Adds the cut hornet from A15 (and earlier) back to the game. Spawns as an enemy animal in the forest biome. Does not spawn on horde nights.
XML + Assets Mod (cannot be server only).
Localization fixes.
Download for A20
Download for A19
If you appreciate KhaineGB’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.
The forum topic of the mod is here.
Credits: KhaineGB
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
Shame it doesn’t work for A21
I have try this mod several times, i could never find this insect. I will download again this mod and imma update it for a21-22 add some loot and make it work properly but not publish it if thats fine with you, imma keep it for me,my friends and personal server. Cheers for the ideea tho your work its much appreciated by me.
Please Alpha 21.1!!!
please update to alpha 21.1b16
Will it be available for alpha 21?
All this did was put something called ‘hornet’ in the backpack and when you click on it – it duplicates like 50 times.
Just never spawns. (defective mod) never see it ever. I been roaming the forrest back with this mod on alpha 19 and it never spawned then for 100 days I played and nothing. alpha 20 same thing nothing
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