DA Teleporter Batons

7 days to die da teleporter batons

With these batons you have 2 options.

  • Teleporter Baton Bed-Land: Travel from any place on the map to your bedroll with left-click. Or Right-click to tp to landclaim.
  • Teleporter Baton Bed-Pack: Left-click = Bed Right-click = Backpack

The one that teleports to a landclaim seemed buggy in testing with multiple landclaims so it’s not recommended to have more than one. The only issue I experienced was one of the landclaims disappeared visually and still teleported me to it but would not teleport to others. Despite this I am leaving it available because you can put down a bedroll near a trader and use it to to tp between it and your landclaim.

The Bed-Pack Baton had no issues.

Server-side installation is all that is needed. As always BACKUP your save prior to installing any mod. This mod is only tested in single-player so multiplayer may present unforeseeable issues.


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Credits: DigitalApe

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