[1.0] Vita – Skip Drink & Food Animation

7 days to die vita skip drink food animation, 7 days to die drinks, 7 days to die food

EAC friendly – serverside Mod
This mod skips the Drink and Eat Animation for Drinks and Foods – also it removes the Cooldown, which allows to “fast-feed” / “fast-drink”. Simple.

DOWNLOAD (15 KB) (The link goes directly to my Cloud, where you can find all of my mods)

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Credits: Solvita, The Fun Pimps

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August 16, 2024 11:56 am

“Vita_SkipDrinkFoodAnimation” did not apply: < set xpath="items/item[@ name='drinkJarBlackStrapCoffee'] / property / property[2] / @ value" (line 18 at pos 4)
2024-08-16T11:42:42 229.720 WRN XML patch for "items.xml" from mod "Vita_SkipDrinkFoodAnimation" did not apply: < append xpath="items / item[@name='drinkJarBlackStrapCoffee'] / property[ @ class='Action0']" (line 19 at pos 4)

The game says this for other drinks as well, but I can still drink them without the animation. What is the reason for this warning?

Oei Yohanes Candra
Oei Yohanes Candra
July 16, 2024 10:13 am

Hi Thanks for this, its very helpful.
Could you add skip animation for recog, vitamins, etc?