Script’s Vanilla Extended – The Gourmet

7 days to die scripts vanilla extended the gourmet

Welcome to Script’s Vanilla Extended – The Gourmet!
This mod overhauls the cooking part of the game with new items, changes to vanilla recipes, and adds variation to the cooking aspect of the game!

Be prepared for lots of micro-crafting!

New update!
Make sure to read the changelog and the mod page carefully!

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All of the vanilla food and drink recipes are changed!

This mod involves a lot of micro-crafting, such as crafting one part in one workstation, another part in another, and then putting everything together in one workstation.

This can be annoying for some people, so keep that in mind!

This mod removes the progression for crafting food, workstations, traps and seeds, and reintroduces them with my custom content.

This means I can’t guarantee compatibility with other mods that do the same!
(Recipes not unlocking etc.)

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This means you need to install this mod on both your PC and the server!

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Five new workstations!
Each one is used for different tasks, which you can read about below

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The cutting board is your starting point in this mod.
It’s used for processing ingredients and making simple dishes.

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The stove is the main workstation you’ll use.
Almost all dishes are crafted here, ranging from basic to gourmet tier!

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The bar counter is used for making cocktails, and you can even boil water faster with the kettle!

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At the butcher table, you can butcher the animals you’ve caught with traps for meat, hide, or bones!

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Previously, you could only buy the base alcohols for cocktails.
Now, with the addition of the fermenting barrel, you can also craft them yourself!

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Have you ever gotten tired of chasing animals for that sweet raw meat?
With the animal traps, life should be much easier now!
Just place them down, and after an hour in real life, they will be lootable.
After looting, the traps will reset to their original position.

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Bees! Bees! Beeeeees!
The beehive will generate honey—that’s it.
(It requires bees and a queen bee to craft, which you can obtain from tree stumps.
The drop chance is similar to honey.)
(It works the same as the traps.)

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Similar to the beehive, it will generate eggs and feathers.
It requires chickens to craft, which you obtain from the traps.
Again, it works the same way as the traps.

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For the farmer in you, I’ve included a variety of new seeds to plant and harvest, including trees for apples, oranges, limes, and olives! (You have to chop the trees for the harvest)
btw, crops reset to their seeds after harvesting, so no need to replant.

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Yes, you read that right—custom icons for my workstations!
Previously, they were a bit of a mess, but now I’ve organized everything into groups, starting with raw ingredients, moving through processed ingredients, and up to complex and gourmet dishes!

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Version 1.5

  • added recipe for milk
  • added missing rum recipe
  • fix some buff & localization issues
  • added 3 new storage container (refrigerator, beverage refrigerator, liquor shelf)
Previous Updates

Version 1.4.1

  • fixed cutting board not displaying Sashimi etc.
  • removed compost bin from requiring the workbench to craft it (can now be crafted in inventory)
  • added animal fat to the butcher table recipes
  • fixed typo in the recipes.xml

Version 1.4

  • added compost bin
  • added new item: Compost (crafted in compost bin)
  • removed vanilla recipe for farmplot and added it with mine that requires compost
  • added various recipes for compost
  • changed some crop models and tree models
  • temporarily removed the recipe and loot table for “Bucco Sour” & “Coffee de Klutz” until I can make it so it won’t stack with vanilla candy

Version 1.3

  • added new workstation – fermenting barrel
  • added new tool for bar counter – juicer
  • added new seeds for crops – soybeans, pineapple, mint, rice
  • added new seeds for trees – orange, apple, lime, olive
  • added a few new food items and cocktails
  • added recipes for some existing items like orange juice etc.
  • added new crafting categories for my workstations with custom icons
  • organized the crafting recipes with the categories
  • buffed almost all food and drink items to give more food or water
  • changed a few recipes to work with my new additions
  • reduced the icon sizes so there shouldn’t be issues with icons not loading anymore

Version 1.2.1

  • moved unlock level for traps to 15 (previous 40)
  • moved unlock level for butcher table to 15 (previous 40)
  • added a recipe for raw pork in the butcher table

Version 1.2

  • Added new traps (Chicken, Boar, Deer)
  • Added a chicken coop
  • Added new food and items
  • Added new decoration pieces as a thank you to the people who tested this mod for me
  • Added a new workstation: butcher table (used to skin the animals from the traps)
  • removed the function that seeds can be planted on any terrain (kinda made farmplots useless lul)

