Introducing the Highly-Anticipated Expansion of the CraftFromContainers Mod!
With this mod, the Steel Wall Cabinet now boasts the same functionality as CraftFromContainers, allowing you to access and craft using items stored inside. But that’s not all—this mod also enables seamless sharing of storage access within party groups, enhancing your cooperative gameplay experience.
New Feature: Ownership and Range Check
We have introduced a feature that checks both the ownership of land claim blocks and the proximity of the player before allowing access to containers for crafting or upgrading. If the player is not the owner or the object (such as Writable Crates or Secure Loot Containers) is outside the allowed range, the following messages will be displayed:
If the container is locked:
“Crafting or Upgrade is not allowed as the WritableCrate is Locked.”
“Crafting or Upgrade is not allowed as the SteelWallCabinetSecure is Locked.”
If the player is not the owner or out of range:
“The owner of the land claim block is not or is out of range.”
This new functionality ensures that only the owner within a defined range can interact with the relevant storage containers or secure loot containers. Unauthorized players, or those too far away, will receive the appropriate warning, enhancing the security and control of crafting operations.
Don’t miss out on this essential upgrade for your 7 Days to Die gameplay—build, craft, and conquer like never before!
"modEnabled": true,
"isDebug": true,
"isServer": false,
"isClient": true,
"enableForRepairAndUpgrade": true,
"partyEnabled": false,
"lockable": true,
"anyCrate": false,
"disableNotifications": false,
"landClaimWithLock": false, <NEW>
"range": -1.0
modEnabled: must be enabled
isDebug: Console logs for crafting, repairs, upgrades, etc.
isServer: Client as server
isClient: Client/Single play (No mod on server)
enableForRepairAndUpgrade: enable/disable repair/upgrade
partyEnabled: enable/disable when playing in a party
lockable: lock functionality for container
anyCrate: supports containers that can be used as storage (e.g. SteelWallCabinetSecure)
disableNotifications: notification when out of range of container/land claim block
landClaimWithLock: ability to lock a container outside the range of a land claim block when a land claim block is placed
range: range (distance) that can be obtained without opening the container
I’ve created a version of the mod that works with crates defined in blocks.xml with the properties and. This version is called CraftFromContainersPlus (AnyCrate).
If you are using crates added by other mods, make sure those crates have the above properties to work properly with this mod.
We have made adjustments and improvements to the “CraftFromContainerPlus(AnyCrate)” and are now offering Version 2. Please choose the version that works best for you. Both versions are functional, but we recommend using the updated version for better performance and compatibility.
CraftFromContainerPlus(AnyCrate): Original version.
CraftFromContainerPlus(AnyCrate)V2: Improved version with added compatibility and adjustments.
We suggest using this version for a smoother experience.
Both versions are available for download. Choose the one that suits your needs!
Craft from Container Plus (with LandClaim and Range Check) is, as the name suggests, an enhanced version of Craft from Container.
Next, Craft from Container Plus (Lockable) adds a container locking feature to the above version.
Finally, Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate), also known as the AnyCrate version, combines the features of the previous two versions and supports both regular containers and containers of type SecureLootContainer.
The AnyCrate version is a more stable mod, and we highly recommend using this version. In fact, future updates will focus solely on the AnyCrate version. You can find the config.json file in the mod folder; please don’t forget to set modEnabled: true.
Without this setting, the mod will not function properly.
The display of the number of stacks in the craft window has been corrected so that the display, which had been “0/x”, is now displayed correctly.
Infinite craft corrective action, other fixes
Added a new setting to ensure that land claim blocks are locked about out-of-range containers by being placed.
Previous Updates
Container lock function repair.
Correction of careless errors in [[Version]].
New functions 1. isServer and 2. isClient have been added to the configuration file (config.json).
These functions enable the server mod if isServer is set to true.
If isClient is set to true, the server will disable the mod if it does not exist.
isClient is a setting that allows mods to function only in client single player.
Duplication bug fix.Immediate container information update when materials are consumed for crafting etc.
Fixed container locking functionality.
Fixed that if a container is destroyed and unlocked, our mod will not work if there are items in the container.
The logic of the party member conditions was reviewed.
Significant changes and repairs to CraftFromContainerPlus (AnyCrate) (feedback content).
[[ Version ]]
Fixes for duplicate bugs.
Improvements to AnyCrate logic.
Fixed in anticipation of the possibility that a block might not be upgraded because the upgrade action count was not completed and the next block was upgraded even though it should have been upgraded.
Bug reports in the feedback were modified due to unstable behaviour.
In response to feedback, a setting to hide notification messages has been added. It is disableNotifications, set to true or false.
Revised container locking logic.
We apologise for the crashes and bugs that have forced the game to be forced to close. We have decided to make this a single CraftFromContainerPlus (AnyCrate) version. We look forward to your thoughts and feedback. Best regards.
Craft from Container Plus (with LandClaim and Range Check)
Craft from Container Plus (Lockable)
‘Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate)’ has been overhauled. Duplicate bugs and bugs have been fixed.
Fixed dupe bug. (Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate))
The mod has now been modified to be compatible with 1.2.Fixed a message bug and a container recognition bug. A container integrity check had been included, but this logic has been discontinued. And Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate) Original and Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate) V2 were available, but were combined into one and made compatible with game version 1.2 (b27).
Improved Code to Prevent Crashes from Large Storage Data
We’ve made important updates to our mod to prevent crashes caused by handling large amounts of storage data. Previously, the mod could crash when trying to process large amounts of data, but with these improvements, it now works smoothly even with large amounts of data.
