- Farming – Grow Wheat, Apple, Strawberry, Cocoa, Carrot, Cucumber, Leek, Lettuce, Melon, Onion, Pepper, Tomato and Blackberry Crops
- New Magazines – New magazines to find that unlocks new recipes
- Buffs – New and modified buffs
- Fishing – Craft your own Fishing Rod and catch some fish in any water body (Not in A21 atm)
- Ores – Tungsten, Copper, and Zinc Ores
- HUD – Featuring SMX UI Mod
- Biomes – Updated Biomes and new resource pile prefabs as well as Random Crate POI to find in the wild
- Health Items – New items such as the Trauma First Aid Kits, Bandages, Vitamins, Leg Booster Shots and more
- Food Items – New Food items such as Meat Pies, Bread, Pies, plus more. Animals either have Raw White Meat or Raw Red Meat
- Drink Items – New Drink items such as Mossy Brew, Green Tea, Apple Juice, plus more
- Prefabs – Several new prefabs that you can explore
- Traders – Modified trader locations that feature 2 new traders, one specializing in books/magazines and the other sells resources
- Class Stores – Featuring 2 regular traders and the 2 new traders with all the class vending machines for buying goods
- Fire – Fire elements added to game. Flammable objects like wood blocks can catch fire and burn. Fire Extinguisher and Flame Thrower included. Fire enemies that can start fires
- NPC Mod – Amazing NPC mod added that has followers, bandits, zombies and more!
- Followers – You can hire NPCs to follow you around and cover your back, patrol, guard etc.
- Zombie Hordes – All Screamer, Sleeper and Blood Moon Zombie Hordes now feature new zombies
- Bandits – NPC’s that will attack you on site. Will also attack zombies, survivors and wildlife. Mainly found in harder biomes such as snow and wasteland.
- Survivors – NPC’s that will only attack you if you attack first. Will attack zombies, bandits and wildlife. Some can be hired as followers
Loot and Perks
- Loot – Many new items found in loot, zombies, loot containers as well as traders
- Skills and Perks – Several new skills to learn with a revamped skill menu
- Classes – 5 classes that you can learn in game through quests. Each has exclusive recipes and items. All classes can be obtained
- 8 New Treasure Quests
- 101+ New Challenge Quests – 115+ Total In Game
- Reward Cards – These cards can reward you with either experience points, skill points or even provide a buff for 20%/30% bonus xp. Can be obtained at traders or in special loot crates
- Traders – New specialized traders in modded trader locations (These locations are obvious when you see them as they have a different look than vanilla trader locations)
Items and Blocks
- Armor – Full sets of Kevlar, Silver and Tungsten Armor
- Clothing – New Cold and Warm Weather clothing
- Blocks – Tungsten Blocks, More shape variations for concrete/rebar blocks
- Flares – Spawns Specialized Loot Crates. These are found in special loot crates
- Tools – Full sets of Scrap Iron Tools, Tungsten Tools and Diamond Tipped Tools. Also Steel and Tungsten Augers/Chainsaws
- Guns – M1911 and MK23 handguns, Remington870 and USAS12 shotguns, FNScar and SVD Dragunov rifles, UMP45 and P90 machine guns, plus more!
- Melee Weapons – Tungsten Club, Steel and Tungsten Machetes, Gold Tipped Knives and Machetes + Swords and Maces
- New Ammo – 45ACP, 20G Shotgun Shells, 5.56mm, and 5.7mm bullets. All with HP and AP variants.
