Hey Survivors,
The Fun Pimps have been very busy working on the Storm’s Brewing V2.0 Update and thought they should share its status. Although it has taken significantly longer than anticipated the build is jam packed with a ton of fantastic new content, new challenges, progression updates, optimizations and a whole lot more. They are aiming for an April 15th Steam Experimental Release and a Stable Release on all platforms in early May if all goes as planned.
Note: The list below is not a complete list as many details are missing and several features are in the works but are not listed as they may not make it in time. More complete information will come towards launch.
For those commenting on their new 7 Days Blood Moons Game you should know that the game is published by TFP and developed by Illogika Studios and has not impacted their progress on 7 Days to Die updates. An overwhelming majority of TFPs Team is exclusively dedicated to working on 7 Days and only a small fraction of their team are assisting on other projects.
Biome Progression Elemental Survival
Prepare to face the elements like never before! Conquer those tough biomes in manageable chunks, unlock permanent survival in the harshest environments, and craft temporary buffs to push your limits. This is survival redefined!
- Progress through each biome with increasing threat levels and challenges
- Smoke, heat, cold and radiation damage, remedies and survival
- Craft consumables to increase your temporary biome elemental resistance
- Complete challenges to unlock permanent biome elemental hazard immunity
- Progressive biome maximum loot caps to encourage exploration
- Game options will be available for custom and classic playstyles
- New HUD and player elemental VFX and Sound FX
- Several new Biome Zombies are coming to 2.0 including the new desert plague spitter
Perk Updates & Rebalance
They have added a brand-new general tab, unlocking a whole new level of customization. Plus, they have filled in those empty slots in the attribute lists with exciting new perks!
- All attributes have 10 perks with new and improved perks
- Each perk has 5 levels
- New Mastery Perk Set for each attribute
- Moved some perks to a new General Perks tab without attribute requirements
- Sledgehammer Saga
- They have added a new book series for the sledgehammer weapon class
New Higher Gamestaged Zombies
- Get ready for a whole new level of zombie mayhem! Similar to the current green Radiated Zombies they have added new higher gamestaged Charged Blue and Infernal Orange zombie Archetype groups with new behaviors coming. These new Archetypes will intensify the later game experience!
Trees and Foliage Update
- A Majority of the trees have been optimized to run on the same speed tree shader for a performance boost and reduced draw calls on many
- The burnt and wasteland trees have been redone with a greatly improved look
- They have added a new sub-biome foliage system which allows for clearings and thicker foliage forests with lower growing plants on their perimeter for a much more believable look without sacrificing performance.
Crawl out Zombies
- They have added functionality to allow zombies to spawn and crawl out of smaller 1 meter spaces and crawl under tighter areas.
- They have improved the tools for spawning and respawning enemies and reworked many of the larger POIS to take full advantage maintaining the challenge while improving the performance
Navezgane Update
- Navezgane has gotten a makeover to work seamlessly with the new biome progression elemental system. Biome boundaries and trader POI positions updated to improve travel time and flow to and from large POI townships.
POIs: The World is Expanding!
- They are aiming for a whopping 50 new Points of Interest, adding even more depth and variety to your world!
- They have added a greater variety of POIs for wilderness.
- They have added more remnants for performance.
- They have also updated some of their more demanding POI’s to perform better – those sneaky zombies are now using crawl outs to surprise you – watch out!
- They have added meaningful individual footsteps, making the world feel more alive and immersive than ever!
Clothing Cosmetic Options, Twitch Drops and DLC
- Wear what you want for protection but look how you want cosmetically with new outfits.
- They will be adding some new cosmetic DLCs options and Twitch Drops to 2.0! Get ready to unlock awesome new content and show off your unique style.
Random Gen Improvements
- Wilderness spawning has been improved allowing a lot more wilderness POIs to spawn and their spawn locations have better random positioning
- Wilderness road placement has been improved
New Quest Marker System
- They have added a new quest maker that displays a custom quest flag type per quest
Spawn Near Friend
- Starting a new save? Choose a friend to spawn near for ultimate teamwork!
- They have added a handy button to go back to the main menu before joining a game – no more getting stuck!
Crossplay on Dedicated Server
- They will not know officially if Consoles can play on dedicated servers until passing cert on each platform. Fingers crossed
Source: Steam