Not Just Default Prefabs
This mod adds custom POIs originally created for Baba’s “Otisburg” server. This included several new POIs, some reworked older, abandoned TFP POIs, some thematically reworked …
Top Community Mods
Wyr3d’s 7 Days to Die Mods
This mod adds custom POIs originally created for Baba’s “Otisburg” server. This included several new POIs, some reworked older, abandoned TFP POIs, some thematically reworked …
Due to popular demand, Wyr3d went ahead and made a mod that makes the new magazine system less of a grind. Unlike the majority of …
This mod Restructures Perks to resolve the imbalance issues with numbers and usefulness. Each statistic now has 10 perks: Perception (Still 10 Perks) Lockpicking has …
This mod increases road vehicles speeds to to a more suitable pace, given they are motorized. Also “turbo” have been ramped up to imply a …
This mod allows for rendering meats into animal fat. Cooked meats, and raw meat can be used with varying requirements. Changelog Updated for V1.0 DOWNLOAD …
This mod allows for crafting dyes on a campfire in the traditional way of dye crafting. Basically this adds recipes to craft dyes by mixing …
This mod gives the Facial Piercing clothing item a purpose. Just as intimidating as the cigar, the facial piercings now provide a similar perk – …
This mod adds a few alternative torches to the game. Now you can craft torches using coal, oil or petrol instead of animal fat. Changelog …
This mod adds nails, or mechanical parts to some of the crafting recipes that by common sense should require them. It also has a chance …
This mod extends the time limit on loot bag before despawn. Recommended for 90 min and 120 min day worlds, which would lose loot bags …