What We Changed:
Better Handling of Large Data:
We have made changes to the way the mod handles and deletes data. Now the mod can handle large amounts of memory more efficiently without using too much memory or crashing.
Improved Performance:
We have reduced the number of checks the mod has to perform on the data. This makes the mod run faster, especially when handling a lot of items.
We’ve improved the overall stability of the mod by making sure that data updates happen safely and smoothly. This prevents crashes or slowdowns even when there’s a lot of data being added or changed.
We’re committed to making the mod more stable and easier to use. With these updates, you’ll experience fewer crashes and better performance, even with large amounts of data. We’ll continue to improve the mod and welcome any feedback from the community.
== If any issues arise, please let me know. ==
DOWNLOAD Craft from Container Plus (with LandClaim and Range Check) (36 KB)
DOWNLOAD Craft from Container Plus (Lockable) (39 KB)
DOWNLOAD Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate) (43 KB)
Credits: llmonmonll, aedenthorn
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
Mod is working great with the latest update. Great job on the mod! One thing: would it be possible to add the resource amounts from anycrate show in the “Track” function as well?
from what i can tell most of the issues are fixed, but it appears that you can no longer tell how much of the resources you have in your storage. you see 0/x for crafting; it consumes the items to craft, but you can’t see how many you have, so if it’s a low number, you don’t know that.
Otherwise, from what I can tell, the locking due to claim blocks and such has been fixed. For anyone who has had issues, this is the config I’m using. i have not tested with my party yet, but it appears to be working.
“modEnabled”: true,
“isDebug”: true,
“isServer”: true,
“isClient”: true,
“enableForRepairAndUpgrade”: true,
“partyEnabled”: true,
“lockable”: false,
“anyCrate”: true,
“disableNotifications”: false,
“landClaimWithLock”: false,
“range”: -1.0
The mod seems a bit broken atm. I can craft unlimited items in workbench and campfire etc. Like it pulls resources out of thin air
same here
In an older version you could have this installed on a public server and people could still join even if they didn’t have it installed locally. Of course they couldn’t benefit from it if they didn’t have it installed locally. Can that be put back in instead of it being required to have it installed in the client just to even join the server?
i tried using the newest version [[Version]], it cannot get it to work. no matter the config I set it to, it does not pull from any storage at all. no clue why, but it just dooes not work. in or out of claim block, secure, insecure, prebuilt storage, nothing works.
What do the different items in the configuration mean, and what does setting them to true and false mean for each of them?
Hi there, these are my settings.could you please elaborate what each line does and what’s going on? Notes below:
I’m using on a private server so happy to keep it completely open. It’s basicaly my party against the zombie world here. But it only works for crates players own or originally created. I’m using the Anycrate version and we don’t use land claim blocks.
“modEnabled”: true,
“isDebug”: true,
“isServer”: true,
“isClient”: false,
“enableForRepairAndUpgrade”: true,
“partyEnabled”: true,
“lockable”: false,
“anyCrate”: true,
“disableNotifications”: true,
“range”: -1.0
OK … You HAVE NOT fixed an issue that comes up as a RED LINE ERROR under F1 … When you try to repair your base from storage boxes … It’s a sound error when using a tool.
(ERR Audio clip “stepleaves3” could not be played. FMOD Error: The error occurred because the sound referenced contains subsounds when it shouldn’t, or it doesn’t contain subsounds when it it should have. etc)
I have the Full list capture on a screenshot … AND … it only does it when this MOD is installed.
This is on the latest release as of today and the last several that I have tried … I only use the “AnyCrate” mod and never tried any of the others.
What is the discord support link and I will post it for you
Please release a version with the locking turned off. The mod works well but if you are playing with others it will autolock the containers anytime you leave the area which prevents them from using it even if you set a code. It will also lock occasionally while crafting.
Is it with a land claim block in place? In this case, we have added an automatic locking function for the container to prevent it from being used if a land claim block is installed to prevent it from being abused. It works even if lockable is set to false in the config file. Is there a problem if there are no land claim blocks in place but the lockable is true or false, but the lockable is locked when leaving the area?
Yes the issue is that my party member gets locked out of my chests 24/7. I understand the prevention of it being abused but it makes me have to camp at the base and not leave.
Even without a claim block it auto locks the chests once I leave a certain distance. We use codes on the chests to try and fix this issue but it reverts them back to being jammed for the party member. There should be no reason to have it auto lock in my opinion if you already only let the owner or party members craft from it.
At the bare minimum please give us a second option for opting out of the auto locking logic. This will help the people who play co op / small servers out a lot. I had to uninstall the mod which was working amazing because I could not even go to the trader without my party member being locked out of the chests. I tried no claim block as one is not really needed for co op and it would still lock my party member out.
Same, please give us the option to use this with others. It’s pretty much unusable when wanting to use a claim block for other reasons. or the ability for it to pull from storage crates that have been broken down so they are unsecured and cannot lock. Either or would work.
Are you experiencing symptoms with the latest ‘AnyCrate’ version?
Can yo make it so that the mod can pull from unsecured chests? as soon as i the land claim owner am not home, and open my inventory it locks all the boxes, now i can break them so they are unsecure and it prevents this. but then the craft functionality breaks as well.
or a version that does not lock them when the land claim owner is outside the claim would be great as well.
If AntiCheat is on the mod dont work by me and in mod info say skip anti cheat true. Should it only go if anticheat is off?