- Armor Smithing Station – For crafting advanced armor such as kevlar, tungsten and silver
- Blueprint Station – For crafting schematic loot crates that you place and will spawn random schematics
- Gun Smithing Station – For crafting all vanilla and mod guns
- Mortar and Pestle – For crafting seed recipes and more
- Oil Production Block – A workstation that produces oil over time
- Forge – Vanilla forge but only for standard iron metal recipes
- Stone Forge – For crafting stone based recipes like cement
- Ammo Forge – For crafting ammo based recipes such as bullet tips and casings
- Tungsten Forge – Has regular forge recipes as well as the capability of smelting tungsten. Works better than regular forge
- Tool Workbench – For crafting advanced tools
- Builders Workbench – For crafting rebar, iron frames and tungsten frames
- Screamer Block – Light this up to attract screamers really fast
- Coffee Maker – For crafting hot beverages
- Microwave – For crafting soups
- Player Oven – For crafting campfire recipes plus several other exclusive recipes
- Food Processing Table – For crafting/prepping food recipes
- Brewery Station – For crafting alcoholic beverages
- Fabrication Station – For crafting decorative type blocks
- Ammo Workbench – For crafting ammo
- Mechanic Bench – For crafting advanced vehicles
Included Mods
- NPC Core and NPC Expansions
- OCB Pinned Recipes
- SMX Hud
- SMX Lib
- SMX Menu
- Ztensity UBBI and Patches
Special Thanks
- To Sirillion for the SMX UI Mod
- To Sphereii for his Mod Launcher
- To ZTENSITY for his patches and UBBI Mod
- To Xyth for his Creature Pack Mods
- To NerdScurvy for his doors+windows and toys Mod
- To The 7 Days to Die Community
When reporting bugs please try and post with your output log file located in your install location under the “7DaysToDie_Data” Folder. (Please use the support link for bug reports.)
New save game required when installing mod for first time! Do not use a save game from any vanilla game, older version of mod or another mod.
If you are interested in renting a server with Dwallorde’s mod, he would suggest using BlueFang Solutions. They offer good rates with excellent customer service. The servers they use have DDOS Protection and are reliable. You have full control over your server uptime, restarts, settings, etc. They do even support mods. Which can be done through FTP access or through their customer support system. They have direct contact with him in case of any issues so that we can work together to provide you with reliable server! So if you are interested in starting a server, please use this link. Using this link will help support him with a portion of all sales will be credited to him. The money will help him in real life pay bills and rent.
As requested before from some, here is a PayPal Donation Link, any donations is greatly Appreciated but is not required to play his mod. 🙂
V1.2.1.7 Stable
War of the Walkers V1.2.1.7 Stable Update Released!
Should be save game safe from V1.2.1.6 Exp
Update Notes:
- Updated NPC Core Mod
- Added Fire Extinguishers to traders
- Added Rad Protection Schematic as a quest reward item for T4 Complete Quest
- Nerfed Combat Knife
- Increased chance for Debuffs from zombies
- Updated NPC Soldiers Modlet
- Updated NPC Raider Gurlz Modlet
- Added Khzmusik_Zombies Modlet
- Winter Pine Seed Recipe now required Hardwood Planks
- Fixed Missing Icon under T1 Construction Crafting Skill
- First Pass at SMX UI Compatibility (Still a few bugs so download and use SMX UI at your own discretion. A update will be released soon that will fix remaining issues)
- Changed Icon for Workstation Crafting Perk
- Portland Cement and Portland Concrete Mix now stacks to 10 000
V1.2.1.6 Experimental
War of the Walkers V1.2.1.6 Experimental Update Released!
Should be save game safe from V1.2.1.5
Update Notes:
- Fixed UMP45 entity damage
- Fixed HP Bullet Tip Bundle recipe was crafting unbundled item
- Added Rewards for completing challenge rows under progression tab
- Reduced xp cards in zombie loot
- Increased Flour harvest from flour pallets
- Decreased zombie loot quantities
- Updated Dwalls Random Castle Prefab
- Updated Score Modlet (Contains fix for NPC stash button dupe)
- Fixed Description keys on carbide blade and heated rack workstation tools
- Fixed incorrect display type on heated rack
- Fixed Nul Ref caused by some player made doors due to non-existent damage mesh
- Fixed missing damage meshes on several player made doors
- Reduced Loot Quantity bonus on book: Lucky Looter: Ammunition
- Fixed Nul Ref in Cabin of Screams prefab
- Added new WOTW RWG Tile for industrial 60×60 prefabs
- Updated Metro prefab
- Updated Area 69 prefab
- Reduced weight of xp cards
- Reduced price on blueprint papers
- Increased stack size for blueprint papers
- Skeleton Zombies are now immune to bleed damage
- Added Tablesaw and Tanning workstation crafting buttons
- Drop Box now drops itself on destroy
- Fixed Recycler workstation description
- Code Update on all workstations (Missing tags, updated heat map, etc)
- Fixed incorrect loot containers in Cabin of Screams prefab
- Increased stack sizes for several items
- Fixed Fishing Pole recipe not properly unlocking
- Increased delay on flare item usage
- Moved Gears Icon at main menu and in game menu
- Added localization to gears icon
V1.2.1.5 Experimental
War of the Walkers V1.2.1.5 Experimental Update Released!
