Update 1.3
Missing colors on foodCanChicken_Putrid description.
Putrid (Rotten) versions of foodVegetableStew and foodTunaFishGravyToast.
Putrid Water added to CommonDrinks lootgroup.
Recipe for filtering Putrid Water into Murky Water.
Version 1.2
Fixed: Missing description for GumboStew_Putrid and FishTacos_Putrid
Version 1.1
Fixed: missing information on Putrid Meat Stew.
Changed: Canned foods have 10% chance to make you ill.. Medium size meals have 12% chance and large meals have 24%
Added: Color text to the localization information, special thanks to user LordSoth01
Adds Putrid (Rotten) versions of all the canned goods, and many favorite recipes.
Using the sham sandwich as a template these food items will fill you but they are not as beneficial and may give you dysentery.
The food amount is the same but the Water/Stamina has been halved. The chance of dysentery is the same as the sham sandwich.
Added to food loot groups in an attempt to make getting good food that little bit harder.
Some food items do not have a Putrid Variant but many do.
Server-Side only needed.
Credits: Deadalot
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Nice idea. Thanks.