Realistic Guns Overhaul

7 days to die realistic guns overhaul, 7 days to die ammo, 7 days to die weapons

This mod addresses a lot of issues. Since TFP got guns so wrong, it hurts, I reworked a lot of stats.

Mostly rate of fire, effective range, and maximum range. All data was pulled from the internet, mostly Wiki, Manufacturer data or in very vague situations from hunting/shooter forums. Enjoy!

Additional Info

  • Realistic Silencers” is included in this mod as well.
  • The Lever Action Rifle now uses .44 Ammo.


If you appreciate Generic German’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.

Credits: Generic German

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May 27, 2024 4:12 am

I downloaded the mod and it stopped the reload function of the Rocket Launcher I cant use the Rocket launcher only aim and switch ammunition.

Mr. Sigma
Mr. Sigma
March 19, 2024 8:32 pm

This mod has become one of my must have for every playtrough.
Well done, man, well done.
I especially love the changes on the lever action rifle. Bravo!
The weapons perform excellently, they feel so good now compared to vanilla.
Shooting feels right now.
The perfection will be having aligned sights while aiming down the side (what an awful job the fun pimps did with ranged weapons… facepalm) or/and visible mods on the weapons (again: Why they didn’t think of something so basic is beyond me).

Andrew Hodges
Andrew Hodges
January 19, 2024 9:27 pm

unfortunately you didnt increase the magazine as ive been watching jawoodle on youtube using a similar mod and it really burns through the ammo