Should be save game safe from V1.2.1.4
Update Notes:
- Added Sulfur to Resource Vending Machines/Traders
- Disabled Christmas/Halloween Event
- Added Missing Recipes for Anti-Rad Minor and Major Pills
- Added Cooldown grace period for when you remove rad protected armour (Gives chance to repair armour before radiation takes effect)
- Added Minor/Major Anti-rad pills to Trader Jen and Trader Joel
- Fixed Zombie Tracking doesn’t work on Headhunter zombies and Skeleton zombies
- Rad Protection now works for radiation received from radiation head hunter zombies
- Fixed Air Drop Hordes are always same group
- Fixed Advanced Dew Collector and Oil Pumps produce times were too slow
- Updated Score Modlet (Contains big fixes for fire issues on servers)
- Fixed Throwing Axe under wrong group
- Fixed XP Cards scrap time was too long
- Further reduction of ammo found in loot
- Reduced block/entity damage on Remington870
- Reduced damage from most late game weapons
- Zombies Health now scales depending on which biome they are in
- Fixed Badass Demo Zombie damage resistance was too high
- Fixed Sulfur Mine Prefab
- Updated Corn Maze Prefab (Now has stronger ground/hedges)
- Fixed Traders having duplicate entries in loot
- Added Several Inventory Placement sounds to mod items
- Updated Mod Ammo Stats
- Fixed Tungsten Arrows/Bolts sell cheaper than steel
- Updated Mod Guns stats and sale prices
- Fixed Tungsten Baton
- Fixed HD Sledge issues when using a controller
- Fixed Legendary Auger issues when using a controller
- Added Muscips New Prefab “Dwalls Deep Route Farm”
- Fixed missing localization for Tank Convey POI
- Fixed T1 Construction Crafting Perks missing icons
- Fixed T1 Electrician Crafting Perks missing icons
- Fixed T6 Vehicle Craftng Perks missing icons
- Fixed Primitive Armor crafting qualities not unlocking
- Fixed Primitive Armor Q6 Crafting requiring legendary parts
Previous Updates
V1.2.1.4 Experimental
War of the Walkers V1.2.1.4 Experimental Update Released!
Should be save game safe from V1.2.1.3
Update Notes:
- Fixed Vanilla Seeds not showing under Seeds Group in Mortar & Pestle
- Added Farming Magazines to Farm Loot Crate
- Fixed USAS12 Zoom issue
- Fixed UMP45 Zoom issue
- Fixed Shrub, Hedge and Dead Tree in desert being hardwood
- All Dead Crops now have chance to drop a seed
- Reduced Size of Font on Medium, Large, X-Large and Tungsten Writable Storage Containers
- Scrapping Books/Schematics now is faster
- Added HD Engines and HD Batteries to Forklift
- Adjusted Respawn rates on zombies in the Wasteland Biome
- Water Well block now drops itself upon destroy
- Fixed Powered Vault Doors/Hatches not being unlocked by Electrician Perk
- Gather Wood Challenge now requires you to gather wood logs, and updated description
- Reduced Wood Log Harvest requirement for Tradesman Class Resource Harvesting Challenge
- Vanilla Trucks now harvests HD Batteries/Engines
- Farm Truck Open now harvests HD Batteries/Engines
- Vanilla Firetrucks now harvests HD Batteries/Engines
- Dwalls Campsites 1, 2 and 3 no longer questable
- Fixed Nul Ref at main menu when attempting to generate a map from the new game screen
- Removed Several Challenge Quest Papers from Loot/Traders
- Increased chance for Copper/Zinc Mines in desert biome
- Increased chance for Copper/Zinc Mines in burnt biome
- Updated Mining Loading Screen Tip
- Loading Screen Tips Font is now White
- Fixed Copper/Zinc Boulder name not displaying
- Increased chance for Tungsten and Silicon in the wasteland biome
- Updated Copper/Zinc vein prefab
- Merged in Muscips Prefab Updates (Colosseum)
V1.2.1.3 Experimental
War of the Walkers V1.2.1.3 Experimental Update Released!
