7 thoughts on “Night Fog

  1. The mod works great in the forest but when you go to the waste or burnt forest it’s almost unplayable at night. Is there a way to thin out the fog on a per-biome basis?

  2. Any adjustable settings? It would be nice to be able to make it less dense so it isn’t so obvious and thick indoors(unrealistic), as I’m assuming that can’t be helped.

    1. Change the second value in the bracket (0.40) to a higher number. With this mod you can set the weather but I think there is another file which controls the weather as by default we can have a fog in the game from time to time. I tried looking in gameevents.xml but couldn’t find anything about weather change events.

  3. I like the idea of this one, and have put it on my server.
    But the players had a few ideas, maybe make it random, that it doesn’t happen every night.
    Also they said ( I didn’t test this one) that when they are flying they cant see anything.

    But other than that I love it, makes night time much more creeper especially when you hear the zeds but can see them.

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