War3zuk FarmLife 2024

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife, 7 days to die overhaul mods

Farm Life Mod, the original farming overhaul and animal husbandry mod for 7 Days to Die, all fixed up and currently being maintained & updated by War3zuk. As specified this version will work on V1.0 B333 Stable, All models have been updated along with many models being completely replaced with new paid for versions… Original Size 1.1GB New 599 MB.

This is very early in development so DO NOT use this in any Serious Game! You have been Warned that Most Updates will Require restarting (Maybe)

DEMMERS was the last person to work on this back in Alpha 18, This has now been taken over by himself War3zuk to fully update it & bring it to V1.0, Mod loads without errors, Workstations have been simplified were needed, Hungry Animals have been deleted & completely rebuilt along with their respective code… All patch notes included so you can see whats been done so far…

War3zuk FarmLife v3 Enhanced, the farming overhaul adding a multitude of cooking stations, Crafting of many food & Drink types, animal husbandry and more. So long as you have the correct perks and then follow a somewhat correct path you shouldn’t have any issues working your way through the mod. If for some reason you come across an issue report it so that he can get it fixed.


7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 1

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 2

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7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 8

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7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 10

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 11

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 12

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 13

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 14

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 15

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 16

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 17

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 18

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 19

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 20

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 21

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 22

7 days to die war3zuk farmlife v3 enhanced additional screenshot 23

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War3zuk FarmLife 2024 V1.0 B333 Stable

Version 2.6

  • Edited XUI/UI
  • Updated v1.0 B333
  • Updated Loot.xml
  • Updated HDWar3zukMPlants (Unity 2022.3.29f1)
  • Updated HDWar3zukFarmLifeTrees (Unity 2022.3.29f1)
  • Updated HDWar3zukMPens (Unity 2022.3.29f1)
  • Updated HDWar3zukFarmLifeAnimAnimals (Unity 2022.3.29f1)
  • Updated HDWar3zukFarmLifeItems (Unity 2022.3.29f1)
  • Updated HDWar3zukMAnimalStations (Unity 2022.3.29f1)
  • Updated HDWar3zukMStations (Unity 2022.3.29f1)
  • Updated HDWar3zukFarmLifeGlass (Unity 2022.3.29f1)
  • Fixed ShamwayBox Prefab
  • Fixed LootGroup
  • Fixed Broken Plants
  • Fixed Coconut Tree
  • Fixed Coconut Sapling
  • Fixed Player Storage
  • Fixed Tractor/Model
  • Fixed Tree Seeds Prefab
  • Fixed Banana Sapling Model
  • Removed Rustic Smoker
  • Removed Rustic Smoker XUI Code

Version 2.5

  • Updated Hard Apple Cider (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Apple Cider (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Apple Juice (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Beet Juice (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Cola (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Lemon Lime Coolaid (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Liquid Veg (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Fresh Milk (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Orange Juice (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated FarmLife Mineral Water (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Milk (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Fermented Juice (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Special Watermelon Smoothie (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Tropical Fruit Punch (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Green Smoothie (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Grape Juice (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Mixed Fruit Juice (Stats/Local/Bonus)
  • Updated Fruit Smoothie (Stats/Local/Bonus)

Version 2.4 Final

  • Fixed Adult Turkey (Downgrade)
  • Adjusted Black Pepper (Amount)
  • Adjusted Black Pepper Tin (Amount)
  • Adjusted Salt (Amount)
  • Adjusted Salt Shaker (Amount)
  • Adjusted cryogenicContainerChicken (Amount)
  • Adjusted cryogenicContainerGoose (Amount)
  • Adjusted cryogenicContainerTurkey (Amount)
  • Adjusted cryogenicContainerPig (Amount)
  • Adjusted cryogenicContainerSheep (Amount)
  • Adjusted cryogenicContainerCow (Amount)
  • Adjusted cryogenicContainerElk (Amount)
  • Adjusted cryogenicContainerBear (Amount)
  • Adjusted cryogenicContainerHorse (Amount)
  • Adjusted Animal DNA TestTube (Amount)
  • Adjusted FLV3 Skill Magazine (Amount)

Version 2.3 Final

  • Added Scotch Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Vodka Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Whiskey Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Bourbon Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)

Version 2.2 Final

The following Benches need to be picked up before you update, he has tested what happens if you dont & you risk blocks at the side or above from being deleted..so be warned..!! ChoppingBoard, KitchnAid, Fermentor, Gas Oven…

  • Added Cannabis Blunt Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Cannabis Bud Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Diced Peppers Recipe (Uses All 3)
  • Removed Grapes Item
  • Removed Sliced Green Bell
  • Removed Sliced Red Bell
  • Removed Sliced Yellow Bell
  • Fixed Sliced Sake Item
  • Fixed Grape Recipes
  • Fixed Dried Fruit Recipe
  • Fixed Trail Mix Recipe
  • Fixed Fruit Salad Recipe
  • Fried Rice Recipe
  • Fixed Turkey Burger Recipe
  • Fixed Chicken Fried Steak Recipe
  • Fixed Buttery Delmonico Recipe
  • Fixed Baby Goose (Cryo Item)
  • Fixed Baby Turkey (Cryo Item)
  • Fixed Baby Sheep (Cryo Item)
  • Fixed Baby Horse (Cryo Item)
  • Fixed Elk Calf (Cryo Item)
  • Fixed Bear Cub (Cryo Item)
  • Fixed Scotch Item/Buff
  • Fixed Vodka Item/Buff
  • Fixed Whiskey Item/Buff
  • Fixed Bourbon Item/Buff
  • Fixed Cider Item/Buff
  • Fixed HardCider Item/Buff
  • Updated KitchNaid (Icon)
  • Updated Chopping Board (Icon)
  • Updated Brew Cooker (Icon)
  • Updated Fermentor Bench (Icon)
  • Updated Gas Oven (Icon)
  • Updated Biome (FruitAmount/Tree)
  • Updated Sour Cream (Recipe Area)
  • Updated Progression
  • Updated Fresh Cheese Burger
  • Updated White Rice
  • Updated Grilled Steak
  • Updated ChoppingBoard Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Updated KitchnAid Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Updated Fermentor Bench Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Updated Gas Oven Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)