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This mod is a user-created modification (“mod”) for the game 7 Days to Die.
By downloading and using this mod, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:
Third-Party Modification: This mod is not created, endorsed, or supported by the developers of 7 Days to Die, The Fun Pimps.
It is a third-party creation and is not affiliated with the official game in any way.
Use at Your Own Risk: The mod is provided “as is” and the creators make no guarantees or warranties regarding its functionality, compatibility, or safety.
Use this mod at your own risk, and understand that it may impact the stability or performance of your game.
Backup Your Data: Before installing any mod, it is recommended to back up your game data, including save files and configuration settings.
The creators of this mod are not responsible for any data loss or corruption that may occur as a result of using this mod.
Compatibility: This mod may not be compatible with all versions of 7 Days to Die or with other mods you may have installed.
Ensure that you are using the correct version of the mod for your game version and read any documentation provided to understand potential conflicts.
Updates and Support: The creators of this mod may release updates to improve functionality or address issues, but they are under no obligation to provide ongoing support.
Check the mod page or relevant community platforms for updates or troubleshooting information.
Online Play and Multiplayer: Some mods can impact multiplayer experiences or online gameplay.
If you intend to use this mod in multiplayer mode, make sure all players are using the same version of the mod to avoid compatibility issues.
Mod Sharing: Do not distribute, modify, or reupload this mod without explicit permission from the creators.
Respect the intellectual property of the mod’s creators and adhere to any licensing terms they have provided.
Personal Responsibility: The use of mods is solely at your discretion. You are responsible for understanding the potential risks and benefits of using this mod.
The creators of this mod are not liable for any negative experiences or consequences that may arise from its use.
By downloading, installing, or using this mod, you agree to these terms and conditions.
If you do not agree with any of these terms, do not use the mod.
Always exercise caution when downloading and using third-party content for your games.

DOWNLOAD 1.5 (425,1 MB)

If you appreciate my work, you can support me with this link!

Credits: theScriptHD

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Kierstal Crossman
Kierstal Crossman
February 16, 2025 1:37 pm

Hi! I really really love this mod, though there are a couple things that I discovered as I played that annoyed me enough to remove it for the time being, but I would really love an update that addresses these issues.

1) There are a great many recipes that require found-only versions of food that don’t have alternative recipes with grown food – for example mashed potatoes. I can only make mashed potatoes with potato granules, which are only found in loot. I can’t take the potatoes I grew and make mashed potatoes with them – it doesn’t make any sense. There are a lot of recipes like this, that make my garden pointless.

2) The cooking progression beyond the cutting board is kind of confusing. It’s not obvious in-game how to get the higher level workstations that food is made on. At the moment I feel stuck with a cutting board that I can’t use efficiently, because there are no recipes for most of the early-game food and garden items I have collected from both this mod and basegame.

Despite these two issues, I really enjoy everything else about how your mod works and the realism it adds to my game. I’m the cook/farmer in multiplayer games so mods like this really help me out 🙂 Thanks for all your effort.

January 16, 2025 8:00 pm

Salut merci pour le mode mais je peut pas crée la gazinière ou autre chose car il faut avoir lu des livre de l’univers de la forge mais on ne sait pas combien c’était 100 avant et maintenant c’est 75. il faudrait peut être le modifier pour le déblocage /75 au lieu du déblocage /100

November 10, 2024 5:45 am

where can i find all the seeds?

Admiral Lanksalot
Admiral Lanksalot
October 4, 2024 4:32 am

Hi there!
First of all, great mod. Love it to bits. Now, I don’t know if it’s just on my end and conflicting with other mods, but I am no longer able to drink from puddles and lakes. I don’t know if anyone else has had this issue, but it’s mainly the challenge that needs you to do that bugs me.

October 20, 2024 5:46 am

I can only think that this happening because of the 1.1 update maybe. It probably needs to be updated.

September 23, 2024 8:13 pm

First I want to say thank you for all your hard work. I love your mod. I am having a problem though. The animal traps and beehive are not lootable for me. I see that there is an animal in the trap, going up to it doesn’t highlight and say it is lootable, I tried harvesting them with an axe like the fruit trees but I only get a trap in my inventory with an animal, which I can then place down again and basically duplicate the caught animal in it (the original trap remains empty til it catches another). I tried taking them to the butcher table but still nothing. The beehive is the same thing. What am I missing here? I wish there was a wiki or a manual in the game to explain it all.

The Last Beaker
The Last Beaker
September 17, 2024 3:52 am

Great! Thanks so much!

September 5, 2024 8:15 pm

hello and thanks for this awesome updates!
is it possible for you to implement somethink for creating milk? like coconut plant or milk from deers behind the other stuff that you can get from it.
so, if you craft bones or hides so you get also 2 or 4 milk?

September 3, 2024 4:07 am

Okay… Seemed to figure this one out. Removed the HD Forge from the game… now all the “as far as I can tell” missing workstation’s have appeared for crafting in the game. That’s quite odd that those 2 do not agree it seems.