AntiCheat should be OFF when running any mods in the game
We tried one time it goes on our server and after a time not more -.- we dont know why can any help us with settings on online server it goes well?
We did but still not working on our server can you share settings for server with friends it will work?
Anyone that wants to use it will have to have the mod installed on their local client too. Do all players have it in their clients Mod folder along with it being on the Servers Mod folder?
I USED this Mod in the Past and it Worked Great … BUT now it seems to be a Totally mess.
Personally and I know it would be Alot of work … the mod should be redone from scratch or the beginning for V 1.2.
It is not working 80% of the Time as it should … we keep getting all kinds of error messages and most are listed here and they only pertain to this mod …. I get errors when using it and when removed NO more errors.
Hi there,
your plugin is a mess right now. I can dupe on servers with any crate in my mod folder.
I start crafting something, cancel the craft and after that the ressources got duplicated.
Pls fix this asap.
I use AnyCrate.
Hey. The mod is working great, but recently I am experiencing an Issue, where I can’t do anything anymore. Not exactly replicable, but it always happens, when I am around a POI and search for a recipe, when closing with Esc and leaving the search, the following error pops up:
InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2+ValueCollection+Enumerator[TKey,TValue].MoveNext () [0x00013] in <31687ccd371e4dc6b0c23a1317cf9474>:0
at CraftFromContainers.CraftFromContainers.LandClaimList () [0x000a3] in <ee67756a53a74e9b9937fdb3d09d94f3>:0
at CraftFromContainers.CraftFromContainers.ReloadStorages () [0x0006f] in <ee67756a53a74e9b9937fdb3d09d94f3>:0
at CraftFromContainers.CraftFromContainers.GetAllStorageStacks (ItemStack[] items) [0x00001] in <ee67756a53a74e9b9937fdb3d09d94f3>:0
at (wrapper dynamic-method) XUiC_RecipeCraftCount.DMD<System.Int32 XUiC_RecipeCraftCount:calcMaxCraftable()>(XUiC_RecipeCraftCount)
at (wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition.SyncProxy<System.Int32 XUiC_RecipeCraftCount:calcMaxCraftable()>(XUiC_RecipeCraftCount)
at XUiC_RecipeCraftCount.CalculateMaxCount () [0x00000] in <0a824c04d551409fad5953ac8c5c40be>:0
at XUiC_RecipeCraftCount.PlayerInventory_OnToolbeltItemsChanged () [0x00000] in <0a824c04d551409fad5953ac8c5c40be>:0
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) <Module>.invoke_void()
at XUiM_PlayerInventory.onToolbeltItemsChanged () [0x00008] in <0a824c04d551409fad5953ac8c5c40be>:0
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) <Module>.invoke_void()
at Inventory.onInventoryChanged () [0x00008] in <0a824c04d551409fad5953ac8c5c40be>:0
at Inventory.CallOnToolbeltChangedInternal () [0x00000] in <0a824c04d551409fad5953ac8c5c40be>:0
at Inventory+<SimulateActionExecution>d__129.MoveNext () [0x0012a] in <0a824c04d551409fad5953ac8c5c40be>:0
at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <be2cce08ca774b9684099a81093ecac0>:0
So it seems to get stuck in a processing action and therefore prevents me from attacking/using <E> to interact.
This error does occur often, but not always state locks your character.
Remark: My current Settings:
“modEnabled”: true,
“isDebug”: true,
“enableForRepairAndUpgrade”: true,
“partyEnabled”: true,
“lockable”: false,
“anyCrate”: true,
“disableNotifications”: false,
“range”: 30.0
BR Korgaz
Oh and your new logic locks the crates every time you try to craft something, so whenever its not your crate it is “Jammed”
I forgot that the reason why it is locked despite “lockable”: false in Settings is that I have made it so that if a land claim block is in place, containers outside of that area are locked. I didn’t explain it well enough.It still needs to be reviewed. Thanks for the feedback.
Oops, if you go outside the area of the land claim block, it means the containers in that area are locked.
You don’t need to leave the area. As soon as you open the crafting menu every Chest in that Land Claim Block gets locked.
That’s not good – does it also happen with Version
Tested for half an hour on a Backup Coop Save (alone). My Friend placed the Land Claim Block, I placed the Chest. No Errors or Misbehaving so far. We went back to in the meantime, because that was the most stable Version so far.
In everything seems fine so far. But I couldn’t test in Coop/extensively yet. Will Update this Comment Line, once I played a bit more.
How do I remove your new features that lock every crate if I leave the room with the crates? Those features made me uninstall the mod because of how worthless they made this mod. If I left the room with my crates no one in my party could craft anything or put anything in the storage crates.
Same here – my friends are annoyed because of this – i dont know how to prevent that thing :((
You Can’t as far as I know … Hope you have better luck than I did.
IT Doesn’t work half the time without errors and it used to work great years ago ……… I gave up on it … HE needs to rebuild it from the ground up.
So, we played now for Hours without these random locking Chests and no problems- What we tried was – All 3 of us had to change in the config file to “lockable – false” – before that it was just me(host) who did that and we had problems – after the whole grp changed it, in their config aswell, no locking anymore happened. i also put the mod directly below harmony folder. dont know if that has an impact also but maybe this will help some of u guys aswell. we are now playing without issues for hours. i hope it will help some of u guys aswell! <3
I give up … I installed the “Anycrate” mod and I’m getting a sound redline error … also if you broke the locks on your crates and they unsecured crate … the mod does not recognize them as supply crates … so I will be replacing them, if you get the mod to work as it at one time.