Version 2.1 Final

  • Edited Milk Recipe
  • Edited Cheddar Recipe
  • Edited Briney Water Recipe
  • Edited Plain Ice Cream Recipe
  • Edited Coconut Ice Cream Recipe
  • Edited Cherry Ice Cream Recipe
  • Edited Blueberry Ice Cream Recipe
  • Edited Raspberry Ice Cream Recipe
  • Edited Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe
  • Edited Raw Ground Beef Recipe
  • Edited Raw Steak Recipe
  • Edited Raw Kobe Beef Recipe
  • Edited Raw Ham Recipe
  • Edited Raw Bacon Recipe
  • Edited BBQ Pork Ribs Recipe
  • Edited Buttery Delmonico Recipe
  • Edited Cherry Tomato Salad with Roasted Lemons Recipe
  • Edited Chicken Stock Recipe
  • Edited Country Boy Breakfast Recipe
  • Edited Eggs Benedict Recipe
  • Edited Fried Eggs Recipe
  • Edited Chicken Tamale Recipe
  • Edited Hamburger Recipe
  • Edited Joel’s Breakfast Recipe
  • Edited Lamb with Charred Cherry Tomatoes Recipe
  • Edited Linguini Recipe
  • Edited Liquid Veg Recipe
  • Edited Marinated BBQ Elk Recipe
  • Edited Roland’s Breakfast Recipe
  • Edited Romaine Salad Recipe
  • Edited Rump Roast Stew Recipe
  • Edited Salmon Fillet Recipe
  • Edited Salmon Steak Recipe
  • Edited Smoked Bacon Recipe
  • Edited Smoked Chicken Recipe
  • Edited Smoked Ham Recipe
  • Edited Smoked Pork Ribs Recipe
  • Edited Smoked Turkey Recipe
  • Edited Mashed Potatoes Recipe
  • Edited Turkey Diner Recipe
  • Edited American Fries Recipe
  • Edited American Fries and Salsa Recipe
  • Edited Fresh Butter Recipe
  • Edited Cheese Recipe
  • Removed Canned Food Item
  • Removed Old Salt Item/Recipe
  • Removed Salt Loot
  • Removed Diced Ham Item
  • Removed Boiled Rigatoni Item
  • Removed Cooked Black Bean Item
  • Removed Pancetta Item
  • Removed Sliced Jalapeno Item
  • Removed Spicy Mayo Item
  • Removed Sausage Patty Item
  • Removed Oregano Item
  • Removed Ground Oregano Item
  • Removed Mixed Herbs Item
  • Removed Triple Taco Tuesday Item
  • Removed Spices Item
  • Removed Beefcake Item
  • Removed Full Stack ‘O Pancakes Item
  • Removed Burger Basket Item
  • Removed Pancakes Item
  • Removed Mexican Combo 69 Item
  • Removed Mexican Combo 3 Item
  • Removed Fuego en el Culo Item
  • Removed Raw Chicken Recipe
  • Removed RescourcePaper Recipe
  • Removed Aged Bourbon Item
  • Removed Aged Scotch Item
  • Removed Scotch Mash Item
  • Removed White Rum Item
  • Removed Raw Scotch
  • Removed Distilled Scotch Item
  • Removed Plain Yogurt Item
  • Removed Poached Eggs Dupe/Recipe
  • Fixed 80 Localisation Entries
  • Fixed Raw Horse Meat Item
  • Fixed Raw Horse Ribs Item
  • Fixed Raw Horse Fillet Item
  • Fixed Chicken Tamale Recipe Item
  • Fixed Chocolate Bar Loot
  • Fixed Sunflower Seed Crafting
  • Fixed Spaghetti and Meatballs Recipe
  • Fixed Banana Bread Item
  • Fixed Baked Goose Item
  • Fixed Cooked Braised Fillet Item
  • Fixed Cooked Horse Meatballs Item
  • Fixed Cooked Horse Ribs Item
  • Fixed American Fries and Salsa Item
  • Fixed Hot Chocolate Item
  • Fixed Bread Item
  • Fixed Grilled Bird Liver Item
  • Fixed White Rice Item
  • Fixed Grilled Steak Item
  • Fixed Salmon Roe and Fries Item
  • Fixed Turkey Burger Basket Item
  • Fixed Cooking Vinegar Item
  • Fixed Special Honey Pot Item
  • Fixed Damascus Blade Item
  • Fixed Dough Item
  • Fixed KitchNaid Item
  • Fixed Raw Pasta Item
  • Fixed Raw Ground Beef Item
  • Fixed Cherry Tomato Salad with Roasted Lemons Item
  • Fixed Linguini Item
  • Fixed Ground Turkey Item
  • Fixed Turkey parts Item
  • Fixed Whole Turkey Item
  • Fixed Whipped Cream Item
  • Fixed Fresh Milk Item
  • Fixed Milk Item
  • Fixed Elk Jerky Item
  • Fixed Beef Taco Item
  • Fixed Vodka Item
  • Fixed Whiskey Item
  • Fixed Bourbon Item
  • Fixed Scotch Item
  • Fixed Special Watermelon Smoothie Recipe
  • Fixed Green Smoothie Recipe
  • Fixed Lemon Lime Coolaid Recipe
  • Fixed Orange Juice Recipe
  • Fixed Tonic Loot/Recipe
  • Fixed Fermented Juice Recipe
  • Fixed GrandMa’s Famous Sauce (Amount)
  • Adjusted PinUp Girl 01 Block/Material
  • Adjusted PinUp Girl 02 Block/Material
  • Adjusted PinUp Girl 03 Block/Material
  • Adjusted PinUp Girl 04 Block/Material
  • Adjusted PinUp Girl 05 Block/Material
  • Adjusted Shrub Conservatory POI
  • Added Cola Syrup Item/Recipe
  • Added Farm Life Wall Sign Recipe
  • Added Farm Life Wall Sign Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • (Will Need Replacing So They Face Correctly)
  • Updated FLStorageCryo Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Updated FLStorageDrinks Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Updated FLStorageFruits Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Updated FLStorageFood Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Updated FLStorageSeeds Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)

Version 2.0 Final

Before updating all animal crafting stations must be picked up, DELETE the 3 addons that being the pasteuriser, milking machine & sheep Shears from inventory. This update is Huge in terms of code & Added Models that were always missing from the original overhaul, they have all now been added…