September 5, 2024 2:55 am
Reply to  XeroT

My bad, saw the comment just now.
so, my mod removes progression and re-adds it for certain skills, that’s why the forge kinda messed with it.
you can probably still use the forge, just rename my mod to “aaaScript’s Vanilla Extended – The Gourmet”. the “aaa” makes it load first, this way everything else will be added without a problem.

September 24, 2024 3:47 am
Reply to  theScriptHD

Ohhh that is great to know…we just pulled the forge, but thank for that info. We love your mod. I think it’s better than vanilla. Mixed drinks from the bar on horde night woooooo!!!

September 2, 2024 11:41 pm

Hello, We are having a blast right now with the mod, but when do you unlock the stove? We havent been able to figure that out as of yet…. Stove late game?

September 2, 2024 12:32 am

He traducido todo el mod a español para poderlo entender, aqui se los dejo;

September 5, 2024 2:53 am
Reply to  Srkennedy

thank you, will add it when i get the time!:)

September 1, 2024 12:23 pm

I love this mod for the huge variety it adds. Will there be added in the future models of food displayed in the hands?

September 5, 2024 2:53 am
Reply to  Burdog

when I find models, yes. 🙂

September 1, 2024 9:35 am

Подскажите плиз пойдет ли на v1.1b4 или нет. Мод вроде отличный.

August 20, 2024 8:38 pm

not sure if its just me. but the tomato plants or red pepper plants when grown gives me massive fps drops when looking at them .drops me from 60fps down to 20. goes back to 60 when i harvest them though and they are just seedlings

August 23, 2024 6:39 pm
Reply to  soldier

hmm, very weird.
do you have a lot of other stuff going on in your world?

I mean, those are not really..high Quality with 4k textures so not sure what would cause that

August 10, 2024 12:33 pm

Thank you for this nice mod, i waited until you implemented the seeds =)
Can you tell me, how much seeds are now in the mod?

August 10, 2024 7:34 pm
Reply to  orakel

hey there, glad you like it.:)

right now there are 6 (potato, tomato, cabbage, onion, bell pepper and red chilli)

August 8, 2024 3:35 am

Okay I’ve spent some time with these mod bugs and to those who see this, if you are getting a skill issue where it shows — on the requirement preventing an item from unlocking, idk how to fix it lol, but you can delete the progression XML file and remove all of the *learnable* tags from the recipes XML file to bypass it. Also if you’re like me and the forge recipes are broken saying unit_*material* for this mod, make sure to add *material_based=”true”* in the recipe XML for each forge-based recipe between the *craft_area=”forge”* and the *count=”1″*. Note statements with “*” on either side represent code segments in the XML files and should be copied without the asterisks. Happy Modding 🙂

August 8, 2024 4:31 am
Reply to  Colin094

that works. 😀
on the new update that will be soon released, the “unit tag” is fixed.
as for the progression’s probably another mod that changes the progression to, meaning mine and the other one are incompatible right now.
other people had that issue aswell e.g. the HD Beehive one was incompatible with mine since it modifies the progression aswell.
I’m looking for a better way to do the whole progression thing instead of removing the vanilla ones and re-adding them with my stuff, but until then it is incompatible with pretty much everything that modifies that xml unfortunately.

P.S. farming is coming soon. :p

August 7, 2024 2:04 pm

Having a weird issue where it claims I can craft the recipe and am at 100/100 Food notes. Cannot make dough or sausages, is there a beyond 100 food item needed to unlock the rest?

August 7, 2024 6:21 pm
Reply to  Sev

I know it’s an easy thing to miss, did you try to make both of those things in the cutting board? the stove is in my recipes only for “cooking”, the cutting board for “preparation”

August 8, 2024 1:59 am
Reply to  theScriptHD

I’ve taken 2 photos of a recreated scenario where I have 100/100 Food All the cooking stations and utensils.

It won’t allow for the dough to be made here, but if I give myself Dough with the creative function it allows me to craft with the dough. My only guess could be another mod clashing… but I get no errors and it still mostly works.

August 8, 2024 4:36 am
Reply to  Sev

do you have by any chance another mod installed that modifies the progression xml?
because it should also show the names of my items first in the unlock screen instead of e.g. the grilled corn & baked potato etc.

my mod removes the entire vanilla progression for the food, workstations, seeds and re-adds them with the new items and values.
unfortunately i still need to figure out on how to do it better so more stuff is compatible.

August 8, 2024 10:50 am
Reply to  theScriptHD

No worries you’re doing great.

I went through each mod to figure out exactly which one would be conflicting. Turns out War3zuk HD BeeHive mod attempts the same thing is my guess. As I remove that mod everything fell into place.

August 7, 2024 6:13 am

hello, would it be possible to make this mod compatible with Vergil Sparda Various Victuals?
the console shows some yellow messages related to recipes.



August 7, 2024 6:29 pm
Reply to  larry

It would take some time to figure out how, but I can try when I got the time. 🙂