This is a review mod based on the mod (Your End) and as the author I bring you some new functions that it has and surely it will be available later, but remember that they are only appearance functions and surely later I will also bring for those who They only want a change in appearance and not increase as more slots, simply with the amount of inventory slots of 7 days to die that it brings by default and so when they want to eliminate it it does not cause any problem.
The mod will bring updates little by little, because the appearance still needs to be modified a lot and suggestions will also be accepted and those who want the mod for a project will have to request it through discord and I will read it when it is available.
This mod still has features not enabled so that will only be available to modders who have projects as review mods, and additionally compatibility with Quartz could also be added.
- The mod comes in English, Spanish, German
- The appearance was slightly customized to the blue color (you can customize the color but it will require permission from the author)
- Inventory has 66 slots
- Added 3 slots to the entrance of the forge
- Tickets to craft have 6 slots
- The type of material (scrapping) was added to the description of any article
- Added what ammunition uses each weapon descriptions
- It was added with which kit each weapon or tool is repaired, it will only be seen if it is in your inventory or chests.
- Extra functions were added to ingredients, when you have enough quantity it will turn green and if not it will be red.
Remember not to use this mod in the new version of the mod (Your End) that will be available very soon. May not be compatible with some hotfix mods that modified the appearance.
Permissions and license in the mod folder.
Patch Notes 3.0.1
- Each mod is independent of the other.
- Now it can be installed and deleted instantly, without delay.
- 4 new mods were added.
Previous Updates
Patch Notes 3.0.0
- Remember when installing mods from the menu, restart the game.
- Activate the menu music and put your favorite music to the Music folder (The format or name no longer matters)
- Now you decide what to install, there are mods that change the color, between green and black.
- The mods of the menu, work without having to install the (MOD GAME UI).
- Mods installed from the menu are only for the server.
- Now all mods can be installed.
- First test in 7 days to die 1.2(b27).
Patch Notes 2.0.9
- Update backpack patches.
- 7DTD style slot lock return.
- Classic header return.
Patch Notes 2.0.8
- Statistics were added to Crafting info window.
- Fixed bug in empty info window.
- Fixed bug in game menu window.
- Background of books was added to the center window.
- Shared missions window has been revanped.
- Map window has been edited.
- (Quest Poi Preview (Update)) available for download
- First test in 7 days to die 1.1(b14)
Patch Notes 2.0.7
- Now you skip the news window.
- First test in 7 days to die 1.0(b333).
- Improvemets were made to the interface.
- (Quest Poi Preview) is included.
- And more…
Patch Notes 2.0.6
- (Ramos_Xui) Now it only comes in a version.
- The descriptions of the items is modified its size (so that it is best read).
Patch Notes 2.0.5
- It is released (0-Dcore (XMR_Core)) so that any interface mods creator can use it (always respecting the license)
- The recipe tracking icon did not appear on the recipe list (solved)
- The initial mission icon did not appear on the recipe list (solved)
- The recipe tracker was modified (with XMR_Core)
Patch Notes 2.0.4
- The Mod window was corrected (when pressing ESC the window disappeared)
- Changed the inventory controller to 0-DCore(XMR_Core)
- Fixed bug when locking inventory slots.
Patch Notes 2.0.3
- Changed controller color when locking inventory slots.
- Modifiers icon was added to the windows (vendor, recipe list, reward) (the game did not have it)
Patch Notes 2.0.2
- Added more mods (so you can download them from the menu)
- Added color when blocking inventory slots
- Improved the player window when pressing (B)
- Seller reward window improved
- Added a window to put your patch notes for those who have (review mods)
- Added 0-DCore(XMR_Core) to improve and replace some things that cannot be done.
If you appreciate Djtriplexmr’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.
If you need help, you can use this support link.
Credits: Djtriplexmr
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
error when craft salvage tools in workstation and red code spam never stop. can’t do everything only press alt+f4.
log client error code in this situation.
I didn’t receive a single report of that type, that makes me think that you are using other mods that modify the workspace UI, and sharing the error here is uncomfortable to read, please post it on discord with screenshots of the error and the player.txt.
I like this ui , only thing i really don’t like is that nowhere it’s showing the xp you get from killing a zombie or from harvesting.
Hola a todos. Primero quiero decir que me encanta la interfaz gráfica de usuario de Ramos. La usaré en cualquier partida futura.
Mi pregunta está relacionada con su uso en un servidor. Mi amigo tiene un servidor Linux dedicado para que juguemos. Quiero que usemos la interfaz gráfica de usuario de Ramos en nuestro juego. ¿Funcionará? Si es así, ¿hay algo que deba decirle que haga de manera diferente a lo que normalmente haríamos?
Sé que cuando la instalé en mi juego de casa, simplemente instalé un mod y luego elegí los mods que quería usar después de reiniciar. No estoy seguro de cómo funciona esto en un servidor Linux. Le envío un archivo zip de todos los archivos en mi carpeta de mods (incluidos los 6 o 7 de Ramos). ¿Funcionará si simplemente los coloca en la carpeta de mods tal como están?
Cualquier ayuda será muy apreciada.
Hello All. I want to first say that I love the Ramos XUI. I will be using it in any future playthrough.