I repaired my weapons and got the message that I was too far from crates even thou I had the Repair kits On Me.
I took 2 screenshots of the messages, but have no way from showing them here.
I uninstalled the Mod again and Now have NO ISSUES.
Been playing for several hours with no problems thank you for the fix appreciate you. I downloaded any create file.
The dupe bug is back where Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate) won’t use up any resources placed in crates.
I installed the Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate) (42 KB) and installed it server side as well as on the clients connected to the server and i am guessing it isnt drop and play? Any chance on a walk thru on how to setup and get it operate correctly?
Edit … Also, If you unlock them and Leave the Base … When you come back to the base, they will BE Locked again … I cannot Keep them Unlocked
WILL YOU PLEASE FIX this Mod …… If you break the container and try to repair it ….. You will get the RED Line scroll of Death as some players call it.
Also … I was at the Trader and Started to buy some books and got the notification “out of container range”
This has gotten so stupid … It’s on the ( Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate) )
When the mod first came out it worked really nice, but now … Please Fix
Yes, after playing for a while the scroll of red death is what I call it continuous scroll after opening up your backpack just letting you know. It let me play for a while with this last update you did but just got done playing for a little bit and came back sorry man thanks.
Playing on a dedicated server with friends and the crates keep unlocking for everyone when the owner of the crates opens their crafting menu and I have set the partyEnabled to false for both client and server side.
So far, I think you fixed it I just went in for a few minutes and it seemed to work but I’ll give it some real game play here in a while. Thank you for fixing appreciate it.
Played for 9 Hours yesterday and no Issues anymore. I think we’re good now. Thank your very much @llmonmonll.
Hey there. Sadly the Issue with the Inability to Upgrade persists. It appears to be completely random. The Issue seems to occur after getting more resources in order to upgrade again. Never had that happen in the Upgrade Session itself only after running out of the needed resource and getting more. Debug Log: “Craft From Containers Successfully removed from Backpack (8). Resource: resourceWood” – it’s deducting the Resources but skips the actual Upgrading of the Block. After it breaks, not even a restart will fix the issue and the mod has to be removed, Game launched without, Mod added in, Game launched again = works again. Note: I didn’t upgrade from Chests, had all resources in Inventory at all times.
Okay, I think it has something to do with repairing Items. When repairing an Item in the Inventory only the Mod Message “Need x .” comes up. No actual “Remove”-Message. After repairing I can’t upgrade Blocks anymore.
Mod broke my entire save. Every time I open the crafting menu I get the red text spam, even after removing the mod.
SAME & brought back the problem of it not actually deducting the items in storage when crafting. Not sure about when repairing.
Hey, using the Bug with the Inability to upgrade Blocks still randomly happens out of nowhere. No other Mods are used (except modified Trader Times, which doesn’t conflict at all).
Used Config:
“modEnabled”: true,
“isDebug”: false,
“enableForRepairAndUpgrade”: true,
“partyEnabled”: true,
“lockable”: false,
“anyCrate”: true,
“disableNotifications”: true,
“range”: 30.0
I was able to upgrade some Blocks (Wood->Cobblestone), crafted more Cobblestones from the Writable Storage Chests, tried to upgrade the remaining Blocks. -> Resources being deducted, but no Upgrades. This seemingly still comes out of nowhere. Note: The Base where my Resources are and the Base where the Blocks are being upgraded are 2 different Land Claim Block Ranges. Maybe that helps pin-pointing the issue.
No other hickups so far – except one random Collection Error when opening the Crafting Window (Most likely due to the AnyCrate Setting) and one bugged (aka. didn’t go away) Notification for added Casino Tokens after Acception of Rewards from the Trader.
Sidenote: I have much experience (8+ Years) in Coding (Python/C#/C++). If I can assist in any way, feel free to message me. Got much free time atm as I am on Vacation this Week. 🙂
Bug fixes have been made. Please re-download and enjoy. Potential bugs may still exist. We will work on fixing bugs in the long term. Best regards.
Sadly the Upgrade Issue still persists as stated above and the Duplication Glitch is back again. :/
Your bug fixes didn’t work for me I tried all three downloads and I still get the same thing endless scroll of red error messaging the only way to get out of it is to exit the game.
Hey, love the mod, but the craft from containers any crate seems to have an issue, both me and my partner don’t get the upgrade block achievement with it, and my partner cant upgrade blocks but it uses the materials. She is server, I’m client. I have no issues with it other than no achievement.
There was a problem with the upgrade block achievement not being obtained and Bug fixes have been made. Please re-download and enjoy. Potential bugs may still exist. We will work on fixing bugs in the long term. Best regards.
Hey again, I was doing an extensive Test with a friend over this day. Here are a few things which we encountered and we sadly had to drop the mod for now until they’re fixed:
1. Sometimes everything is fine. No errors or misbehaving of the expected functionalities.
2. When opening the crafting Menu in eg. a Campfire and using an Item eg. drinking Water, the error log gets spammed with Collection Errors. No actions can be performed afterwards and the game has to be fully restarted. The funny thing here was, that afterwards I had my Wrench always displayed no matter what I held in Hand, as it was the Item I held, when the Errors occured. Having a multi-tool (Pickaxe + Pumpgun) looked kinda silly. 😀
3. Sometimes the upgrade Bug happens, where you cant upgrade a block (repairing is fine) and sometimes the duplication Bug happens, where no resources get deducted. Both seem to appear randomly at play time and won’t go away until restart. (Note: Sometimes multiple Restarts have to be performed to fix the occuring issue, otherwise they persist even after restarting).
