Fluffy Panda 1.0 Lake Fluffy 8K 10K 16K Vanilla

7 days to die fluffy panda lake fluffy, 7 days to die prefab, 7 days to die biomes, 7 days to die maps

Fluffy Panda 1.0 Lake Fluffy Custom designed heightmap
Snowy Mountaintop towns, Smooth Custom Roads, Custom lakes
VERSION 1.0 Vanilla available in 8K, 10K, 16K

THE Old A21 Versions are still available in the archive
(4 choices): (corresponding mod must be installed for the chosen map)

VANILLA 8k, 10k, 16k
RAVENHEARST 8k, 10K, 16k
VANILLA 10K WITH MPLogue’s A21 Prefabs (requires MPLogue)

Dfalls PEP with ZZtong (Darkness Falls and *Latest ZZtong A21.2-ZZ018 minimum must be installed in your Mod directory for it to work)
It contains at least 1 of each of the questline Poi’s; Anna’s House, Caitlin’s, Eve’s camp, Military Bunker, Razors House & Research Lab in correct biomes

Coffee donations are welcome 🙂
By FluffyPanda4144 (discord), Old Farks 7d2d, Teragon

(put in generated worlds folder)

(As some of these maps are quite large and / or modded sometimes exiting 7dtd to release memory can help if receiving any log errors before starting an alternate new game )

(I can’t help you with setting up a server I only know the map side of things)
Credits to ZZTong and Khaine (Dfalls) and Dwallorde (WOTW) and JaxTeller(Ravenhearst)

7 days to die fluffy panda lake fluffy additional screenshot 1

7 days to die fluffy panda lake fluffy additional screenshot 2

7 days to die fluffy panda lake fluffy additional screenshot 3

7 days to die fluffy panda lake fluffy additional screenshot 4


If you appreciate Fluffy Panda’s work and you want to show support, use the Buy Me a Coffee/Paypal link.

Credits: Fluffy Panda, ZZtong, Khaine, Dwallorde, JaxTeller

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7 thoughts on “Fluffy Panda 1.0 Lake Fluffy 8K 10K 16K Vanilla

  1. It would be wonderful to see a map such as this with combined mods such as WotW and Sorcery or Darkness Falls and Sorcery. Just a hopeful suggestion. Thank you.

    1. Mixing overhaul mods wouldn’t work properly it would cause conflicts most likely. Even if I was able to combine all the pois together, some of the overhaul creators wouldn’t agree to it . I may be able to mix other poi packs if that’s what your after?

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