  • Added DNA Splicer (XUI Item)
  • Animal DNA TestTube (Item/Loot)
  • Added Animal Manure (Animals/Recipe)
  • Added Bear Crafting Station (XUIBreeding)
  • Added Animal Pen Goose Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Animal Pen Turkey Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Animal Pen Sheep Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Animal Pen Horse Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Bear Cub Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Elk Calf Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Animal Pen Goose (Progression/Unlock)
  • Added Animal Pen Turkey (Progression/Unlock)
  • Added Animal Pen Sheep (Progression/Unlock)
  • Added Animal Pen Horse (Progression/Unlock)
  • Added Bear Cub (Progression/Unlock)
  • Added Elk Calf (Progression/Unlock)
  • Updated Chicken Crafting Bench (Localisation)
  • Updated Goose Crafting Bench (Localisation)
  • Updated Turkey Crafting Bench (Localisation)
  • Updated Pig Crafting Bench (Localisation)
  • Updated Sheep Crafting Bench (Localisation)
  • Updated Cow Crafting Bench (Localisation)
  • Updated Elk Crafting Bench (Localisation)
  • Updated Horse Crafting Bench (Localisation)
  • Updated Bear Crafting Bench (Localisation)
  • Updated TakeDelay (Stations)
  • Updated TakeDelay (AnimalStations)
  • Updated Cow Chip Fuel Recipe
  • Edited Old Salt Recipe (TooHigh)
  • Edited ALL BBQ Recipes (WoodChips)
  • Edited ALL Juice Recipes (EvenedFruits)
  • Edited Roland’s Breakfast Recipe
  • Fixed Milking Machine Recipe (Missing)
  • Fixed Black Pepper Tin Amount
  • Fixed Sunflower Seeds (MissSpelling)
  • Fixed SunFlower Colider
  • Fixed Animal Breeding Kit Recipe
  • Fixed Salt Recipes
  • Fixed Iceberg Lettuce Item
  • Fixed Shaved Turkey Item
  • Fixed 133 Localisation Entries
  • Fixed Raw Meats Localisation Entries
  • Renamed Baby Goose (Young Goose / Clash)
  • Removed Sheep Shears Item
  • Removed Milking Machine Item
  • Removed Pasteurizer Item
  • Removed HayBale Crafting Recipes (Replaced)
  • Removed Butcher Knife Item

Version 1.9 Final

  • Rebuilt Progression XMl Code
  • Removed Bad/Broken/Dupe Entries
  • Removed SSM01 Item
  • Removed SSM02 Item
  • Removed SSM03 Item
  • Removed Ancho Pepper Item
  • Removed Egg Noodles Item
  • Removed Chicken Egg (HaybaleRecipe)
  • Removed Goose Egg (HaybaleRecipe)
  • Removed Turkey Egg (HaybaleRecipe)
  • Removed Alligator Egg (HaybaleRecipe)
  • Fixed Shrub Conservatory POI
  • Fixed Salmon Roe Item/Recipe
  • Fixed Seed Pack Item
  • Added Default Plant Icon (OCD lol)
  • Added Chicken Tamale Recipe (Corn Husk)
  • Added Salmon Roe And Fries Item
  • Added FL Storage Cryo Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added FL Storage Drinks Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added FL Storage Fruits Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added FL Storage Food Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added FL Storage Seeds Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Replaced Old Olive Tree Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Replaced Old Olive Sapling Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)

Version 1.8 Final

Remove ALL Plants & Seed packs that you have in your game, So ALL planted Plants destroy & drop… ALL Seed Packs for plants drop & destroy… DO THIS BEFORE UPDATING your game as every bit of Plant code has been updated along with every plant model, Also all the old code has been removed this includes old recipes, Old items, Old plant code…

  • Fixed Minced Garlic Recipes
  • Fixed Typo (Loot)
  • Fixed American Fries and Salsa Item
  • Fixed Ground Hot Pepper Recipe
  • Fixed Seeds Recipes (Loot)
  • Removed BitterHops Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Shallot Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Tomatillo Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed HeirloomTomato Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed BlackBean Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed BlackPepper Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed BrusselsSprouts Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Cilantro Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Cucumber Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Cumin Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Dill Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed FloralHops Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Ginger Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Poblano Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Habanero Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Jalapeno Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed KidneyBean Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Mint Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Okra Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Oregano Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed PintoBean Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Rosemary Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Spice Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Thyme Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Basil Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Broccoli Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Removed Cauliflower Seed/Items/Recipes
  • Added Barley Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Beet Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added BellPepper Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Cabbage Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Carrot Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Celery Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added CherryTomato Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Flax Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Garlic Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added GhostPepper Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Herb Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added IcebergLettuce Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Marijuana Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Onion Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Pineapple Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Raspberry Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Rice Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Romaine Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Rye Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Sorghum Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Spinach Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Squash Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Strawberry Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added SugarCane Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Sunflower Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Tomato Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added VineyardGrape Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Wheat Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Green Onion Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Blackberry Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Pea Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Watermelon Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added SoyBean Plant Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)

Version 1.7 Final

  • Added Thread Recipe (ResourceSewingKit)
  • Edited AnimalCraftingStation Recipe Time
  • Edited AnimalCraftingPen Recipe Time
  • Edited cryogenicContainer Recipe Amount
  • Edited Live Trap (Addons FarmTable)
  • Edited AnimalCraftingStation (UI)
  • Edited Raw Milk Item
  • Edited Fresh Milk Recipe
  • Edited Young Sheep (Raw Lamb Item)
  • Edited Mature Cow (Cow Manure)
  • Removed Bobbin Item
  • Removed Flayer Item
  • Removed BobbinAndFlayer Item
  • Removed Scythe Item
  • Removed Halite Item
  • Removed Cow Manure Recipe (AddedToMatureCow)
  • Removed Raw Milk Recipe (AddedToMatureCow)
  • Removed Cola 12pk Item
  • Removed Graham Cracker Box Item
  • Removed Marshmallow Bag Item
  • Removed Spouted Barley Item
  • Removed Spouted Rye Item
  • Removed Spouted Sorghum Item
  • Removed Koji Culture Item
  • Removed Dried Husk Item
  • Removed Strawberries Item
  • Fixed CryogenicContainers (Loot)
  • Fixed Colt Crafting
  • Fixed CherryTomato Item
  • Fixed Charred Cherry Tomatoes Item
  • Fixed Raw Pasta Item
  • Fixed GrandMa’s Famous Sauce Item
  • Fixed Raw Sugar Item
  • Fixed Raw Turkey Liver Item
  • Fixed Raw Goose Liver Item
  • Fixed Lamb Chop Item
  • Fixed Raw Lamb Item
  • Fixed Raw Mutton Item
  • Fixed Raw Goose Item
  • Fixed Old UI Code
  • Fixed Marshmallow Bag Item
  • Fixed Graham Crackers Item
  • Fixed Marshmallows Item
  • Fixed CokaCola Item
  • Fixed Ancho Pepper Recipe
  • Fixed Bell Pepper Recipe
  • Fixed Canned Olives Recipe/Item
  • Fixed Crunchy Celery Recipe/Item

