Sam’s Storage Stuff
Adds lockable storage containers – desks, lockers, fridges, cupboards and cabinets etc. These can be locked in the same way that chests and boxes can, …
Top Community Mods
7 Days to Die Decoration Mods
Adds lockable storage containers – desks, lockers, fridges, cupboards and cabinets etc. These can be locked in the same way that chests and boxes can, …
This mod allows you to craft all posters, paintings and pictures in the game. You can also pick up all posters/paintings/pictures in POIs. Now you …
This mod allows you to craft all flags in the game. You can take back the wall flags you placed. You can also pick up …
Secure ‘n’ Rolling Doors for your Safespace. It help to protect you if the Horde knocks, and say “Hello” :D. My mods are all Server …
Create American Flagpole at workbench. DOWNLOAD (2 KB) The forum topic of the mod is here. Credits: pahbi
Hello. You can make all kinds of lamps in the game, but you have to read 25 electrical books to open them. You can also …
Like many, I was disappointed to discover only a handful of the new doors were craft able. I also noted a few other things about …
Adds Zombie Tramp POI PlaceHolders and Zugi Art. Changelog DOWNLOAD (19 MB) If you appreciate War3zuk’s work and you want to show support, use this …
Adds recipes to some deco pieces in the game. Rough list are: May add more to it later on. DOWNLOAD (152 KB) Credits: vsxg SONIC
Adds Craftable steel strength clear glass blocks! Introducing Palladium Glass! Craft Clear Steel Strength Glass Blocks! This mod add strong craft-able in the forge blocks. …