TSR – Tier System Removal

7 days to die tsr tier system removal

This modlet simply “removes” the tier system from tools, weapons, armor

in addition to durability
Durability it’s Durability
nothing more nothing less

Never see the Stone Axe Q1-Q6 again just just STONE AXE.


Credits: KEJWII

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May 5, 2022 8:08 am

I keep getting yellow errors saying that the mods doesn’t apply to things, like the sniper rifle and so on. Quite a few actually. At the moment in-game I only have the desert vulture, hunting knife and SMG-5 that have an tier system attached and gone, but does this mean SOME items will still have this while others do not?

May 2, 2022 8:46 pm

What are the stats for all un-tiered items? Are they all treated as Q6?

May 2, 2022 10:33 pm
Reply to  JJHH

Originally this version was supposed to be able to ONLY crafting Q6 items, but thanks to the help I was able to simply overwrite the item code showing the tier of the item. So I modified it so that the tools work like Q1 * but I was thinking about overclocking to Q6 but for now it will only stay in my mind

May 3, 2022 1:16 am
Reply to  KEJWII

Ah, ok, thank you for responding!