PROJECT Z 1.11 – Full Modpack

7 days to die project z full modpack

Good day, friends!
Want to get a new unique gaming experience – here you go! This is a complete set that will SIGNIFICANTLY expand the gaming process in our favorite game.

For correct operation, simply move the entire contents of the archive to the mods folder in the game!

You can find all the information with a description of the project mods on the Discord server.

For a long time, BlackRabbitMsk developed and posted his mods as separate mechanics. However, many of them began to depend heavily on the others and posting them separately lost its meaning. This is how a complete set of game modifications Project Z appeared. Now the set includes more than 20 mods, and all of them are balanced with each other to get a new unique experience in the game. Describing each of them in detail will take a lot of time (and text), so he will try to list their purpose in general terms:


  • All armor sets have been balanced and 3 new reinforced sets have been added.
  • Added a bonus from the armor class (light, medium, heavy)

Quest rewards

  • Changed the reward for all quests from tier 3 and above


  • Increased stacks of all main consumable resources and ammunition


  • Increased the size of the character’s basic backpack to 60 slots and redesigned the information panel for all windows


  • Added 6 types of unique bosses for different biomes and balanced the reward for killing them
  • For difficult bosses, a unique mechanic for killing by stages has been added


  • It is possible to upgrade regular ammunition to reinforced ammunition for the difference in the cost of crafting

Elite zombie

  • Added a full-fledged tier 4 zombie type – Elite. Increased the main indicators of zombies, making them a full-fledged challenge for the player
  • Detailed balance of the appearance of these zombies in the game, as the character develops


  • A more pleasant set of health indicators and character buffs. Display of the current character level and health reserve of bosses and regular zombies

Mastery skills

  • Significant expansion of the player’s gameplay by developing new technologies and crafting unique items
  • New workbenches
  • New electrics
  • New weapons
  • New elixirs
  • New farming system and much, much more


  • Increased the maximum character level to 500
  • Addition of a new mechanic for character development with pumping up all the main aspects of the game

Radio station

  • Added a new unique mechanic for receiving quests
  • New quests for requesting ammunition and weapons

Unique modifications

  • More than 40 unique modifications for armor, weapons, tools and transport
  • Unique sets of modifications that give a general bonus when worn
  • Some modifications provide a completely new gaming experience

Rare resources

  • Added unique alloys and balanced for gameplay and crafting

Construction tools

  • Added an increase experience for construction depending on the type of tool and its tier

Quest chain

  • Added a unique quest chain that introduces new mechanics

Universal parts

  • Reworked mechanics of dismantling items and using parts from weapons, armor and tools
  • Added a new consumable resource universal parts


  • Added unique mechanics Radiation for the wasteland
  • Added mechanics of frostbite and heat stroke for winter and summer biomes
  • Added mechanics of carbon monoxide poisoning in a burnt biome

Enjoy the game to everyone and he’s waiting for your assessments of the work done.


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: BlackRabbitMsk

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February 17, 2025 9:00 am

Now that I have had a chance to play the mod a reasonable amount I can honestly say I’m impressed with what BlackRabbitMsk managed to do with such a tiny file size – under a megabyte with a reasonable amount of content puts some modern games to shame with that space efficiency.

However, I think there may still be some room for fine tuning some of the mechanics:

The boss creatures are an interesting addition and I could see a group of players taking one down sooner then a solo player but based on the difficulty having them regularly spawn in groups from around level 10 might be a bit much, more so if the game decides to spawn in a quest POI (seen at least one spawn inside a POI and would not be surprised if the game decides a boss creature is a perfectly reasonable encounter while doing a quest).

A possible fix for that is limiting the spawn locations (prevent spawning in POI’s – wandering in is a different matter, Increasing the minimum level for them to spawn (say 50 instead of 10) and limiting the spawn quantity by level (50 to 100: 1, 100 to 150: 2, 150 to 999: 3) – still remains dangerous but not an insurmountable difficulty spike.

Having additional environmental hazards (Example: Lack of breathable air in burnt forest) to deal was an interesting addition but I suspect the radiation hazard in the wasteland may be bugged as with a full set of nomad armor trying to get to the wasteland trader and back out on a minibike nearly killed my character from radiation damage (burned through at least 10 first aid bandages to attempt to survive the trip) with zero input from hostile NPC’s, radioactive water or high radiation areas … was thinking nomad armor would be enough for wasteland background radiation but apparently not and I have doubts that the four craft-able anti radiation mods would help much, if it can be used on the nomad armor.

The solution for this is to check the background radiation level in the wasteland is set correctly – based on the rate of increase I experienced I suspect it’s level 2 when its meant to be level 1 with the three possible anti-radiation armors should be enough to counter it alone and start exploring (the environment might not kill you but the residents and higher radiation level POI’s probably will ) but not enough to dominate the wasteland without the right mods installed.

February 6, 2025 8:40 pm

Fantastic mod, I love it!
Plz. fix the extreme HPs of the bosses. Thats just insane.
Plz. also fix the pace. It is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to grindy. basically nothing happens between level 80 and 200. The only way to fight some of the bosses is the Gaus Sniper and it takes at least 20 hours to get that if you didn’t realize that in the very beginning (no points in anything except rifles and never scrap) – ppl. don’t know that from the start plus it forces you to play this one style.
Other than that – fantastic!!

February 15, 2025 2:11 pm
Reply to  Cassus

git gud

January 24, 2025 11:56 pm

gameplay pls