Version 1.6 Final

  • Added Apple Juice Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Beet Juice Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Lemon Lime Coolaid Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Liquid Veg Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Fresh Milk Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Orange Juice Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added FarmLife Mineral Water Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Milk Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Apple Cider Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Hard Apple Cider Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Fermented Juice Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Tonic Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Special Watermelon Smoothie Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Tropical Fruit Punch Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Green Smoothie Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Grape Juice Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Mixed Fruit Juice Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Cola Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Fruit Smoothie Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added ALL Drinks Hand Items (NewIcons) x19
  • Added Adult Alligator Pond (AlligatorEgg Drop)
  • Fixed Green Onion Seed (Unlocks/Loot)
  • Fixed Cauliflower Seed (Unlocks/Loot)
  • Fixed Blackberry Seed (Unlocks/Loot)
  • Fixed Pea Seed (Unlocks/Loot)
  • Fixed Watermelon Seed (Unlocks/Loot)
  • Fixed Chopping Board (Unlocks)
  • Added UI Display Farm Table (Addons)
  • Fixed Apple Woodchips (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Cherry Woodchips (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Maple Woodchips (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Walnut Woodchips (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Mesquite Woodchips (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Aging Shelves (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Animal Breed Kit (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Cheese Cloth (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Cheese Press (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Damascus Handle (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Damascus Knife (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Grinder (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Incubator (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Mixing Cask (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Oak Barrel (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Pasteurizer (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Pizza Cutter (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Pizza Handle (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Spirits Vat (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Veggie Attachment (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Whisk (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Zhang Cleaver (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Zhang Handle (CraftArea)
  • Fixed Air Vat Item Recipe
  • Adjusted Default Farm Forge Recipes
  • Adjusted Farm Forge Recipes
  • Adjusted Cooking Vinegar Recipe (Air Vat)
  • Removed DrinkCanEmpty (ItemsConsumed)
  • Removed powdered Milk Item

Version 1.5 Final

  • Updated Buffs XML
  • Updated Seeds (Localisation)
  • Updated FLStations (Localisation)
  • Updated Harvested Foods (Localisation)
  • Updated Fruits In Hand (Localisation)
  • Updated Fruits In Hand (Buffs)
  • Fixed FarmLife Magazines (Lock/UnlockBooks)
  • Fixed Mustard Icon
  • Fixed FarmForge Icon
  • Fixed Cold Smoker Icon
  • Fixed WARCraftingQue
  • Fixed BitterHopsSeed
  • Fixed CabbageSeed
  • Fixed CherryTomatoSeed
  • Fixed FloralHopsSeed
  • Fixed BlackBerrySeed
  • Fixed BitterHopsGrowing1
  • Fixed CabbageGrowing1
  • Fixed CherryTomatoGrowing1
  • Fixed FloralHopsGrowing1
  • Fixed PineAppleGrowing1
  • Added Avocado Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Banana Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Cherry Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Cinnamon Bark Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Coconut Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Green Apple Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Lemon Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Nut Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Orange Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Peach Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Pear Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Red Apple Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Ume Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Walnut Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Lime Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Olive Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added MapleSap Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Removed Duplicate GreenApples
  • Removed Duplicate RedApples
  • Removed Duplicate Avocado
  • Removed Duplicate Walnut
  • Removed Duplicate Orange
  • Removed Duplicate Ume
  • Removed Duplicate Pear
  • Removed Duplicate Peach
  • Removed Duplicate Coconut
  • Removed Duplicate Lemon
  • Removed Duplicate Lime
  • Removed Duplicate Olive
  • Removed Duplicate MapleSap

Version 1.4 Final

  • Added Baby Alligator Pond Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Tractor Secure Loot Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Cold Smoker Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Alligator Egg (Loot)
  • Added Alligator Hide
  • Added Alligator Meat
  • Added Bear Hide Recipe (BearRug)
  • Added Smoked BBQ Alligator Recipe
  • Added Smoked BBQ Alligator Steaks Recipe
  • Added Alligator Stew Recipe
  • Added Alligator Bites Recipe
  • Added Fruit Smoothie Recipe
  • Added Mustard (Recipes)
  • Added Fruit Bowl Recipe
  • Added Vitality Fruit Bowl Recipe
  • Added Cheese Press
  • Added Cheese Cloth
  • Added Whisk
  • Added Pizza (Cheddar) Recipe
  • Fixed Banana Bread Spelling
  • Fixed 70 Recipes (HandItem)
  • Removed Fruit Pancakes Item
  • Removed ALL DrinkJarWater (Recipes)
  • Updated Dairy Churn WindowTool XUI
  • Updated All Related Recipes (Dairy Churn)
  • Updated ALL Cheese Recipes (Dairy Churn)

Version 1.3 Final

  • Rebuilt UIDisplay Code
  • Added Banana Bread (Recipe)
  • Added Bear Meat (Recipe)
  • Added Bear Hide (Recipe)
  • Added Bear Steak Dinner (Recipe)
  • Added Bear Stew (Recipe)
  • Added Smoked BBQ Bear Steaks (Recipe)
  • Added ALL Stations Unlock (Progression)
  • Updated XUI Code
  • Updated Tree Seeds Icons
  • Updated Salmon Pond Icons
  • Updated Plant/Seeds Code
  • Updated Crafting Station Icons
  • Updated Crafted Animals Icons
  • Updated Hungry Pen Animals Icons
  • Updated Blocks Code (Groups)
  • Updated 25% Of Localisation.Txt
  • Updated ALL Smoker Recipes (Cold Smoker)
  • Updated Cold Smoker (RusticSmoker Model Updated)
  • Fixed Salmon Pool (Exploit)
  • Fixed Turkey Dinner (CraftArea)
  • Fixed ALL PerkFarmLife Unlocks
  • Fixed windowToolsChicken (Spelling)
  • Fixed Baby Chicken (Localisation)
  • Fixed ALL 15 Cold Smoker Recipes
  • Fixed Seeds/Trees Localisation
  • Removed Banana (Duplicate)
  • Removed Chips and Salsa (Item)
  • Removed Cheese Pizza (Item)
  • Removed Cheese Burger (Item)
  • Removed windowToolsPig (Duplicate)
  • Removed ALL Recipes (Smoker)
  • Added Hungry Bear Pen Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Hungry Bear Crafting Station Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Replaced Salmon Pond Small Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Replaced Salmon Pond Large Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)

Version 1.2 Final

  • Fixed FarmForge UI Code
  • Fixed Vanilla Forge UI Code
  • Fixed Vanilla CampFire UI Code
  • Removed Mojito Item
  • Removed Dark Malt Item
  • Removed Light Malt Item
  • Fixed Green Onion Seed (UnLock)
  • Fixed Cauliflower Seed (UnLock)
  • Fixed Watermelon Seed (UnLock)
  • Fixed Pea Seed (UnLock)
  • Fixed SeedPack (Loot)
  • Updated 10% Of Localisation.Txt

Version 1.1 Final

(Delete the old folder before updating as lots has changed. Fresh game is advised For people new to modding. Those that wish to continue their game, Make sure you Destroy all animals & Crafting Stations that are placed on the ground… These have all changed & will not work with v1.0. All models complete so this version should be the last that requires deletion of anything.)

