It’s a bird…? it’s a plane…? It’s a… **** ****! (only men of culture will know where this is from)
I originally intended this mod to be private and for personal use but changed my mind later on.
This mod adds 4 new grenade launchers to the game, and 4 ammo types. All is server side so clients don’t need to download anything!
-Frag: high explosive damage to enemies. Minimal damage to blocks
-Bunker Buster: less explosive damage to enemies but a lot more to blocks.
-Incendiary: decent explosive damage + sets enemies on fire. Minimal damage to blocks
-Experimental: 0 explosive damage, AoE effects: remove radiation health regen and cause ragdoll to undead enemies.
-Tier0: pipe grenade launcher.
-Tier1: double barrel grenade launcher.
-Tier2: revolver grenade launcher.
-Tier3: Drum Magazine grenade launcher.
Have fun!
Server side only
should be safe to install on existing save
Version 1.5
Added a new projectile type: experimental grenade. Increased explosive damage of all projectiles slightly. Doubled block damage of bunker busting grenade. Massively increased kinetic damage of all projectiles when directly hitting an enemy. Fixed certain items not being properly locked behind the explosives progression. Changed a couple of projectile recipes.
Version 1.4
Significantly increased projectile velocity. Greatly increased the effect of gravity on the projectile. Gravity will now have effect on the projectiles after 0.15 seconds they left the barrel. Fixed burning duration of “incendiary grenade” after reading the Fireman perk book. Significantly reduced recoil of all grenade launchers.
Version 1.3
Lowered damage of bunker buster grenade but increased the bonus damage it gets against specific block types. Added a couple of lines in the localization file.
Previous Updates
Version 1.2
Fixed loot.xml file not working and causing errors in console.
Version 1.1
Replaced projectile model with rocket model, this fixes the projectile clipping through the ground issue, but the projectile will leave a trail of smoke since the particles are tied to its model. Should help better at improving your aim on a distance at least. Improved unlocking of the items within the explosives progression.
Version 1.0
Released mod
If you appreciate Black Wolf’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.
Credits: Black Wolf
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.