Should be save game safe from V1.2.1.2
Recommend fresh install due to replacement/removals of some modlets. Otherwise Delete Augmented Quests Folder and SMX Mod Folders ending in _THB and _ABG
Update Notes:
- Added jns New MoreQuests Modlet replacing AugmentedQuests Modlet
- Removed Headhunter Zombies from Pine Forest Biome and added Scaled versions for Burnt Forest, Desert and Snow Biomes.
- Updated Gears Modlet
- Removed SMX Modlet Folders ending in _THB and _ABG since they are no longer required as seperate mods
- Portland Cement and Portland Concrete Mix no longer cheaper than vanilla cement/concrete mix
- Fixed Giant Chicken Model
- Fixed Horde Block Dupe
- Fixed Juke Box Dupe
- Updates to Trader Jen POI and Metro POI
- Updated Trader Rekt POI
- Added Muscips Belt Bag Mod
- Fixed Bug with T5 Restore Power Quest loot reward can cause nul ref/broken selection screen
- Fixed Farm Plot recipes ingredients not being affected by Living off Land Perk
- Re-Added Player Vending Machines (Sellable) now that TFP have fixed the issue with selling to a Non-NPC
- Re-Added Casino Game Token Recipe
- Removed Ability to upgrade Casino Block with Dukes
- Updated Name/Description on Casino Block
- Added TFP Harmony Mod
DOWNLOAD Stable Branch for V1 (4,3 GB)
DOWNLOAD Experimental Branch for V1 (4,3 GB)
Alpha 21
DOWNLOAD Experimental Branch (Base Mod) for A21 (3,6 GB)
DOWNLOAD Stable Branch (Base Mod) for A21 (3,6 GB)
If you need help, you can use this support link.
Credits: Dwallorde
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
how to get a job quest?
can be used with 1.2?
how to disable survivor NPCs from attacking me on sight?
ump45 1demage is bug?
Can this be put directly into Mods? No need to add other dependent Mods?
Ps4 control via steam ?
Not getting full control with the ps4 controller ? Works fully with other mods so am I doing something wrong ? I have the latest download but no way of using anything other than walk, punch etc
Download funktioniert bei mir nicht. Ich habe in jedem Browser stets Netzwerkfehler, sogar über das Smartphone. Der Download beginnt und bleibt unwillkürlich stehen. Mods mit größerem Volumen laufen problemlos durch. Habe sämtliche Ausschlussverfahren ausprobiert. Sogar über dem Mod Launcher bleibt der Download stehen.
Hat jemand einen Tipp für mich?
Dankefein 🙂
bin am verzweifeln. wie installiere ich den Mod auf einem dedicated Server? habe den Mod runtergeladen und den Ordner Mods in den Ordner Mods gelegt, aber es passiert nichts. kann mir wer Helfen?
Good ideas but does not look like its ready for release as of 13/12/24:
Not compatible with the recent version 1.2 update – fails to load and fails to close.
Reverting to version 1.0/1.1 using the beta options allows it to load but not without a infinite flood of console errors related to textures not being downloaded, continuing anyway causes it to fail to load and fail to close.
Tips indicate a random gen world is recommended … but not before trying to load the standard world – probably should have a note on the title screen to reduce guess work.
I can’t seem to find the quests for the class papers iv been trying to figure it out but I can’t …I’m stuck at the same levels
defualt key is Y and is the third tab that shows quest for differnt classes some rewards give levels and papers are found to 5 and then in that class tab is quest ready to claim
When i tried the mod out all weapons/tools and most interactables were really low poly despite me using full texture and everything. Only happens with this mod and idk why or what happens for this to be.
Engine problem. most overhauls have this issue
just press F1 and enter this every time you enter the game world
gfx st budget -1
Try gfx st budget 0, playing another Overhaul mod atm and its also low poly on some stuff
what is the file named .gitattributes for and do i need it in the game
guess no one knows mmmmm
Hello i found one bug momentaly mission burried suplies tier 4 and 5 randomly instant fail after activating on digging place
When I place vehicles they are disappearing. Anyone else have this issue? Any fixes? This is happ3nning with all v3hicles BTW and I only have this overhaul installed. No additional mods.
