¡¡Arcade Machines!! vol.2
Read description carefully. This mod add a block called “Arcades 2”, craftable in workbench without any lvl restriction. “Arcades 2” contains 4 arcades machines: Cabal, …
Read description carefully. This mod add a block called “Arcades 2”, craftable in workbench without any lvl restriction. “Arcades 2” contains 4 arcades machines: Cabal, …
Read description carefully. This mod add a block called “Arcades 1”, craftable in workbench without any lvl restriction. “Arcades 1” contains 4 arcades machines: Double …
This mod add 32 paintings for a great artist called Luis Royo in one single block named “Art paintings”, craftable in workbench. The paintings can …
This mod add 50 movie poster in 1 single block, Craftable in workbench as “Movie posters”.Posters can be pick u once placed for replacement. (Press …
This mod add 25 poleflags in 1 single block, craftable in workbench as “Wall poleflags”. This flags have some physics and u can pick up …
This mod add 30 posters in a single block called “Manga posters”, craftable in workbech. U can pick up the poster once placed and change …
This mod add a block named “Wallbanners anime”, u can craft it in workbench. Wallbanners anime contains 20 anime banners for place in walls, the …
This mod brings 80s jpop music in a simple, easy, non script way. You craft the radio in workbench, it portable, you place it and …
This mod add two portable radios to place without the need of electricity. Craftables in workbench. Music selected: Eurobeat. A non script radio means you …
Some of you asked me for fallout music…so why not? This mod add 3 more radios, portable and placeable anywhere whitout the need of electricity. …