Fluffy Panda 1.0 No Vendings

7 days to die fluffy panda no vendings

A straightforward mod that eliminates player-owned vending machines from the game, including the option to purchase them from traders.
It also disables interaction with trader vending machines in trader compounds.

The mod is divided into two folders:
one for player vending machines
one for trader vending machines.
You can use them separately or together.

Compatibility:This is a server-side mod, making it easy to install and use without requiring players to download.

Extract the Zip and place the directory in your Mod Folder, and start new game
e.g: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\No Player Vending
..\No Trader Vending

thanks to Red Sonja 🙂

By FluffyPanda4144; RedSonja (Discord)
Join the Old Farks 7d2d community on Discord: https://discord.gg/bmYddyFSYz
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“Hey everyone 🐼! If you enjoy my work and want to support me, a small donation for a coffee would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!”

7 days to die fluffy panda no vendings additional screenshot


Credits: Fluffy Panda, Red Sonja

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December 11, 2024 8:07 am

Thank you FluffyPanda for a much needed mod! Vending machines can ruin the game. I have been in servers where high level players get bored and sell items cheap that low level players purchase and by the time they are lvl 10 they are sporting lvl 6 M60 and armour. Our server will be adopting this mod on the next map. keep up the great work you do for the community. You are very much appreciated.