Best regards and thank you for your work. 🙂
Same here
Hey found another Bug, which persists since 2 Updates. When crafting Vehicles from Components in Chests, the full Stack of Components (eg. Frame / Handle) gets removed rather than 1 deducted.
So i’ve done some testing with this mod on a dedicated server with a few others. I’ve had a few issues. I have use both ” Craft from Container Plus (with LandClaim and Range Check)” and Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate), with the mod installed both client and serverside. Here are the issues:
1: Mod will have a duplication glitch. When crafting from containers, will show there are either 0 items of that type, but still allow you to craft it infinitely, or will show there are items of that type in storage but will no use the materials. Rejoining server did not fix it.
2: Upgrading building blocks, for example from wood to cobblestone, will take the resource, but not actually upgrade. Even if the resources are in your own inventory.
These issues are seemingly random, as I would play for an hour or two usually before it popped up, and sometimes they would randomly start working fine again. Just wanted to let the developer know.
Oops, that could be wrong. There are several versions available, but it is not recommended to use more than one version at the same time. So please use only one of the versions.Also, please let us know if there are any problems. Tip: The AnyCrate version is more stable. Best regards.
I just installed the new CraftFromContainersPlus(AnyCrate) version and confirm that those bugs are in that version too.
We have made a countermeasure-oriented update. Please re-download and try again. Best regards.
Thank you. That fixed most of the problems like, not actually using the material from crates but with CraftFromContainersPlus(AnyCrate) version (and 277) I am getting the following warnings popping up in red on console when trying to repair items, even if I have the material in my inventory.
Haven’t tested all repairs but know repairing things that need clay give that message. Had to revert back to V2 again.
EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
I’ve tried all of your mods for craft from container. Every single one of them I get error messages red ones and I see others have posted it below the same thing. Just letting you know thoroughly enjoyed it when it worked but ever since the update it hasn’t worked none of the versions i’ve tried em all. Thanks for your hard work and your time.
Hello, so i put this mod in my mod folder like other mods i have but i still cant craft from containers, is there anything more i should do ?
Are you running on a server or just locally? Either way, you have to have EAC turned off. If on a server, it has to be on the server and client
Ahh! Thank you! I was thinking it was server side only.
Installed CraftFromContainersPlus(AnyCrate) version The messages about a container locked, etc., is very annoying and I don’t know why they are even showing up. Yes, my containers are locked and one is owned by a party member. I can still craft from any of them but still get the annoying messages saying I can’t.
Try changing “lockable”: true to “lockable”: false in Configuration. This will prevent the message from being displayed. It is the config.json file in the CraftFromContainer folder in the mod file. Best regards.
I tried changing it to false on the client and then the server, then both and it always gave the messages. Yes, I rebooted the server after changing it on the server. Only difference it made was that I couldn’t craft from the lockable containers. I had to go back to V2 and can’t craft from my party members crates anymore unless there is no lock on them. I still love your mod. Maybe putting in a setting specifically to turn off notifications only.
Just installed the new CraftFromContainersPlus(AnyCrate) version and that fixed the problem. I can have Only that one installed on the server and the CraftFromContainers 2.x players can still use that without an issue. Get errors if they use the discontinued Plus one but that is no big deal for me. Thank you for your quick attention to the issue.
Ooops, I take my last comment back….partly. With the new CraftFromContainersPlus(AnyCrate) version, I can craft from containers but it doesn’t actually use any of the materials in the containers even though it will still craft the item.
With CraftFromContainersPlus(AnyCrate) version I am getting the following warnings popping up in red on console when trying to repair items, even if I have the material in my inventory. Had to revert back to V2 again.
EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
yo how does this mod work ? i installed it and put up a land block near my containers and workbench etc etc ?
Most recent Update: Upgrading of Blocks is broken. At 100% nothing happens or it just deducts the resources and doesn’t upgrade.
Switching back to the Version before: Only I as admin have access to all chests after the restart of the Server, noone else in the party can see the resources. On new Game everything is fine.
(Both tested on v1.2)
We are very sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for using our mod. We feel that this is an emergency situation right now and we are working on a fix. Best regards.
Thank you for your hard work, I really appreciate it. Absolutely no need to apologize for something you provide for free and use your free time to create. I know how coding sometimes does its own thing after working for some time as I am a developer myself.
BR Korgaz
Everything works perfectly fine now. Thank you so much for your work. Can’t imagine to play without this mod anymore. 😀
You can’t upgrade your blocks when I activate this mod. Other than that, it works.
With Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate) if any of your crates locks get broken, opening the crafting menu breaks the game with a never ending string of red error messages
This is in V1.2 and attempting to repair any crate gives a red error preventing any attempts to do so
When I said any crate I didn’t mean the mod itself, I meant the in game crate that’s lock was broken.
Fantastic mod. (Used plus version)
But has had 2 problems
1. Uses no materials when crafting
2. When you try to open hardened chest after picking lock, loot function bugs out and you need to restart the game
Forgot, with LandClaim and Range Check version
Apologies. Our future plan is to combine the Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate)> version into one version of Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate). Therefore, please use the Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate) version. We also continue to welcome feedback on any glitches or bugs.