Hello! the mod is great but i think you should increase the spawn of the brimstone nodes, i live on a big desert and i barely find any, plus their base yield rate its low
el mod no funciona no se maten descargando 4 gb
No desinformes, a mi me funciona perfecto y tengo como otros 80 mods juntos
tiene muchos errores no desinforme en ningun momento, si les gusta jugar asi adelante.
Hi your mod sounds great I downloaded it but have a question. I am not that familiar with moving 7D2die. I have 2 mods I like but they don’t show up when I add them. One is a super pickaxe and the other a starter bundle mod. I wonder if it’s possible to add them or maybe there is a something that I need to do. Thanks for all your hard work….
I don’t think anybody reads these comments anymore….
This mod already add a starter pack so other mods of the same type won’t work, about the super pickaxe i’m not sure, this mod already has several pickaxes prob don’t work because of that
I too hope for a 1.0 release
Hi All
Its not working after the last update .Please assist .
Will there be a new WotW for V1.0?
I hope so, cause it’s my absolute favourite mod.
Is there a way to fix XUi constantly throwing errors when i try to click on New Game for 20.7? Already uninstalled and deleted all left over folders and verified after reinstall. No other mods only this base for A20.
i enjoy playing the mod but sometimes i wonder is there a way to increase the number of custom pois that spawn cause they are the best part of this mod and i love a good thrill of a hard poi
I accidentally deleted the quest of Tradesman. How do I get it back to improve this class?
Я случайно удалил задание. Как мне его вернуть чтобы повысить этот класс?
I moved all other mods to another folder outside of 7d2d but I still can’t get WotW to work. I just can’t loot anything be it cars, bags or chests. No prompt even pops up. Does anyone have a fix for this?
Games loads and plays well. There are a few yellow lines when loading the game. If they are important to the games progress I have no idea. First time playing this mod. It looks good so far.
I have been trying to get a game started for over an hour.I generated a random map but the game is still trying to load in all the chunks. what the heck is causing it to take so long?
at 64 min its still loading UI
IDCcore/IDC v2 – needs to be fixed.
In the command prompt multiple errors pop up as a result due to this not working, and it’s leaving the game stuck on “loading UI’.
Is there anyway to play this without the current UI . it really puts a strain on my eyes and can only play for 30 minutes at a time before getting a headache . The UI is beautiful just makes me woozy and nauseous for some reason. Would like to play this with vanilla UI or aurora giggle fairy UI. Thanks in advance for your time on this.
Just saw it was added to Alpha 21 in the mod launcher. Unfortunately, I can’t get it to generate a map with any traders. Glad to see it hit 21 though.
I cant get this to work with 20.7 is it the mod or me?
i had the same problem, had to use a21 on my server.
it’s only A21
Thanks for all the hard work! Any plans on adding class or perk benefits for bow/crossbow? Was leaving them out an oversight or intentional?
2nd question is there a way to stop the chicks from speaking lol they talk too much. And the mp5 guy always going.. under attack.. and stuff. i found volume =1 changed it to 0 but they still talk. channel mouth or voice or what ever.
Thanks in advance.
Wish I knew where to edit to make the soldiers not disappear when you got in your jeep or bike. I had 5 npcs down at my make shift horde base and they stayed there i used them to help me fight the blood moon horde and for 5 blood moons there were fine. I finally got my base to where i wanted and moved them home and set them in place and left and came back to them all gone. they never went into the traders. So i was thinking if there was a way to maybe disable them vanishing when you jump in your car? This might keep them from never coming back? I dont mind if they have to jump follow me down the road I just get tired of finding new ones and have them go awol.
Does anyone know how to just strip all the farming aspects of this mod and make a stand alone? I really love farming on my games and thats all I really wanted from this mod. Anyone?
needs a update
Is their a recommended system requirement for this mod? I have an i7 and 3050ti, but the game with the mod loaded runs like a freaking potato, even on “Lowest” graphics. Constant hitches, lag spikes, low frame rates, etc. What am I doing wrong?
Will this work with a bigger backpack mod and more skill points mod?
For got to add the 50k stack mod as well
My UI is bug,I can’t see day and time. how to fix?
Sometimes the npc’s bug out near the traders and get stuck. Even when I re-log theyre still stuck, only once has one become unstuck only for it to get stuck again in a random location shortly after.
Is there a way for me to fix this or is it a mod issue?
i have an issue with the Kevlar armor.