My question is related to using it on a server. My friend is running a dedicated linux server for us to play on. I want us to use Ramos XUI in our game. Will it work and if so is there anything I need to tell him to do differently than we would normally do?
I know when I installed it in my home game I just installed the one mod and then picked the mods I wanted to use after restarting. I’m mot sure how this works on a Linux server. I send him a zip file of all the files in my mod folder (including the 6 or 7 from Ramos). Will it work if he just drops them into the mod folder as is?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
This is the error code log
2024-11-18T20:38:18 210.469 ERR [XUi] Error while updating window group ‘backpack’:
2024-11-18T20:38:18 210.469 EXC Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
Parameter name: length
Parameter name: length
at System.String.Substring (System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length) [0x0004c] in :0
at XMR_Core.PatchAddBinding.AddBinding_ItemInfoWindow.Postfix (XUiC_ItemInfoWindow __instance, System.Boolean& __result, System.String& value, System.String& bindingName, ItemClass& ___itemClass, ItemStack& ___itemStack, CachedStringFormatterInt& ___durabilitytextFormatter, ItemDisplayEntry& ___itemDisplayEntry) [0x00fcb] in :0
at (wrapper dynamic-method) XUiC_ItemInfoWindow.DMD(XUiC_ItemInfoWindow,string&,string)
at (wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition.SyncProxy(XUiC_ItemInfoWindow,string&,string)
at BindingItemStandard.GetValue (System.Boolean _forceAll) [0x00013] in :0
at BindingInfo.RefreshValue (System.Boolean _forceAll) [0x0001a] in :0
at XUiController.RefreshBindings (System.Boolean _forceAll) [0x00010] in :0
at XUiC_ItemInfoWindow.SetInfo (ItemStack stack, XUiController controller, XUiC_ItemActionList+ItemActionListTypes actionListType) [0x00417] in :0
at XUiC_ItemInfoWindow.SetItemStack (XUiC_ItemStack stack, System.Boolean _makeVisible) [0x00048] in :0
at XUiC_ItemInfoWindow.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00057] in :0
at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00084] in :0
at XUi.OnUpdateDeltaTime (System.Single updateDeltaTime) [0x00159] in :0
I love this UI but there is a compatibility issue with Tier 4 Weapons from Izy. Lot’s of red code strings in F1 when click on the weapons. Can you solve this?
Im playing wasteland now, its possible to make a patch so your mod work with it?
just finished a gameplay using this ui and i loved it, great work 😉
NIce work bro, will u change the lock slot style to 1.0 or will stay with the actual u using
Si se cambiara
hola ramos bro tu hud es para vanila
Loading stops on “loading ui”, newest patch v1.1 b14 exp.
Not working, when game starts, it gets stuck on “loading” forever
Unchanged throws errors when opening forge.
This happens when going from normal version to unchanged. Restarted with no mods and then went back to unchanged and it fixed it.
Talvez instalaste otro mod al forge o lo modificaste
Podrías explicar qué diferencias hay entre las dos versiones?
RAMOS XUI (14,7 MB) y RAMOS XUI Unchanged (14,7 MB)
está bien buena la interfaz, pero preguntaba si podías adaptarla para serverside only, me parece geniales las funciones que hay por DLL, pero EAC off, no va para server side, tenlo como opinión, muchas gracias por tu trabajo!
Hello there! My UI is 50% transparent!! How can I make it 0% transparent like the picture you showed here?? Thank you!
Hola DJ Triple XMR, tu eres el creador del mod?
Спасибо блять за сломанное сохранение. Инвентарь крафта просто не отображается при удаление мода при входе в любую станцию ошибка
Came across a bug. When retrieving your backpack after death, players have to manually drag each item into their new inventory. They also get stuck in the UI and have to reload the game, to regain control of their character. I do have a screen shot of the error message from the console if needed.
Other than that, we are enjoying this mod a ton! Thanks!
Para los que tengan errores al morir por el momento vayan a discord y descarguen el parche o editen el archivo loot.xml ahi adentro cambien el numero 10,11 por 10,9
I love this mod. The only issue I am running into is when I install it onto my server. It only works for on person. Not everyone can use it. So it is best for solo game play in your PC.
Eac desactivado y los otros jugadores tienen que tener el mod. , ya tengo la actualizacion solo me falta subirla , pero tendra que esperar un poco.
Tengo 1 problema… Al morir e ir a buscar la mochila me salta la consola y no puedo agarrar ningún objeto de la misma ni tampoco me deja apretar escape para tratar de salir del juego ya que me queda la pantalla atascada con la mochila abierta y sin poder usar el mouse
Es necesaria la Dll para la interfaz?
o es cosa del mod para ver “con que se repara”
Si es importante
thanks bro for while your end comes out
Hello Can you update it for A21 this mod is great fr
Trabajando en la actualizacion de este mod corrijiendo muchos detalles, este ramos mod solo modifica un poco la interfaz, a diferencia de mi MOD YOUR END que tiene una modificacion completa de la interfaz y tambien el juego
ya salio la atualizacion a este mod con una nueva apariencia de interfaz y mas completo
hello it’s great the mods can update it for alpha20.6
muy pronto saldra la actualizacion completa con una nueva interfaz,el mod se llama YOUR END , a mas tardar sale en una semana con ayuda de instalacion en youtube, sera un mod completo