Return of the Behemoth

7 days to die return of the behemoth, 7 days to die zombies, 7 days to die biomes

Adds the unfinished A16 behemoth and the A17 unfinished radiated behemoth to the game. Random spawns in the wasteland and horde nights.

XML + Assets Mod (cannot be server only).


  • (new) Updated for V1.0.
  • Updated for A21.
  • Localization fixes.
  • Updated for A20!
  • Pushed a small patch because it’s hits were wonky. Just an XML tweak. Side note, KhaineGB had to increase it’s range, which means it’ll struggle to hit you if you get close.

1.0 Version
DOWNLOAD for 1.0 (17,3 MB)
Alpha 21 Version
DOWNLOAD for A21 (23,7 MB)

If you appreciate KhaineGB’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.

The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: KhaineGB

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23 thoughts on “Return of the Behemoth

  1. It seems they took the behemoth texture out of the game, so when you add this mod, it spawns invisible behemoths. It was NOT good on my server.

  2. Ran into FOUR of these suckers during a Tier IV Contraband Collection. Thank god for machineguns and The Automatic Weapons Handbook Vol. 6!

  3. Is there a way to alter the files so they only spawn in the wasteland? The one that exclusively spawned them in the wasteland was back on alpha 19

  4. this Mod works great in single player game. in a multi player game it causes errors for the other people. would be awesome if this was server side only. great work thou.

  5. Mod a mettre a jour erreur physicbodies a un beug pendants le chargement la partie se lance mais impossible au autre joueur de rejoindre

  6. hello how are you, I have tried your mod and I get too many errors when starting the game and I don’t know if you can solve it or in some way I can help you with that where records or something, thanks in advance

  7. this mod just isnt working no matter what i try. do i need to do something to the files or move something around

  8. Hello, I really liked your “mod”! Can I get “permission” to use your “mod” in my build? What conditions must be met in order to use your “mod” in his?
    P.s: I use a translator

  9. Hallo, ich habe Ihren “Mod” wirklich genossen! Kann ich die “Erlaubnis” erhalten, Ihren “Mod” in meinem Build zu verwenden? Welche Bedingungen müssen eingehalten werden, um Ihren “Mod” in Ihrem eigenen zu verwenden?
    P. s: ich Benutze einen übersetzer

  10. I’ve been testing it out and I frequently see the behemoth miss his attacks even while I’m standing perfectly still. Also when he does hit it deals the damage well after the attack connected.

  11. big thanks to all your work for the game and community. you sir have single handedly done more for this game’s long term players than the devs have in recent times. if it wasnt for your work i wouldnt have touched this game for almost two years now, instead ive been playing your mods here and there and loving every moment. so excited to play “vanilla” with this big bad daddy in there.

  12. Love this mod! I’ve been smoked by the Rad Behemoth a couple of times now. It helps bring back the “oh s__t” feeling to the game that i feel has been missing for a while now

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