Craft from Container Plus (AnyCrate) seems to work fine
Mod is still not working, tried the craft from container any crate and craft from container landclaim and range check versions. Neither worked and the craft from container landclaim and range check version caused my game to freeze up with a constant string of endless error messages (just kept repeating errors in the chat box). This happened when I opened my workbench in my base which does have a landclaim block. I didn’t queue anything up, just simply opened the workbench and received the errors. Had to force close the game. The craft from container any crate did not freeze my game, but it didn’t work at all. Just wanted to share my experience!
It seems that there’s a dupe bug going on right now. It doesn’t work with water, but pretty much everything else this mod will not use up any of the items in the crates, so you can make an infinite amount of items.
It’s not working. It’s not loading the .dll file
How do I install the any crate? my writeable wood crates arent pulling materials for me to craft on the workbench…
For me this mod is nor working.
if i try to craft from inventory or from the workstation, i see zero materials to start crafting.
Its my base and all containers are open. it is just a thin block with a hole in the front of the containers (just for design)
Everything is costing 1 extra on materials, and if you try to create max items, it just subtracts one from all materials, and creates nothing.
I got the mod working for me, kinda. For some reason it’s hit and miss as to if an item is crafted or not. Sometimes I’m able to craft, and sometimes when I press the craft button the resources for the crafting are subtracted, but the item isn’t made. I’m also unable to craft stacks of anything. This problem mainly seems to affect the workbench, as I haven’t had problems with the campfire. Tried this in both modded and vanilla.
We have reviewed the consumption logic in Craft and the whole thing, so please re-download it.And we still need more time to address issues such as workbenches.Best regards.
It works beautifully now, thank you.
I get these errors while loading the game, and when I load my save.
Game version 1.2(B27)
Single player.
MODS: Donovan-More perks
Duhwolfs Inproved Farming
Midnights Improved Dew Collector
And a couple prefabs.
New game, don’t even have a base yet. Storage and campfire outside traders, and I have a land claim down.
I’ve tried the previous, V2.0 any crate, and V2.0 with land claim.
Now trying the new version you updated, Any crate, and the land claim versions.
Anything I can try on my end to figure it out?
2024-12-20T06:45:11 9.173 ERR Error loading types from assembly C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\CraftFromContainersPlus\CraftFromContainers.dll
2024-12-20T06:45:11 9.174 EXC Could not load file or assembly ‘0Harmony, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ or one of its dependencies.
I got it working… sorta.
The 0Harmany folder was missing from my mods folder. Verified the files through Steam and it was put back.
So far I’ve only used the camp fire, but, when I cook things, sometimes the supplies are removed from the crate, but the food or drink is not crafted. Anyone know a way to fix this?
This update for 1.2 is still not working, it pops up an error everytime crafting from inventory on a new world
Thank you for your comment! I’m sorry to hear that the MOD isn’t working for you. I’d like to investigate the issue further, so could you please provide the following details?
1. Game Version
Could you confirm that your game version is 1.2b27?
2. Error Logs
Check if there are any error messages in the output_log.txt or player.log files in your game folder. If you find any, please share them with me.
3. Other MODs
Are there any other MODs installed? If so, could you list them? Sometimes, conflicts with other MODs can cause issues.
4. Steps to Reproduce
Could you describe the specific steps or situation when the problem occurs? For example, what actions were you performing during crafting?
I apologize for the inconvenience, but with more details, I can address the issue more effectively. Also, please double-check the installation instructions in the README file to ensure the MOD is placed in the correct folder.
Thank you for your cooperation, and I’ll do my best to resolve this quickly!
This mod is not working. I have some errors in game and it will not let me craft from containers.
Same with me. This used to be the best mod ever craft from containers. Now this is a piece of crap.
This needs to be updated for 1.2 it breaks crafting… Throws the ui into spasms tried all four variants
Has anyone had issues since the 1.2 patch?
If you had any issues download this one Craft from Container Plus (Lockable) and change in config.ini this line: “lockable”: true for “lockable”: false. For me it works perfect and mod dosen’t lock chest, you have to do this manually.
It is definitively broken in 1.2
Agreed..its toast, all four variants whether you adjust that config or not. Confirmed after dozens of tests.
I understood what the problem was. If you put a new chest for storage (protected) and then destroy the first layer (protection), then this chest breaks the mod. The interface in the inventory and workbench breaks down. This is not critical, it is just enough to completely destroy the storage.
At first the mod worked great, but then it broke the crafting menu.
when playin in multiplayer (non-server, I Host game and a friend joins)
when my friends tries to craft something gets cascade error Craft from containers tileentitysecurelootcontainer not found in the composite entity
when he gets this I get it too.
After smashing F1 and ESC we can close the console, and I can craft, but if he tries, the error comes up again.
Currently testing different settings in the json file.
personally this mod has not worked correctly for me on a server since v1.1.1.14 i keep testing the new releases and they all consistently fail.. the storage boxes lock and unlock on their own whim there are red execution errors constantly
Можно ли добавить в конфиг , список контейнеров , чтоб можно было настроить в ручную, а не только брать с контейнеров cntWoodWritable
Thank you for your feedback. I will work on improving the mod to meet your request. Please give me some time. If I am unable to implement the changes, I plan to continue updating the mod by addressing bugs and making necessary adjustments as needed.
Mod worked till day 6 then broke game, game works without this mod, looking for another Craft from containers mod, not sure why it broke much sad.
Just to check, if we were to lock the container containing cobblestones, that would mean we won’t be able to upgrade any wooden blocks to cobble since the container containing it is locked yes?
