Hat Madness

7 days to die hat madness, 7 days to die clothing

This mod add 20 different models with different texture variations that create 149 unique hats. They work as cosmetic mods (same slot as the dyes) and are applicable on any head gear. They are only found in loot (same group as the hats) so they are pretty rare.

The models are fitted to a head size of 0.5, so extreme sizes may look wrong.

7 days to die hat madness additional screenshot

Models ripped from The Sims 4.


1.01: Removed ability to install on apparels. Now the mods are limited to armor.


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Snufkin

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Alexander Orme
Alexander Orme
September 7, 2021 11:09 pm

where did this mod go? the link is dead