Adds a HD Pump Jack.
- (new) Updated for V1.0.
- Updated for A21.
- Updated for A20.
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Credits: War3zuk
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I am using this in in the War3suk AIO mod and the loot is anorexic.
With 10 pumps going, when I am doing, I have never came away with a full stack of 6000 of any one item.
I finally made a mod than increased the loot amounts of most items and added a few other items. Look in loot.xml at the entry for the “HDPumpJackF” lootcontainer , you can change teh values of returned items as well as add and delete loot items.
Thanks for the Thanks for the instructions. Can you tell me which value in the loot.xml stands for what or what does it influence? Thanks
I cant loot the barrels … I placed multiple ones they work just fine they do make barrels but you cant open or interract with them other than breaking the barrel with a pick/weapon w/e . Im on 21.1 b16 . Also using ravenhearst mod so i did add some resources to the pump( copper zinc etc ) and it worked on previous 7day version with no issue.
My pump jacks work but after a couple lootings the barrel just stops producing anything.. Is this by design?? So ive been just making new ones . cant repair them and you cannot destroy the old ones with a pick axe or auger.. So we just dig under them an they self destroy..
Is the durability 0/300?
I have been destroying them by marking the area with the Z key in admin mode and then hitting X, but that destroys adjacent things too. I have 7 bad ones on one server in a row of 20.
Thanks for the suggestion to dig under them to destroy them.
une maj de prevue pour la A20 ??? ce mods me manque
I can’t use it…..after i placed this pump mod,i can’t see anything but only sound when i log in sever…..
It has a new graphic model, you probably have to install on the client and the server.
Nice looking pump, but it dont work, nothing to loot or access even after 2 weeks.
hi, how i download this file?
Seems to be an issue with it. The pump is placed and spawns a red barrel after a while, though the barrel is not a lootable object. I’ve also received this console error.
WRN XML patch for “loot.xml” from mod “War3zuk HD Pump Jack” did not apply: <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupBirdNestMain']"
I do not see this anywhere in the loot.xml file.
yeah, how to use the pump jack?
Am I missing something in order to get the pump to work? I’ve placed it on both regular ground and an exposed iron vein assuming I might just have to wait some time for it to fill, but I still cannot access any sort of inventory or output slot on the pump.
I am having the same issue.
amazing work! totally fun, adds to immersion and has virtually no issues.
want to explain how it worked?