I’m checking because based on this current setting of:
“modEnabled”: true,
“isDebug”: true,
“enableForRepairAndUpgrade”: true,
“partyEnabled”: true,
“lockable”: true,
“range”: -1.0
Even if I lock the container which contains cobblestones, I can still upgrade and repair wooden blocks drawing the cobblestones from that container.
Same issues as some others have reported; loaded the mod up on our server and immediately ALL storage crates became locked, even though they are all within the land claim area. I can manually unlock them, but that’s a pain. Setting the config for “locked” to false made no difference. Some containers also became “jammed” which is also a pain.
Ideally, an option to just have the containers behave like vanilla with the core capability of this mod would be mint.
Would love for this to work. Happy to help test if needed.
Thanks for sharing the issue. It’s possible that certain symptoms might occur specifically in server environments due to how storage states and permissions are handled differently compared to client-hosted games.
Could you try testing this in a client-hosted online play session (e.g., not using a rented or dedicated server) and see if the same problem occurs? This would help determine if the issue is server-specific.
If you could also share any relevant server settings or environment details, it would help a lot in narrowing down the cause. Appreciate your patience and willingness to help us troubleshoot this!
Thanks for your response! So I’ve done some more testing. Here is what I’ve found:
On a dedicated server (just a separate machine on my local network), the mod appears to load correctly according to the logs, however when trying to access a workbench or the crafting menu (Tab) you’re then presented with a whole lot of console spam:
2024-11-26T18:26:35 86.057 ERR [XUi] Error while updating window group ‘workstation_workbench’:
2024-11-26T18:26:35 86.057 EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CraftFromContainers.CraftFromContainers.ProcessCompositeEntity (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair2[TKey,TValue] keyValuePair, TileEntityComposite compositeEntity, EntityPlayerLocal player, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, System.Boolean& anyWritableCrateOrSafeFound) [0x000d4] in <ff8f1b484c7d4b6a9221bff7847c692b>:0
at CraftFromContainers.CraftFromContainers.ReloadStorages () [0x00128] in <ff8f1b484c7d4b6a9221bff7847c692b>:0
at CraftFromContainers.CraftFromContainers.AddAllStorageStacks (System.Collections.Generic.List1[T] items) [0x00001] in :0
at (wrapper dynamic-method) XUiC_RecipeList.DMD(XUiC_RecipeList,single)
at (wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition.SyncProxy(XUiC_RecipeList,single)
at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00084] in :0
at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00084] in :0
at XUiC_CraftingListInfo.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00080] in :0
at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00084] in :0
at XUiC_WorkstationWindowGroup.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00000] in :0
at XUi.OnUpdateDeltaTime (System.Single updateDeltaTime) [0x00159] in :0
All the crates appear to be locked when loading in as well.
So then I tried hosting our existing world as a client-hosted online play session as you’ve suggested and got the same exact same experience.
However, if I load up a brand new world, client-hosted online, the mod appears to work perfectly. It’s only on our existing world (which has had no other mods on it from the start) that this is causing an issue.
Hi guys. Can anyone maybe tell me how to get this startet on a gameserver from “” I have a server for me and my friends only, online with password. EAC is off and the folder is in the mod folder copied by FileZilla, but it does not work, no matter what i do.
Hello. The previous version worked much better for me. Does anyone have the file?
you mean this one ?
What is the range from a container you can craft from? Also if there is a real limited range is there a way to extend it?
I am unable to see the materials needed to craft an item when it is in my party members created storage but as soon as I put it into a storage that I created i’m able to pull from it. Is there a way to pull from all storage chests or is it intended like this?
Hello, im hosting local game with friend. I can use this normally, but my friend cant unless he places boxes.
Hello! I install this mod, place it in my mods folder but it just doesn’t work and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong? I’m hosting a local game. Please help, do I need to do anything extra?
Thanks for the update.
Will it fix the dupe bug?
How difficult would it be to add support for the Ravenhearst mod?
Right now, similar to TR2085XO, the other party members can’t access storage (from a crafting station, vanilla or modlet) when crafting, even though all storage containers are not locked.
In 1.1 crates get locked for party members (hosting game locally).
After unlocking the crates, if the other players get out the claim block area, crates get locked again.
Is the problem that if one local player is within range of a land claim block, it is normal, but if you form a party and the local player (you) is in range but one of the party members goes out of range, the container is locked? This needs to be reviewed. Thank you for your feedback.
Basically, if party members leave claim block area, the storage gets locked for them.
Last time we used the mod, I unlocked everything but party members could not interact with the container.
We’ll try again, and if any errors come up, I can provide the logs if you want to.
Hi, I-ve also been experiencing this, I’m playing solo, and when I get out of the land claim block zone my crates get locked with a message that says “(craftfromcontainer) crafting or upgrade is not allowed as the writablecrate is locked”
Very Thx for support The Wasteland MOD.
@llmonmonll Could you adapt your mod to the Global update of The Wasteland ?
Thought I would leave this here, works 100% in singleplayer, on dedicated server:
2024-10-29T23:00:04 182.481 EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CraftFromContainers.CraftFromContainers.ReloadStorages () [0x000fb] in :0
at CraftFromContainers.CraftFromContainers.AddAllStorageStacks (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] items) [0x00001] in :0
at (wrapper dynamic-method) XUiC_RecipeList.DMD(XUiC_RecipeList,single)
at (wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition.SyncProxy(XUiC_RecipeList,single)
at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00084] in :0
at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00084] in :0
at XUiC_CraftingListInfo.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00080] in :0
at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00084] in :0
at XUi.OnUpdateDeltaTime (System.Single updateDeltaTime) [0x00159] in :0
Update, the original version is working now! perfect, thank you kind sir
Great mod, unfortunately the original version doesn’t work at all on 1.1, the landclaim and range check version does work, however, when you leave your base all containers are locked, when you come back you have to manually unlock all of them before you can continue to craft, this is a bit annoying and essentially not saving any time on crafting, holding E to unlock is the same time as just taking wood out of the container. Great mod otherwise, unfortunately not usable for now.