Love the mod played single player for the past couple weeks. I recently tried putting it on a server for my buddies and i to play but it wont load keeps popping up a bunch of errors. anyone else get this mod to work on a server?
Is it just accepted that this mod does not work currently?
Is this compatible with other mods?
So at the loading screen i’m getting a bunch of errors and then the game crashes. Does anyone know how to fix???
Everytime I go to startup a new game w/ the WOTW mod, I get nonstop errors in my console (POI’s not loading (red text), items.xml cant load (yellow text), & when the game finally is about to start, I get spammed with NullExceptionError nonstop. This is the only thing im running (all of the modlets that came with this download) & I just cant get past it, let alone start the in-gameplay
Did you ever figure this out, because I’m currently dealing with the same issue
This is exactly where I’m at. It’s a huge list of unfound references to the SCore and other xmi (I think that’s what it said) materials and then it eventually hits an infinite loop that’ll force the game to crash. But it certainly seems like things are missing.
I’m looking forward to trying this mod, though. Hope this gets addressed.
I dont know if it’s just me but theres seems to he an unreasonable amount of ani al spawns in a hour long play session I encountered 4 buzzards 5 snakes 8 wolves 3 bears 2 coyotes like 12 bunny’s and 10 deer
thank you for this mod. only one problem, the players tab does not work so no follow-up for the multiplayer… any solution?
I was able to get the modded game running with the launcher for single player but I cannot get it running on my gportal server after activating the mod and trying to fresh gen the world. Any tips?
Everything is working for me except for the fact that zombies can’t walk. Followers teleport to me instead of walking to me.
Fixed it. Looks like it was a conflict when mixing all mods together. Just went with the individual versions and now it works.
So finally got the stable version for A20. Still have the “No Trader” issue. Is it just the quest line or is there rly no traders with this issue? I go into debug and fly about and I’m not seeing any close by at least like you normally would. Any advice??
We just loaded this mod and have the same issue.
Does anyone know if you can change to max lvl from 300 to high in this mod by chance, and if so how or is there a mod that has to be added to do so thanks.
Nice to meet you !
I’m a 7 days to die player in South Korea.
I’ve enjoyed playing the mod you made for years .
First I want to say thank you 🙂
There are some problems with the current version !
1. After boarding the ‘Hind Helicopter’, the character becomes very small and can’t be played
2. When an NPC dies, all of the NPC’s items are lost
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Korean users playing your good mod.
So where are the pinecones and oak seeds? They never drop from trees
Never mind I just saw the .xml file there crafted GREAT MOD Thank You!!
The action skills one seems bugged, if i logged out, sometimes when i logged back in they got reset to 0 again, any idea why?
Thank you
bonjour, pouvez vous me dire svp, quand est ce que le mod sera en alpha 20.3.
Loaded using mod installer and the only things that seem to be available are the SMX UI elements and the NPC mod. None of the quests, items or new traders/weapons are showing up even in creative.
im really dissapointed the mod was updated yesterday but i am still unable to play it as every time i try to load it all i get is alot of red errors appear then it crashes i have used other mods and had no problem and i also have no problem playing vanilla
That is because you are loading the game using steam or 7DaysToDie_EAC this file. Its in the instructions but you cannot use EAC. you have to load the game from 7DaysToDie.exe
Got into the Hind, made me a dwarf
Does anyone know if this will work on a20 as well?
Sadly, when loading into a game. It gets to ‘Loading Player’ then the text disappears and all that is there is the red lines. Then the game freezes and I have to force close it and it almost crashes Microsoft. I’m even using 19.6 Stable and put it in the folder it needed to go to.
I am also having this problem when trying to load a new game
Update for A20 please <3
Hey guys, i want to run this mod on my server and i really dont know how to do it… i know how to do it on my PC… but here i miss the folder “7daystodieServer_data”
Maybe you have a little guide for me?
Anyone can tell me how to make a Bird nest i have the skills unlocked but wont let me craft it im so confused.
why wont the mod work i put into my folder for 7days to die mods and extracted it in the file but its not loading the mod up
Doesn’t work, when opening skills there are missing files
The mod is completely unplayable, SMX killed this mod!
I have several textures missing, i see many objetc in low quality, i dont know why..