  • Fixed Sliced Chicken Recipe
  • Fixed Chicken Stock Recipe
  • Fixed Turkey Burger Basket Recipe
  • Fixed Baked Pheasant Recipe
  • Fixed Fertile Chicken Egg (Localisation)
  • Fixed Fertile Goose Egg (Localisation)
  • Fixed Fertile Turkey Egg (Localisation)
  • Fixed Horse Hide Item
  • Fixed Delmontico (Spelling) Recipes
  • Fixed Pork Fat (No Recipe)
  • Removed Biscuits and Turkey Gravy Item
  • Removed Turkey Diner Stuffed Biscuits Item
  • Removed Brass Hinge Item
  • Removed Turkey Legs Item
  • Removed Turkey Breast Item
  • Removed Wild Chicken Block
  • Removed Wild Goose Block
  • Removed Wild Turkey Block
  • Removed Wild Pig Block
  • Removed Wild Lamb Block
  • Removed Wild Cow Block
  • Removed Wild Horse Block
  • Deleted Pheasant Model Replaced (Goose)
  • Adjusted All Pheasant Recipes (Goose)
  • Added Raw Goose Liver Item
  • Added Grilled Bird Liver Recipe
  • Added Horse Hide Recipe
  • Added Chick Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Goose Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Sheep Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Turkey Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Horse Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Wolf Deco Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Horse Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Chicken Pens Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Pig Pens Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Angus Pens Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Holstein Pens Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Veal Pens Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Elk Pens Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Small Salmon Pond Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Large Salmon Pond Models (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Crafting Station Chicken Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Crafting Station Goose Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Crafting Station Turkey Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Crafting Station Pig Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Crafting Station Sheep Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Crafting Station Cow Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Crafting Station Elk Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Crafting Station Horse Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Baby Chicken 01/02/03 Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)

Version 1.0 Final

  • Re-Oriented Tools Windows
  • Added Unused Items (Brew Cooker)
  • Added Drying Pan (Wood Ash)
  • Wood Ash (All Planks)
  • Added FarmLife Mineral Water (Wood Ash)
  • Removed Unused Items (KitchenAid)
  • Dough Hook
  • Renamed Grain Miller (Grinder)
  • Removed Meat Grinder
  • Removed Pasta Helper
  • Removed Unused Items (Gas Oven)
  • ToolCookingPot
  • Wok
  • Baking Sheet
  • Updated 21 Recipes (Removed Pot)
  • Removed Unused Items (Brew Station)
  • Floor Corker
  • Malting Trays
  • Wine Tank
  • Removed Unused Items (Webber Grill)
  • Spatula
  • Beaker
  • CookingPot
  • Removed Unused Items (Fermentor Bench)
  • Fixed Aged Flour (Added AirVat)
  • Fixed Apple Cider
  • Fixed Hard Apple Cider
  • Added SeaWeed Recipe (Salmon Dishes)
  • Added decoClawFootBathTub (Lootable)
  • Optimized Tree/Sapling Models (Orig 1.1GB New 270Megs)
  • Replaced Tree Planks (Icons)
  • Replaced Tree Seeds (Icons)
  • Removed/ReBuilt HDWar3zukMCoconutTree (ScriptWarning)
  • Removed/ReBuilt HDWar3zukMCoconutTreeSapling (ScriptWarning)
  • Removed/ReBuilt HDWar3zukMWhiteOak (ScriptWarning)
  • Removed/ReBuilt HDWar3zukMWhiteOakSapling (ScriptWarning)
  • Removed All Unused Mesh Coliders
  • Removed ALL MultiStep Foods
  • Removed 90% Alcholic Drinks
  • Rebuilt All Block Code
  • Rebuilt ALL Biomes Code
  • Rebuilt ALL Recipes Code
  • Rebuilt ALL Items Code
  • Rebuilt All Animated Animals (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt All Animal Pens (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Updated SalmonPool Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added SalmonPool LRG Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Fixed MasterTreeGrowing Code (Dedi/Online)
  • Fixed PlantsGrowing Code (Dedi/Online)

War3zuk FarmLife v3 Enhanced


War3zuk FarmLife v3 Enhanced Alpha 21.2 B30 Stable

Version 1.24

  • Adjusted Salt (Sellable)
  • Adjusted Mustard (Sellable)
  • Adjusted Black Pepper (Sellable)
  • Adjusted Salt Shaker (Sellable)

Version 1.23

  • Fixed Groups (Tables/Grills)
  • Rebuilt Farm Barrel Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1) Lockable
  • Added Farm Barrel (Downgrade Model) Unlocked / Damaged
  • Adjusted FarmLife Magazine (Loot)
  • Fixed Cooked Braised Fillet Icon

Version 1.22

  • Fixed Biome Tree Spawning (Oops)
  • Fixed Brew Cooker (Localization Name)
  • Removed Old Farmlife.Unity3d File
  • Removed Old FarmlifeOtherblocks.Unity3d
  • Removed Old FarmlifeStations.Unity3d
  • Removed Old ButterChurn.Unity3d
  • Removed Old FarmTable.Unity3d
  • Removed Old Oven.Unity3d
  • Added Farm Forge HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Brew Cooker HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Wood Grill Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Brewer Station Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Chopping Board Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Kitchen Aid Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Gas Stove Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Scotch Glass Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Webber Grill Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Butter Churn Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt / Resized Fermentor Bench Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt / Resized Farm Table Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Brick Planter Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Brick Planter 2 Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Brick Planter 3 Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Brick Planter 4 Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Terracotta Planter Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Rebuilt Wood Planter Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Fixed Apple Tree LOD3
  • Fixed Cherry Tree LOD3
  • Fixed Pear Tree LOD3
  • Added Proper Sapling Models (Miniature Of Original Prefab)

Version 1.21

  • Added Apple Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Avocado Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Banana Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Cherry Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Cinnamon Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Coconut Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Lime Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Meyer Lemon Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Nut Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Olive Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Orange Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Peach Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Pear Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Red Apple Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Sakura Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Sugar Maple Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Walnut Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added White Oak Seed (Crafted / Traders)
  • Added Apple Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Avocado Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Banana Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Cherry Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Cinnamon Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Coconut Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Lime Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Meyer Lemon Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Nut Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Olive Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Orange Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Peach Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Pear Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Red Apple Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Sakura Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Sugar Maple Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added Walnut Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Added White Oak Tree HD Model (Unity 2021.3.19F1)
  • Removed DrinkJarEmpty (Replaced DrinkCanEmpty)
  • Added DrinkCanBoiledWater
  • Adjuted Recipes (Removed Old Jar)

