Elite Hunter Patch

7 days to die elite hunter patch

This mod is just a simple patch I threw together to make the “Zombie Hunter” mod by MurluDamn compatible with the “ELITE Zombie” mod by BlackRabbitMsk. All it does is allow the loot mechanics from Zombie Hunter to work on the elite zombies by patching the code related to the use of the hunter’s knife and radiated blade onto them, as well as adding the relevant radiated zombie loot tables to theirs. As they are meant to be harder late game enemies, I also increased the drop rate of Radiated Essence and Radiated Cores from harvesting them slightly when compared to standard radiated zombies.

I made this patch largely because my friends and I play on a server together and we wanted to add in the Zombie Hunter mod, but with the elite zombies not having harvest drops, and making regular radiated zombies rarer at our late game state, it wasn’t possible for us to make use of some of Zombie Hunter’s mechanics without considerable grinding. This was just a bandaid solution I made quickly to allow them to function together.

I cannot guarantee compatibility with future versions of either of those mods, as any changes to zombie names or loot mechanics could result in errors. As the game doesn’t have a proper load order system in place, (as far as I’m aware), I did go with a simple solution of naming the folder for this patch with a ZZ in front of it, to ensure it loads after the other two mods, since it can’t exactly add code onto the new zombies if they aren’t loaded in first.

It should go without saying, but you will need both Zombie Hunter and ELITE Zombie for this patch to do anything.

Zombie Hunter – https://7daystodiemods.com/zombie-hunter-looting-harvest-zombies/

Elite Zombie – https://7daystodiemods.com/elite-zombie-server-side/

Current Version – 1.1.1


Credits: Gamer3427

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September 12, 2024 7:34 am

+1 to trying to download this with a Virus warning.

September 11, 2024 10:02 pm

i try to download but i recieve “Virus detected”

September 12, 2024 3:38 am
Reply to  Eiden

That’s rather odd. Are you sure it’s not just something with your protection software? I run frequent checks on my system with several different protection softwares, and the file itself is only two small .xml files that shouldn’t be a problem unless your computer considers every mod on this site a “virus”. It’s effectively as minimalistic of a mod as possible, and even redownloading it and running scans again myself shows no issues. It sounds like a false positive of some sort, unless someone else can confirm and help me isolate what the issue is.

September 13, 2024 2:50 am
Reply to  Gamer3427

I tried again downloading the File from Mega and still throws me a “Virus detected” from Windows defender, seems to be a Wacatac issue….

September 11, 2024 11:07 am

thanks for making this mod, i would like to know if you could also make other zombie mods compatible: Mickkpewpews Special Zombies v2.3,FKD-Zombie_SizeScale or minibosses by BlackRabbitMsk?

links: https://7daystodiemods.com/mickkpewpews-special-zombies/



if not, no problem!

September 11, 2024 7:23 pm
Reply to  larry

I can certainly look into it. No guarantee on how quickly I’ll get to them however.