My graphics are in high setting
what is the mod size
I have a server on G-Portal and trying to run the War of the Walkers mod on it. But only see the following mods on G-Portal list… Any way to get other mods to show up on the installation list besides these four?
– Allocs Server fix & Admin Map (Newest Version)
– ServerTools (Newest Version)
– ExcitusXtremeV4 (only v19.x)
– Darkness Falls Server (v19.X)
Not sure if you have figured this out or not but I have gportal too and love War of the Walkers. You have to upload the zip file to the root directory using FTP. Then contact Gportal to install it for you. Then download the mod to your computer and load the game using 7DaysToDie.exe not the EAC one.
great mod really liking it
FAO modder – is there anyway I can use https://7daystodiemods.com/snufkins-paintings-additions/ instead of the paintings/pictures on your mod? IS there a certain folder or something i need to delete? thank you
can i add a helicopter mod to war of the walkers via GTX servers
Been playing a build of this on a personal server with some friends through the mod launcher. version 8.0.7 Stable.
Noticed a couple of major issues:
(1) all the added mod armor has critical defence % as +%, but the vanilla armor has -%. So it adds 0 to your critical defence.
(2) All of the items to “wrench” cars apart except for the vanilla wrench work like using a pick on the car rather than a wrench, although they have the correct animations. So you almost never get springs, engines or batteries, etc.
I’m so sad theres noway to change the inventory few back to the default, this is a fantastic mod thats ruined by an Inventory/crafting interface. Just one look in the trader at the hard to read costs/ mixed items is dreadfull. Will not be returning to WOTW until there is an option to sort this.
I’d *LOVE* to see this updated for A19. 🙂
I think WotW “feels the coolest” when playing. I’m not sure why, but I just get more immersed in it for some reason…it’s a GREAT mod and highly under-rated.
WotW for A19! 😀
does it work on alpha 19 or any way to play it currently?
Anyone else having the perk description not working? Most of them have text but there are some that simple say for example: perkDeadeyeRank3Long2Desc. Anyway to fix this?
Hmm, the Tool and Die Set and Calipers seem to be broken in A18 & v7 of the mod – likely because they have been removed from a18. However, as the graphics are still there, I used the console to add the two items to my inven, and then put them into the gun smithing station and ammo workbench. This did however not work, and I am unable to craft all the weapons and some of the ammo. Anyone have a work around, or idea to fix it?
I cannot get this mod to run right. I have unzipped the file and put the master folder in my mod folder for 7 days and the mod doesn’t load. I’ve then taken all the folders out of the master and put them into the mod folder and I get the correct splash screen, but then when I try to start a game it tells me a bunch of files are missing. Where do I need to put which folders to make it run properly?
Same for me with Alpha 20.7 Stable in April 2023, I thought it was because I was using a “junction” (Windows version of a sym link) to point %appdata%\7DaysToDie\Mods on my C drive to D where I have more free space. However, I get the same missing-files errors when copying all the files to the Mods directory on the C drive. After all the load errors, it goes into a loop “NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
I used the %appdata% location based on the Alpha 20.4 b42 note in the “How to Install Mods” page… will try moving them to the game directory instead… nope… same errors.
Finally, created a Discord account and found in the #mod-installation topic that you need to run the game with EAC OFF!
оууууу мы прям с тобой в одну ночь сидели. У меня игра не загружается дальше создания персонажа. У тебя было такое?
Yes, unfortunately they made an official announcement that they are no longer developing 7DTD for console.
Will the NPC’s be added back in?
Before i added the mod my game was running perfect,after i added the mod the game closes in max 2 minutes of gameplay.Any advise how can i make it stop closing?
I would like to see this update and mod on PS4 players have been waiting for the latest update for along time and we as PS4 7 days to die fans have been patient and waiting for an update of the game. And as we wait. We keep playing the game and hope to see an up date soon as possible. Please and Thank you. A 7 days to die fan.
ps4 isnt getting any updates
just buy a pc
Yeah PS4 isnt getting any updates. Spend at least 1K on a decent pc and another $30 on the same game so you can play it with the new update
Don’t you already have a PC, or do you buy a new PC for every game?
lmao not every one have a rich daddy to buy them both a console and a gaming pc kiddo.
PS4 is getting an update now
Update Support for PS4 version of the game was cancelled because they dont have developers for that. Thats the reason why i swappen on pc playing