Version 1.20

Fixed Table Unlock

Version 1.19

  • Added German Local (Sturmsaeufer)
  • Localization.txt
  • Blocks.xml
  • Items.xml
  • Fixed Blocks
  • Fixed Trees / Plants
  • Fixed Icons / Missing
  • Fixed Apple Tree Code
  • Fixed Cinnamon Tree Code
  • Fixed Coconut Tree Code
  • Fixed Lime Tree Code
  • Fixed Red Apple Tree Code
  • Rebuilt Progression Code

Version 1.18

  • Updated To Alpha 21.1 B16 Stable
    • Updated Blocks.xml
    • Updated Items.xml
    • Updated Loot.xml
  • Fixed Cinnamon Desc Name
  • Fixed SheepSheers (Thanks Digiox)

Version 1.17

Updated To Alpha 20.7 B1 Stable

Version 1.16

  • Removed Loot ID34
  • Edited MarijuanaPlantHarvestPlayer (Hemp)
  • Fixed Damascus Blade (TAGS)
  • Fixed Damascus Handle (TAGS)
  • Fixed Damascus Knife (TAGS)
  • Removed Special Items (FarmTable) Quests
  • Fixed Blackberry Seed Unlock

Version 1.15

  • Edited Cola ItemCode
  • Edited Chocolate Bar ItemCode
  • Edited SSM ItemCode
  • Edited SSM02 ItemCode
  • Edited SSM03 ItemCode
  • Edited Hot Chocolate ItemCode
  • Edited Mashed Potatoes ItemCode
  • Edited Biscuits and Turkey Gravy ItemCode
  • Fixed 300 Localization Infos
  • Adjusted foodEgg Recipe Amount
  • Added Chicken WorkGroup / XUI
  • Adjusted Fertile Egg Recipe Amount
  • Adjusted Loot Slightly (Items)
  • Adjusted Sugar Cane Recipe

Version 1.14

  • Fixed 900 Instances Of Broken Desc Info
  • Fixed Cereal Food/Water Amount
  • Added Hot Chocolate (Cera)
  • Added Icon Chicken
  • Complete Icon Rework By (AlexF221070)
  • Fixed LootGroup Conflict
  • Fixed Description Skill Info

Version 1.13

  • Thanks LucasWayne
    • Fixed Lime Tree xml
    • Fixed Apple Tree xml
    • Fixed Red Apple Tree xml
    • Fixed Coconut Tree xml
    • Fixed Cinnamon Tree xml
  • Added Peach Tree To Biome Spawn
  • Added Khayotik Custom Changes
  • Added Dizasta Custom Recipe Changes
  • Added AlexF221070 SeedPack Icons
  • Edited Horse XUI
  • Exited Mature Horse Drop Items
  • Added Raw Horse Meat
  • Added Raw Horse Ribs
  • Added Raw Horse Fillet
  • Added Cooked Horse Ribs
  • Added Cooked Braised Fillet
  • Added Cooked Horse MeatBalls
  • Added Cooked Horse Ribs Recipe
  • Added Cooked Braised Fillet Recipe
  • Added Cooked Horse MeatBalls Recipe
  • Removed FoodPoisoning (All Items Cooked/Veggies/Berries)
  • Edited FoodPoisoning (All Raw Meats Now 90% Chance)
  • Added Cow Windows Code / XUI
  • Fixed Animal WorkStations Tags For Unlock
  • Fixed Animal Pens Tags For Unlock
  • Edited Farm Table Recipe
  • Removed Duplicate Gas Oven Recipe
  • Edited Milking Machine (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited bucketEmpty (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Farm Life Sign (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Feeding Trough (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Live Trap (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Metal Cabinet Door (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Pinup Girl One (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Pinup Girl Two (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Pinup Girl Three (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Tom Cat (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Brew Cooker (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Brew Station (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Cold Smoker (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Fermentor Bench (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Gas Oven (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited KitchNaid (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Wood Grill (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Edited Aging Shelves (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Cheese Press (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Damascus Handle (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Damascus Knife (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Floor Corker (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Grain Miller (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Meat Grinder (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Mixing Cask (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Oak Barrel (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Pasteurizer (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Pizza Cutter (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Spirits Vat (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Veggie Attachment (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Wine Tank (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Zhang Cleaver (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Zhang Handle (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Cheese Cloth (Craft Area Now Farm Table)
  • Edited Pasta Helper (Craft Area Now Farm Table)

Version 1.12

  • Removed Class RepairItems Hungry Pens
  • Edited Triple Taco Tuesday Recipe
  • Edited Beef Taco Recipe
  • Fixed Sheep Shears Recipe
  • Fixed Tortillas Chips Recipes
  • Edited Fried Rice Item
  • Edited Pizza Item
  • Edited Cookie Item
  • Edited Apples and Cream Recipe
  • Added Baked Pheasant Recipe
  • Updated Loot.xml
  • Replaced All Turkey Icons 256×256
  • Edited All Craft Times 1s To 10s
  • Edited All Craft Time 30s To 60s
  • Added Localization For New Items
  • Rebuilt Turkey Diner Item
  • Rebuilt Turkey Diner Stuffed Biscuits Item
  • Rebuilt Turkey Club Sandwich Item
  • Adjusted Beef Chili Step 3 Recipe
  • Adjusted Cooked Kidney Bean Recipe
  • Adjusted cryogenicContainer Amount To 2 From 1
  • Added Cherry Tomato Salad with Roasted Lemons Localization
  • Rebuilt Cherry Tomato Salad with Roasted Lemons Code
  • Fixed Baked Rigatoni Recipe
  • Fixed 42 Stack Items
  • Added Mesquite Woodchips Recipe
  • Fixed Vegetable Pasta Meal Recipe

Version 1.11

  • Set All Baby Pens (Grow Anywhere)
  • Edited Cooked Black Bean Recipe
  • Edited Cooked Kidney Bean Recipe
  • Edited Cooked Pinto Bean Recipe
  • Fixed Fried Rice FoodAmount
  • Fixed Baked Rigatoni Stacking
  • Removed AppleWoodPlank (BananaTree)
  • Fixed Mexican Black Beans Recipe
  • Removed Un-Used Rolling Mat Recipe
  • Fixed Spicy Salmon Roll Recipe
  • Added Raw Lamb Recipe (Raw Mutton)
  • Fixed 10 Recipes (Damascus Knife)
  • Added Raw Lamb Mature Sheep
  • Adjusted Salt Recipes
  • Added Salt Recipe To KitchnAid
  • Rebuilt Lamb with Charred Cherry Tomatoes Food
  • Replaced 1324 Old Lines In Items

