
7 days to die zombiefunker, 7 days to die tools, 7 days to die traps, 7 days to die ammo, 7 days to die weapons

Serverside mod new legendary weapons + items


  1. Z-killer (is magnum super)
  2. Headtaker (is double barrel shotgun Faster than a normal)
  3. superassault
  4. LEGENDARYak47
  5. Legendary-Magnum
  6. zeds660


  1. superglue
  2. Z-tickets
  3. Legendary repair kit
  4. funker9mmbullet
  5. Bloodycoin
  6. Legendary-Auger
  7. Super scavenger Driver
  8. Super Nailgun
  9. LegendaryDragonSpear
  10. LegendaryIronFireDragon
  11. Legendary 9mm bullets

7 days to die zombiefunker additional screenshot


Latest Version for A21

Fixes: No red errors in craftmenu+ searching steel spear, removed dragon axes from craftlist bcz is not for players only admin usables high dmg, remaked scavanger driver to pinky color and faster with right click fixed right click issue animations, all tools craftable to 6lvls if you learn hes skill, new weapon zeds660 added that uses forgotten bullets from old zombiefunker A20 version, removed legendary turret, fixed legendary auger reload issue, that version is stable i have it on my server no more updates! ty…


If you need help, you can use this support link.

Credits: piranhas

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45 thoughts on “zombiefunker

  1. I don’t know if you are still alive but I have a question. Do you have a way to make the items no craftables but lootable? I want to make them harder to get so they only can be obtained looting and other option with the creation of special chest with the blue tickets also only lootable :c

  2. Is the Legendary AK creatable? I have machine guns at 100 and all the perks associated but I can not craft the item. I went to the skill required and it just brings up that I have maxed the requirement but does not allow me to craft it.

  3. Bro, you missed the repairtools for Super Driver.
    if somebody need to fix that.
    Just copy from the other items config and paste that into the super driver items config (items.xml)
    Name=”RepairTools” value “LegendaryRepairKit”
    the comment doesn’t allow us to use XML code

  4. Where do I find the zombiefunker notes at? I have 4 people looking and no one has found any. Is it a special loot place where we can find them?

  5. info:to works that patched mod just copy files from \zombiefunkerv2-repatched\Config –> to /Mods/zombiefunkerv2/config that info who downloaded first version with bugs <dor new just extract named repached folder and only rename it to zombiefunkerv2and put it on folder Mods

  6. Can’t craft Steel Spear without red lines from hell lol so that last update didn’t fix that one. you have to restart game to open workbench again because the red lines don’t go away unless you do.

  7. im the only one have problem with the auger, when i try to put gas to fill it has no animation and bugs my game

  8. lots of red text pops up when i go into inventory and search for one of the items and click on the item.

      1. same and it’s unfortunate I was really looking forward to this and installed it on my server 🙁

          1. Is the dragon spear craftable? because I don’t see it in the craft menu. Only ones I see are auger, gun parts, repair kit, 9mm bullet, nail gun, AK-47, rambo, and assault.

  9. hey buddy, I have a problem with the mod. Everything works fine until I put red dot sight on any weapon (no matter if it’s vanilla weapon or from mods). The red dot doesn’t work, I’ve checked what mod cause the problem and it seems to be the zombie funker. I really like this mod and I would like to use it in my game, could you kindly check what’s the issue? I’ve downloaded the updated link u have put in comments but it doesn’t work with red dot either.
    Kind regards 🙂

  10. can the legendaryironfiredragon be crafted better than a level 1 or does tier levels not matter? i cant figure out what skill point to put it in to craft it better.

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