mods and if you want to add it, do so at your own risk.
- You are not allowed to modify the code and/or use any asset without permission from the author and then redistribute it.
- You are allowed to upload the mod to a server to play online.
- More conditions in the mod folder.
If you appreciate Djtriplexmr’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.
If you need help, you can use this support link.
Credits: Djtriplexmr
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
ive been trying to find copper node if anyone knows what it looks like
Is working on v1.2 stable now?
add craftfromcontainers please
really need to change stack sizes or allow people to use stack mods
After testing, we found an issue where the armor cannot click the module button and will report an error
I’ve been playing this for a while and I’ve yet to get a Bolt Box from a drop, end loot of a poi or trash. Even going into dev mode I had to refresh bob several times to show up a few bolt boxes.. considering how they’re used in nearly every high end recipe, what am I missing? Is there a better way to get bolt boxes? I’ve looked through the xmls and it appears I’m supposed to get them from end loot chests and zombie drops but even by day 8 I never have seen one in loot.
Es mas facil de encontrar en botin de mutantes, y es mas facil de obtener con saqueador con suerte.
I am on day 37 and have only found 3 bolt boxes and those were from the teal colored bags. I cant seem to find them at all
Si fuera posible, el granulado que aparece cuando el aire empieza a contaminarse que fuera algo gradual, porque es muy molesto que con un poco de nada ya esté la pantalla con ese granulado que, está bien, pero es muy molesto
Además es muy graciosos jugar en multijugador, estar las dos personas en el mismo sitio y uno ahogándose y el otro no.
a gas mask where you need the ox to breath
Sí. Estaría bien una mascarilla.
would be so nice.. with replaceable oxygen tanks that you have to have refilled
El mod está bien. Lo que hay que cuidar son los errores de ortografía. No existen “Betas de hierro”, son “Vetas de hierro”, y no hay “Targetas”, con “Tarjetas”. Mis ojos lloran cada vez que aparecen estas cosas.
Acababa de empezar a jugar con mi hermano y a la mañana siguiente salió un nuevo parche para 7dtd. Después de lo cual el mod dejó de funcionar, la interfaz de usuario desapareció por completo. ¿Podrías actualizar el mod para que funcione con el parche más nuevo?
“I had just started playing with my brother and the next morning a new patch for 7dtd came out. After which the mod stopped working, the UI completely disappeared. Could you please update the mod to work with the newest patch?”
How goes the update process? Thought I saw on the forums that you were close to getting it to A21+ but can’t find it on the 7DTD forums now. Does it go by another name?
La 2.2 fue la actualizacion para alpha 20.6 y ahora la 2.3 se esta trabajando que es una actualizcion para alpha 21
Hi, i love your mode, can you answer to my question
Will there be update in this mode? and if so, when?
La 2.3 estara disponible para alpha 21 recien se esta trabajando
Sorry to say this mod looks like it has great content, but is SO unbalanced. Golden mutated birds swarming you on day one. Not fun
it’s very fun. You are warned the first few seconds of the game that you will die.. and die ALOT.
It would be helpful for those not familiar with this mod to add a brief description of what it is/does at the top. I don’t think there’s enough info to decide whether or not to try it.
Where is the file???
hola tienes planes en compartir solo la intefaz??
es solo para uso personal.
La interfaz es privada . Es del mod ……
Tu puedes usar otro mod que hice, ramos backpack . Ese mod traera mas mejoras
it is possible to play on a server – i tried but stuck at create player
What a terrible menu! Can I return it to the old one somehow?
It’s most definitely not a terrible menu. It’s very clean and easy to read. I prefer it much morte to most of the mods out there.
How can I get pulsar quartz? I put the mod on an already created world, could this be a reason for it not appearing as ore?
Same question? Where? How? *my world was created before the mod too*
inventory not work, many error when create map
ver 20.6
easyanticheat tiene que estar desactivado y no es compatible con otros mods, para mas informacion ve al video de youtube busca el enlace discord y envias capturas….
That lightning/fire spitting bird needs to be set aside for a later game stage.
To spawn in at level one and have one chasing you the moment your protection wears off – that’s not a challenge, nor is it fun. It’s just silly.
mi opinion es, haber cuanto duras por algo se llama (your end), mejor dicho hasta aqui llegaste,
los que siguen jugando pasaron esas minimas dificultades y despues parece facil, solo recuerda no herirte si hay pájaros cerca…..
How about English ?
Is there any way to get the Advanced World Generation to work? I tried, but the Generate button stayed grayed out. Thanks for your help in advance!
gracias por tu comentario, puedes jugar normalmente sin usar la generación avanzada , se agregara para alpha 21 “7 days to die”, con la actualización YOUR END 2.2, gracias por tu comprensión.
ya esta solucionado: nuevo link de descarga..
No por el momento, estoy trabajando en la version 2.1 en ahi pondre detalles de las armas, explicacion breve , las armas doradas y las armas de adamantio son las mejores . Gracias
Muy buen mod risas y sustos, Me agradaría que en alguna actualización implementaras la interacción de varios jugadores a un mismo cofre o mesa de trabajo. Saludos de parte de la comunidad Especialitos Gaming. Buen trabajo
no se hizo cambios en la interaccion de cofres o mesas de trabajo, mantienen la originalidad de interaccion del juego, unicamente se desbloquea el cofre cofre para que interactuen varios con el…
El mod 2.1 al parecer tiene errores, el inventario esta bug y no puedes interactuar, estamos emocionados por esa versión y lo que agrega si pudieras verlo y arreglarlo te lo agradeceríamos bastante Gracias