Version 1.10

  • Edited Planters (ResourceWood)
  • Removed Old Raw Milk Recipe
  • Added Raw Milk To Adult Holstein
  • Edited 2 Recipes Removed Buff Replaced
  • Added Ancho Pepper (Progression)
  • Adjusted Whole Wheat Recipe
  • Adjusted Flour Recipe
  • Adjusted Husk Recipe
  • Fixed Bagel ToolItem
  • Fixed Bread ToolItem
  • Added Ancho Pepper Recipe (GhostPepper Scrap)
  • Fixed Baby Aninimals Progression
  • Fixed Baby Chicken Icon
  • Added Leather To Adult Holstein
  • Removed cryogenicContainerBee
  • Removed cryogenicContainerDuck
  • Removed cryogenicContainerGoat
  • Removed cryogenicContainerRabbit
  • Removed LootContainer ID88
  • Fixed Baby Pig Pen Growing Next
  • Fixed Duplicate Pizza Recipe
  • Fixed 32 Recipes
  • Fixed 172 Tags / Items (Thanks Kraezee)
  • Removed Halite Recipe (Not Required)

Version 1.09

  • Fixed Tag Lamb With Charred Tomtatoes
  • Fixed Tag Penne Pesto
  • Fixed Tag Turkey Gravy Step 1
  • Fixed Tag Turkey Gravy Step 2
  • Fixed Tag Turkey Gravy Step 3
  • Combined Recipes GasCookTop To Gas Oven
  • Removed GasCookTop Model
  • Removed GasCookTop Recipe
  • Removed GasCookTop Block
  • Removed GasCookTop Windows
  • Removed GasCookTop XUI
  • Added CornHusk To (DeadCorn PlayerCorn)
  • Removed BeeHive XUI Code
  • Fixed FarmForge Retrieve Smelted Resources
  • Fixed Sheep Sheers Tag
  • Fixed 2 Recipes GasCookTop (Wok)
  • Fixed 50 Recipes For GasCookTop
  • Fixed Milk Recipe Area
  • Removed BeeHive (Un-used Model)
  • Removed BeeHive HoneyComb (Not Needed)
  • Removed BeeHive Honey (Not Needed)
  • Removed BeeHive Recipe (Not Needed)
  • Fixed 25 Recipes For GasOven
  • Reset Growth Timers From 2 Testing To (62)

Version 1.08

  • Removed Old Quests
  • Removed Old Code Quests/Items
  • Updated Recipes/Resources Required
  • Rebuilt Code Hungry Chicken Pen
  • Rebuilt Code Hungry Pig Pen
  • Rebuilt Code Hungry Angus Pen
  • Rebuilt Code Hungry Holstein Pen
  • Rebuilt Code Hungry Elk Pen
  • Rebuilt Code Hungry Veal Pen
  • Rebuilt Code Salmon Pond
  • Rebuilt Recipe Hungry Chicken Pen
  • Rebuilt Recipe Hungry Pig Pen
  • Rebuilt Recipe Hungry Angus Pen
  • Rebuilt Recipe Hungry Holstein Pen
  • Rebuilt Recipe Hungry Elk Pen
  • Rebuilt Recipe Hungry Veal Pen
  • Rebuilt Recipe Salmon Pond

Version 1.07

  • Edited KitchnAid (Simplified Addons)
  • Removed Food Processor Item/Recipe
  • Removed Ice Cream Bowl Item/Recipe
  • Edited BrewCooker (Simplified Addons)
  • Removed Masher Item/Recipe
  • Removed Barrel Roaster Item/Recipe
  • Edited Brew Station (Simplified Addons)
  • Removed Steeping Tun Item/Recipe
  • Removed Carboy Item/Recipe
  • Removed Aged Barrell Item/Recipe
  • Removed Bottle Capper Item/Recipe
  • Removed Wine Filter Item/Recipe
  • Removed Charred Barrel Item/Recipe
  • Edited Fermentor Bench (Simplified Addons)
  • Removed Jar Airlock Item/Recipe
  • Removed Old Quests From Removed Addons
  • Cleaned Old Recipe Code
  • Cleaned Old Item Code

Version 1.06

  • Fixed Wood Planks Harvesting
  • 9 Yellow Warnings Removed
  • Tree Models Replaced / AppleTree
  • Removed Salt (FridgeLoot)
  • Fixed 9 Warnings
  • Removed Tonic Water In Loot

Version 1.05

  • Removed BasicGrowingTrees Quest
  • Removed Webber Grill Particle Affect
  • Fixed Webber Grill Window
  • Fixed Fermentor Bench Window
  • Fixed 55 Yellow Warnings
  • Replaced Saplings With Vanilla Model
  • Removed FarmLifePlants.Unity3d
  • Replaced Plants With Vanilla Model
  • Renamed Saplings
  • Edited Tree Blocks
  • Updated Biomes.xml

Version 1.04

  • Fixed Seed Planted Names
  • Fixed Seed Packet Names
  • Fixed Seed Names
  • Fixed FarmTable Quest Lines
  • Edited StackAmount 50k
  • Added FarmLife Skills To Vanilla Tree
  • Removed Spinning Wheel
  • Removed BobbinAndFlayer
  • Removed Bobbin
  • Removed Flayer
  • Edited Thread (Craftable FarmTable)
  • Adjusted Farm Forge TagUnlock (FarmLifeL5)
  • Adjusted Webber Grill TagUnlock (FarmLifeL5)
  • Adjusted Rustic Smoker TagUnlock (FarmLifeL5)
  • Fixed Progression xml
  • Fixed Tonic Water

Version 1.03

  • Added War3zuk FarmLife v3 Enhanced VP (Vanilla Patch)
  • Fixed Particle Clash (War3zuk AIO)
  • Fixed Fresh Honey Glazed Ham Recipe
  • Added Cold Smoker Unlock (AdEngineering)
  • Added Webber Grill Unlock(AdEngineering)
  • Removed 34 Unused Models
  • Removed PitchFork
  • Removed GardenHoe
  • Removed Bottle Container
  • Removed Shooting Bottle
  • Fixed BeefCake / Buff
  • Removed Butcher Table (Old Model)
  • Edited HeatMapping All Items