How did you solve it? I also have this question.
I tried your mod and it didn’t seem to be working by itself. When I added it together with the non-plus version, then I was able to craft with items from containers.
It seems it requires the original mod but perhaps you forgot to mention it?
Either way, thank you for the great work!
Thank you for your feedback! The Plus version should indeed work independently. It’s interesting that it only worked when combined with the non-Plus version. I’ll investigate this further to ensure there are no overlooked dependencies or conflicts between the two. If both versions are needed for functionality, I’ll make sure to clarify that in the instructions. Thanks again for bringing this to my attention, and I appreciate your support!
Hey! Thanks for coding this mod! Unfortunately same symptoms as described above – only seems to work once I install the v2 and we currently struggle to make it work with the party! Can you kindly mention in the comments when you updated the files last? I installed a week ago or so, maybe you uploaded a newer version meanwhile I can try?
No problem. I ended up having to use the basic version until a patch is released, but then noticed I was able to upgrade blocks (wood to cobble, and wooden spikes to iron as well) without needing the resources. If I had them, they worked correctly, if not then upgrades just happened and nothing deduced from nowhere.
I know I play a heavily modded vanilla and triple checked if any mods could be interfering, but might be worth checking this as well.
Thank you for your feedback. Could you let us know the specific timing when this issue occurs? For example, which upgrade types (like wood to cobblestone or spikes to iron) or resource conditions in the inventory or containers show this behavior where resources aren’t being consumed? Any additional details would be helpful. Thank you!
Im using latest game version and this mod is not working for my, any ideas or suggestion? Was trying to use all version Plus and non plus
Yea, I don’t know why. Its not giving me an error. Its just not working.
I apologize for the long wait. I’ve just returned from my business trip and have settled in. I’m currently working on the fixes, so please bear with me a little longer. I may be able to release it soon.
qual a chance desse mod funcionar junto com o mod war3zuk?
yes it works
fiz de tudo e n funcionou… qual seria o problema?
Is there anyway to adjust the range that it pulls from? I like the mod, but I feel a bit OP when i can craft from halfway across the city. I’d prefer to put it as something maybe slightly larger than the claim block area so it is more just for when I’m in the base? I tried changing the
“range”: -1.0
“range”: -0.5
But it didn’t seem to affect anything (unless maybe i needed to start a new game or put down new storages or something)
i agree i’d try to change that as will its rang is 115 blocks away thats far
Please adapt this mod for Afterlife 🙁
I love this Plus enhancement over previous mod!
And I have one suggestion: if storage is locked, do not craft. Why? Iron storage and exceptions, for example for cooking
This doesnt seem to repair from storage?
I love this mod and the idea behind it. I installed this to a fully stable modded game and now it’s broken. If I enter my inventory/crafting outside of a claim block I get a recurring XUI error that never stops. Again, everything works fine inside of a claimed area but outside the inventory opens but the console opens displaying hundreds of thousands of the below error:
2024-10-07T20:09:53 140.507 ERR [XUi] Error while updating window group ‘crafting’:
2024-10-07T20:09:53 140.508 EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CraftFromContainers.CraftFromContainers.ProcessWritableCrate (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair2[TKey,TValue] keyValuePair, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, System.Boolean& anyWritableCrateOrSafeFound) [0x0004f] in <9f8ccbbf4c68484eb57b134afeead769>:0
at CraftFromContainers.CraftFromContainers.ReloadStorages () [0x000e9] in <9f8ccbbf4c68484eb57b134afeead769>:0
at CraftFromContainers.CraftFromContainers.AddAllStorageStacks (System.Collections.Generic.List1[T] items) [0x00001] in :0
at (wrapper dynamic-method) XUiC_RecipeList.DMD(XUiC_RecipeList,single)
at (wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition.SyncProxy(XUiC_RecipeList,single)
at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00084] in :0
at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00084] in :0
at XUiC_CraftingListInfo.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00080] in :0
at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00084] in :0
at XUi.OnUpdateDeltaTime (System.Single updateDeltaTime) [0x00159] in :0
To follow up the error is gone after moving this mods file out of the folder. Any idea whats causing it? I really like this mod lol
Can you try changing the order of loading by adding A-Z to the folder name of this mod and see if the error still occurs? As an example, zzzz_CraftFromContainers.
Hello, Thanks for the reply,
I added the zzz to the start to make it load last like you suggested but the same error occurred. Here is my mod list in case its important for diagnosing: (screengrab on imgbb)
Its interesting that it fixes itself when inside the claim area however but breaks outside. Hopefully we can fix I love this mod 🙁
I can see one of the older mods had several people bring up this issue so it seems like its not going to get fixed 🙁 I am hoping someone will swoop in with a fix. Going to remove all of my mod and see if it does it on vanilla to rule out any of my mods I have installed
I have the same bug. I suspect it is caused by a HUD mod. The bug itself is very annoying, so maybe the mod will be repaired. I’d be happy to provide my log file for analysis.