One of Saminal’s most popular mods. He has tweaked it a little to fit into A21.
Added: Working Wall Oven, Working Stove, Working Gas Grill, Working Charcoal Grill.
These work the same as the campfire, but with lower heat map values. Unlocked at various stages of Home Cooking magazine reading.
Added: Working Kitchen Sink, Working Filter Sink.
These work like the Dew Collector, but much faster. The Kitchen Sink doesn’t require water filters to build, and outputs Murky Water. The Filter Sink uses two filters to craft, but outputs clean water. The slots are filled one every 10 in-game minutes.
Added: Working Lamps and Lights.
A shape block that allows a variety of working version of usually POI-only lights. There are some other blocks which have been introduced in A21 that aren’t included yet – He’ll get these in soon.
This mod is server-side friendly and designed to tweak the game or provide little extras without changing the meta of the current alpha.
- (new) Few small fixes. (Sam’s Working Stuff No Sinks)
- Version Syntax Updates (Sam’s Working Stuff No Sinks)
- Updated for V1.0.
- Added No Sinks version.
1.0 Versions
DOWNLOAD Sam’s Working Stuff for 1.0 (39 KB) (Not working currently due to problems with the plumbing. Grab the No Sinks version for now.)
DOWNLOAD Sam’s Working Stuff No Sinks for 1.0 (34 KB)
Alpha 21 Versions
DOWNLOAD Sam’s Working Stuff for A21 (39 KB)
DOWNLOAD Sam’s Working Stuff No Sinks for A21 (33 KB)
The forum topic of the mod is here.
Credits: Saminal
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
does not seem to work. i can craft storage versions but not useable for say cooking.
I downloaded the no sink mod for v1.0, it’s not showing an unlock level on anything.
The download page for this one is punching out all manner of malware warnings.
There are no warnings or anything. It downloads without any problems.
it was for all of his mods but they are on a different location now and all seems fine.
The open sign won’t place correctly. It doesn’t allow advanced rotation. So it’s up dude down
no red industrial light just white
The kitchen sink does not work indoors which makes it useless. Who installs a kitchen sink outdoors?!
What is the difference between the skin version and the no skin version?
Any possibility of getting this mod updated so that the sinks are able to be used indoors?
Yes, please!
Get this when the mod loads.
2023-07-05T12:48:18 40.109 WRN XML patch for “progression.xml” from mod “Sams_Working_Stuff” did not apply: append xpath=”/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name=’craftingElectrician’]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name=’RecipeTagUnlocked’ and @level=’25,100′]/@tags” (line 14 at pos 6
Love this mod! I was wondering if it would be possible to add a working coffee machine? To make like coffee, yukka juice, and things like that.
The sinks do not work indoors as they are based off the dew collector.
Could we get an update to fix this?
Thanks :3
This is great as always, it would be neat if the sinks required a dew collector to be within like 5 blocks of it in order to work kind of like a plumbed rain barrel in project zomboid. thanks for your work.
For some reason I can’t collect water from the working faucet 2, is my game just bugged or am I doing something wrong?
Filling jars from regular water sources works, and I’m right clicking on the faucet as well. I have no other mods that make water collection any different from vanilla besides this one.
I made the working faucet but cant get water from it. In the text it still says its just for show and dosent do anything.
I have noticed that on the regular mod, that the recipes for the Brass faucets, and the household faucts, have no recipe or a way to make them. Is this normal, I mean faucet are eawsy enough to get ahold of.
Just wondering
smx version has no output slots
I love your mod, make life easier.
Would it be possible to see the cables (only) when we have the cable scissors equipped?
( my english is very poor , sorry 🙂 )
Unfortunately not, no.