DA Wire Tool

7 days to die da wire tool

If you have ever seen your wire turn red when you were almost close enough to make a connection and wished you could just have a longer wire you are in luck.

This simple mod gives you a craftable wire tool that gives you a wire up to 50 blocks long. You can make connections without having to be close to your target. As long as you can see your relay, switch, or device you can complete the connection from a distance. It also solves the problem of having the wire break because you have to go around a corner or some obstacle to get to your target. Happy wiring 🙂


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Credits: DigitalApe

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September 8, 2024 5:21 am

Thanks for this lol, yesterday i was just wiring some electrical fences but i always forget how short the wires are, this solves the issue 1000%

September 8, 2024 12:13 pm
Reply to  Noela

No problem. That was exactly why I made this mod. Wiring otherwise is just impractical 🙂