Better Cement

7 days to die better cement, 7 days to die building materials

Reworks the way concrete is created. It never made sense to Donovan why you had to smelt stone to make cement mix, so he fixed that.

  • The forge no longer creates cement mix, instead…
  • Craft cement mix directly in the cement mixer with equal parts of sand and clay.
  • Concrete no longer requires sand, just cement mix and small rocks.


  • (new) Convert to Game Version 1.2
  • Updates for game version v1.1b14
  • Updated for V1.0.
  • Update better cement for A21.1
  • Updates better cement to lower the material requirements on Cement


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Credits: Donovan

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May 12, 2022 12:32 am

Cement in mixer is way too slow at making cement.

February 7, 2022 3:02 am

Yeah man, what Justarandomdude said…

Cement is made by putting crushed limestone in a kiln or furnace to activate it. It is then mixed with water, gravel, and sand. Add in ash (Pummice) or other materials to change it’s properties a bit, but no clay. The forged cement is actually one of the more realistic features of the game imo.

February 26, 2020 9:47 pm

Cement actually goes to a furnace, at around 1400 Celsius(2550 Fahrenheit). The main component is limestone(though clay is actually a big part of the composition too).
Also concrete mix uses sand.. And a lot of it..
If the aim is to make it more realistic then the only change I’d apply to it is making clay necessary on the Cement recipe, the rest is as accurate as it can get with the actual game resources we have.

February 6, 2022 8:24 pm
