True Selective Firemode Mod

7 days to die true selective firemode mod

The semi-automatic and burst fire modes for guns in 7 Days to Die are complete garbage. They don’t function as semi-automatic or burst fire at all; any gun becomes fully automatic if you just hold down the left mouse button. This is extremely frustrating for a gun enthusiast like me.

The existing semi-automatic and burst fire mechanics in 7 Days to Die are flawed, as they do not accurately represent the intended firing modes. This mod addresses this issue by providing a more accurate and customizable firing experience.

As a server-side XML modlet, it doesn’t require any additional dependencies and can be easily implemented. By overwriting the Tier 1 AK47, it provides a clear example of how to create a custom firemode selection system within the game’s XML structure.

I also set the AK47 with a buff, indicating the current firemode.

And yes, the variable name for this mod is “an94”. Originally, I designed this feature for the AN-94, but you can change the variable name to whatever you like.

Use it/Copy it/Snatch it as you like. Just don’t forget to mention me/ give me credit that I came up with this simple xml idea.


Credits: linkinlol

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