Version 1.02

  • Added 3rd Slot Farm Forge
  • Fixed Farm Forge
  • Fixed Farm Table
  • Fixed Brew Station Window
  • Fixed KitchenAid Window
  • Removed Unused Recipes
  • Replaced Missing Icons
  • Fixed Webber Grill Window
  • Edited FertileLand Number
  • Rebuilt Trees xml
  • Rebuilt Sappling xml
  • Added Biome.xml (Tree spawning in world NOT as a seed for the player)

Version 1.01

  • Updated Main Mod Code
  • Fixed Blocks
  • Fixed Benches
  • Fixed Seeds
  • Fixed Trees
  • Fixed Most items
  • Fixed Pens
  • Fixed Benches
  • Fixed Buffs
  • Fixed Windows xml
  • Fixed UI xml
  • Fixed Loot

1.0 Version
DOWNLOAD War3zuk FarmLife 2024 Vanilla Install for 1.0 (This Contains the main Modlet And the VP Modlet, ONLY use this Repo when playing the game in Vanilla.) (1,1 GB)
Alpha 21 Versions
DOWNLOAD War3zuk FarmLife 2024 Vanilla Install for A21 (This Contains the main Modlet And the VP Modlet, ONLY use this Repo when playing the game in Vanilla.) (1,1 GB)
DOWNLOAD War3zuk FarmLife 2024 War3zuk AIO Overhaul Install for A21 (This install does not contain the VP modlet designed to be added to the Vanilla game ONLY for play. Use this install if playing his War3zuk AIO Overhaul Standalone / Launcher versions) (1,1 GB)

If you appreciate War3zuk’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.

If you need help, you can use this support link.

Credits: War3zuk, Phredd, Stasis, Mayic

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41 thoughts on “War3zuk FarmLife 2024

  1. recipe unlock order is strange, lots of tool needs farm forge, but unlocking the farm forge takes forever.

  2. Last major update which was 1.6 Final most things have been rebuilt, Pretty much all the code except for a few bits in Items which im working through, All stations, Animals & main models have been completed so its now just cleaning it up as I go, Runs nice on the current stable & is just under 1GB smaller than the older release due to optimising the models as ive gone through them.. Recipe rebuild was the last patch plus this one so i may have missed a few but figure I have the majority now.. Farm table also has the correct code along with the recipes & UI so you can see which items can be built.. My Discord is the best place to post issues..


  3. Love the work =) it shows. so fast its hard keeping the smx patch updated lol.. but thanks again for an amazing mod

  4. I cant interact with any trees, cant chop or harvest…. I get an error when i try to make charcoaled meat and the textures on the trees are all messed up

  5. why some recipes are hidden?
    I can’t see them directly in the farmtable (such as I can’t see the recipe of the walnut shelves directly

  6. Does this not work when playing multiplayer with friends?
    I’ve got the vanilla version installed but nothing shows up in game, no trees and no farming table.

  7. once interect with Farm Table, game constantly show error, even cant turn it off but to shut down by force.
    would be thankful if u can fix this

  8. First time using this mod. Everything looks good so far, except I found that the leaves of peach trees are white squares with the image of leaves and branches on them. That’s been the only issue I’ve found so far.

  9. I’m a bit hesitant about this mod since many mods lack support for SMX. SMX is widely regarded as the top UI and mod overall. It’s crucial for developers to ensure compatibility with SMX for their mods. Does anyone know if this mod works seamlessly with SMX? I’ve tested several appliance mods, and the majority of them are incompatible because they haven’t been designed to work with SMX.

  10. seems like this mod is missing some textures here and there, the trees for example, the trees themselves and the fruits on the trees are fine, the leaves however… look like white sheets of paper with leaves printed on them and stuck to the trees… unless thats an error on my end…
    also this mod seems to have broken empty jars and breaks empty jar mods… apart from that i love this mod

  11. Hey War3zuk,

    thank you so much for moving on with that great Addon i fell in love years ago, as i like to prepare food and the “fresh” aspect of farming in 7d2d – especially when you want to be a great apocalypse prepper.

    With the new update I have the issue that i´m not able to craft and i don´t still get the Starter-Quest and when i try to craft something at the Farmes Table (got it from Creative Menue for check) it says: EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    We have no clue what to do, it would be great if someone can help us, what we are doing wrong. I also didn´t found any quest like the old 101 (paper and coal-crafted).

    Thank you for the great work so far, and I hope to have the Mod soon back on our Sörwa <3.

  12. So I’m running a dedicated server using 20.7 B1… as I load the server I’m getting a LOT of these.

    10.06 01:49:33 [Server] INFO 2023-06-10T01:49:33 36.566 WRN XML patch for “XUi/xui.xml” from mod “War3zuk FarmLife v3 Enhanced VP” did not apply: <set xpath="/xui/ruleset[@name='default']/window_group[@name='workstation_Pig']/window[@name='WARwindowCraftingQueue']/@name" (line 20 at pos 3)

    1. Just throwing this out there….in case it applies to your situation…..this mod is last updated for A20.5…..not A20.6–unless it just hasn’t been put in this pages notes that it is for A20.6? So, be sure using 7d2d A20.5 for mod.

    1. Just throwing this out there….in case it applies to your situation…..this mod is last updated for A20.5…..not A20.6–unless it just hasn’t been put in this pages notes that it is for A20.6? So, be sure using 7d2d A20.5 for mod.

  13. Were apple wood planks removed from the mod or just from banana trees? I have harvested red apples and gotten no apple wood. Also the sakura, which looks like an apple, no apple wood. Apple woodchips are required for some recipes, but I can’t find apple wood planks anywhere.

  14. just downloaded the mod, didnt crash the game. just curious why all of the added trees look like apple trees…. and all look the same. Its no biggie but it weird harvesting bananas, lemons ect from an apple tree..
    Im so excited to see all of the things to craft, I love that some items have more than one step to craft. I love it.
    Im currently running Alpha 20.5

  15. Bonjour,

    Nous pouvons pas mettre le mod sur serveur dédié il ne fonctionne qu’en SOLO ? merci pour la réponse.

  16. Was not able to get this to work at all on our server.

    Anyone have ideas or ways to troubleshoot this? Its not a fresh server…but we added it to the files.

  17. Somehow our Farm Table, Stove and other things cant be accessed?

    We started a new vanilla world and cant seem to get this to work. When you press “E” to use it does nothing and i cant access anything else after that without restarting.

    I have changed the files stated for Vanilla worlds.

    Best regards

  18. Already pretty far along with everything crafted, but never saw a starter quest in farm table nor any other farm quests.

    Also, not a single sight of halite that I guess makes salt. We are on day 23 and started with this mod and been updating as needed. Also recently have looted a cryo container for awhile. At least 5+ in game days.
    Anyone else have these issues?

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